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To: The Hogosha Alliance - Printable Version

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To: The Hogosha Alliance - The Nemesis - 02-17-2020

[Image: avatar_42123.png?dateline=1570034888]
Data Packet Delivery Successful
Sender: