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Golden Dragon Deals - Kanzler Niemann - 02-15-2020

[Image: ytrocD4.jpg]
Yamaguchi Hisashi's private lounge on board the "Golden Dragon".
The Golden Dragon Casino is a place for those who want to earn easy credits, overseen by the infamous 'Hogosha' and their powerful families. Luxurious and Dangerous at the same time for those who have a weak mind and fall for the addiction of gambling, ruthlessly swarmed by loan sharks, operatives of the Hogosha willing to take any measure to get back their loans from those who are not willing to pay back their debts.

Hisashi returned from his meeting outside the Casino where he met Sanada Junko a Kusari Naval Forces Captain who had the wish to earn a bit more on the side. His private lounge was a homage to his home - New Tokyo a modified screen changed the simple wall into the night version of the city, a beautiful sight for all who had the chance to enter. Expecting his guests Hisashi approached the guards to brief them for the upcoming event.

"Konbanwa gentlemen, I will be expecting guests very soon and I hope you two are will behave like proper people. There are a few things to do before we can begin obviously. First I need a cleaning team in the lounge - everything must be perfect, second I need the bar refilled with the finest drinks and a versatile barman behind it, thirdly my guests are to be treated with all respect, I don't want anyone of you to spoil my hospitality, I am expecting Sanada and Megumi to arrive in a few hours so work fast."

Slightly annoyed by Hisashi the men and women began their work to prepare the lounge for Hisashis guests while Hisashi went down to overlook the play tables and prepare himself for the meeting in his lounge.

RE: Golden Dragon Deals - Megumi-chan - 02-15-2020

Knowing Casino way better than KNF officer Junko Sanada, Megumi was there just in time. A woman looks chill and adult, and while she's having a locker full of cosplays and other attributes of popular culture at home, right now she's dressed in a very generic casual fashion. And exactly that makes her look out of place in the VIP zone of one of the most prestigious casinos in Kusari.

She would even have a backpack with some snacks and soda, portable gaming console of course. And her very comfy-looking paper diary on where she took notes with colored pencils that she's carrying with her to take notes about her day. Each color stands for the separate mood. And while her nickname is often misleading people to believe that she's some awful GC teenager, Megumi is quite an efficient killer doing bloody contracts for Hogosha.

Megumi is approaching Hisashi, making a short mild smile before the traditional bow. She did execute it quite perfectly, but it still quite obvious that it's just a game for her. "Good evening. Thanks for an invite, it's not so often I get to visit the VIP lounge. Any notice from Sanada-san about her arrival? I hope she did not change her mind. Despite her being an officer, she's very interesting to talk to."

RE: Golden Dragon Deals - Yaoquizque - 02-15-2020

The Naval Forces fighter docked at last. Junko had to pay a visit to an old friend on New Tokyo. Past the intense rekindle of the flame, the woman insisted on her need to reflect alone and headed to Shimosa spaceport, where she left that fighter temporarily given to her. Hopefully nobody tinkered with it in that low traffic hub.

Lost in her thoughts, she found herself cruising by Deshima. Heading to the Casino, she wondered if the hosts expected her to be dressed in any way. They did not strike as traditionalist in any way, flying foreign ships and all. Quite surprising, considering how conservative the Hogosha Houses used to be.

She oversaw the handling of her fighter in the small docks of the liner, and eventually made her way to the recreational areas, distantly observing the degenerates having "fun" and generally behaving like oblivious children. It didn't take long until a member of the staff inquired about her needs and directed her to the lounge.
A woman in Naval Forces standard fly-suit was perhaps not an unprecedented sight in this decadent place, but still raised interest in the security personnel. She could almost feel eyeballs following her behind the trendy sunglasses.

Eventually making her way to the lounge, she nodded at the man comfortably sat on the sofa.
"Yamaguchi-san" she said, with a casual head-bow.
Her eyes then locked on the young lady carefully sipping a beverage of some sort. "And this is... Megumi-san, I presume."

RE: Golden Dragon Deals - Kanzler Niemann - 02-15-2020

[Image: 4UzY6qt.jpg]

Hisashi was glad to see both accepting his invitation to his private lounge. "Welcome Megumi-chan, you look wonderful please do not bow before me I feel unpleasant every time when someone does this. Please, take a seat and enjoy something you like from the bar and there is also a gaming console for your entertainment. I hope Sanada arrives soon if she really decides to work for us, it will be a great addition for us. Hisashi took a seat at one of the Sofas while waiting for Sanada as a young woman in a standard Kusari Naval Forces flight suit entered the lounge. "Ah, finally Sanada-san enjoy your time here and get yourself something to drink at the bar if you wish, I believe you met Megumi-chan already, hai?" Hisashi sat down again while a servant brought drinks for them, while Hisashi lit up a Cigarette. "So, Sanada, Captain of the Naval Forces. You have asked for a little bit extra credits, here is your chance. As I already mentioned I need to know something from you before we can begin our business relations. Tell me about you Sanada and about those Forlorn guys you seem to be working with."

RE: Golden Dragon Deals - Megumi-chan - 02-15-2020

"Thank you, Hisashi." Megumi just kept with her mild smile, feeling relaxed and comfortable, at some point, she looked like she just woke up. If her hairstyle would be a little more messed up, then it would be even more fitting to what she looks like. She was just sitting there, not really in the mood for playing. Sipping a weird cocktail of half-cola and half-red-wine. She would cross her legs and await when Sanada would arrive.

She didn't have to wait for long, Junko was here soon enough. Observing a warm greeting by Hisashi, Megumi nods, that man can be polite. Megumi is a little jealous of that talent, she considers being polite as too much of an effort. Though, she obviously has to follow the manners, especially when talking to Hogosha members or officers. Just like now, but still, deep inside she hates it. "Megumi-san? Well, no need for that, I am not important, Sanada-san. Just call me Megumi-kun, please. "

She then leaned back and listened to Hisashi addressing Sanada-san. Her finger runs over the edge of her own glass, woman's face is expressing some curiosity for this conversation. Though, she feels a bit out of place and just prepares to listen for the most part.

RE: Golden Dragon Deals - Yaoquizque - 02-16-2020

The woman took a quick look at the lounge before staring at Hisashi.
"Let's get things plain, if you allow me. I'm not going to help you double cross the Naval Forces or the State Police. I may be seen as a Wild element for reasons too long too enumerate, but this is plainly not something I will do."

She then grinned.
"Perhaps you will find some use working with me though."
The woman made a subtle gesture with her right hand.
"About my past, I am of noble decent, but I got disowned after I left New Tokyo to enlist in the Naval Forces. It was in the middle of Seto war and I was soon enough sent to Leeds system. Learned a lot there. Lost a lot as well."
Junko paused, making some steps around as to observe the fake scenery displayed by the screened walls. Refusing with a gesture of her hand a barman invite to get the beverage of her choice, she went on :
"I was severely injured following an ambush in one of the smog clouds. Ended up being repatriated to Kyushu system. Spent several months recovering in an hospital before getting back to service. This time for the new Republic; several years as a Commander.

The woman faintly smiled.
"Believe it or not, these were the happiest times. What followed was turmoil and the end of dreams. I had to leave House Kusari for while. Ended up working for Border-world Exports as a member of their security division. Made myself a name but I couldn't stay put. I left the corporation and somehow gained the trust of the Gaian Guard. worked for them quite a bit, until it all went wrong. Now I do part time business with the Forlorn Hope, as you noticed. They have their use and can be trusted to some extent..."

She shrugged before glancing at Megumi, who was currently patiently listening, even though this must have been a pretty boring as hell thing to do.
"I run a special deliveries business that gets me some income, but it's not enough. Several toys are gathering dust in the Omegas. You wouldn't believe the price Freeport One's hangar fees are at currently."

RE: Golden Dragon Deals - Kanzler Niemann - 02-16-2020

Hisashi listened with great excitement while sipping from his drink. "It looks like you had an interesting life Sanada-san, I also would never expect you to sell out your friends to us since I wouldn't do the same with mine." Hisashi finished his drink and waved the waiter over to clear the desk. "So, you seem a woman with many talents to me, why would you knock at our door and ask for a job?" Hisashi leaned back in the seat."Tell me what you want to do for us and I might have a job for you." Hisashi smiled while looking over to Megumi-chan. "Why are you so quiet? You should give our guest a bit more attention."

RE: Golden Dragon Deals - Megumi-chan - 02-17-2020

"Oh, excuse me for my silence, people around here usually don't like when I interrupt when men speak. But if you want me to talk, then sure... " Megumi glanced at Junko, learning some things from what she had heard at least. "Excuse me, I am not aware of your previous conversation or plans. Forgive me for my ignorance. I would be really happy if Sanada-san ends up working with us. I still cannot appreciate your connections with those mercenary gaijins, but I think it will change in one way or another. Besides, I decide next to nothing around here."

Then she looks down into the table thinking of something. "There's some shady business that is technically crossing the path of law enforcement, but thankfully we have centuries of experience that is allowing us to co-exist. Keeping things low profile is somewhat bothersome but at the end of the day, it's a very good profit. I don't do anything like that myself, but my parents do and they are very successful with this. This is pretty much the only reason why I am here."

Megumi then taking her bag, pulling her diary and red pencil, ripping off one sheet from it, Megumi leans forward to draw a red symbol of the heart. Folding paper in two and sliding along the table surface to Junko's side of the table. Megumi leans back after that, she looks satisfied. She would keep glancing at Sanada, proceeding with the soft tone of voice."About the Republic, it's unpopular opinion around here. But I think those were better times as well. Yes, some Samura interests and some traditions were hit, but I value freedom more. Besides, I think in all this chaos we sort of had a profit spike. But you know, they won't listen to reason."

RE: Golden Dragon Deals - Kanzler Niemann - 02-21-2020

Hisashi quietly sat there and listened to Megumi-chan before he finished to his drink and joined back to the conversation. "Anyways Sanada-san, we can offer you simple Bounty Board contracts or gathering Intelligence for us, it is up to you what you want to do." Hisashi reached with his hand into the side pocket of his suit and got out a datapad. "Here you can look into things we're ready to pay you for by destroying vessels of the Blood Dragons, Outcasts and Golden Chrysanthemums." Hisashi leaned back in the seat."If you show us good results we may contract your Forlorn friends as well." Hisashi smiled while looking to Sanada-san. "So how does this offer sound to you?"

RE: Golden Dragon Deals - Yaoquizque - 02-22-2020

"I leave often House Kusari sovereign space; it could be beneficial to you if you needed Intel on some groups, let's say, Junkers by chance, or about some location. In a similar fashion, If I came to be aware of business opportunities that may have interested a syndicate such as yours, I would naturally be inclined to share..." The woman smiled kindly "For a price, naturally."

She then gazed at Megumi
"I do not particularly mind your line of business; exchanges with Corsario Empire and the like. I have.. Let's say, an understanding with the Corsairs as well. And I believe we happen to roughly dislike the same kind of people; Everything breathing Cardamine, so to speak... Hunting them for you would be quite natural."

The woman shrugged before pursuing:
"As for your distrust of outsiders, Megumi-san, If you came to end up far from home and forced to stay there for a while, I'm pretty sure a smart person such as yours would be quick to adapt. We're a social species and there is no survival without cooperation with others, be they of Kusarian descent, or... From somewhere else. That sort of pragmatism kept me alive, and I even found that, while customs differ, there is people you can trust and others you cannot everywhere you go."

Junko made a pause as she was reflecting, eventually turning her pout into a mischievous smile
"Perhaps I should take you on a tour to show you Gaijins live, acting as your bodyguard in a way... That makes me think of another kind of job I could do for you: extra security for special events or... shipments, would you need any."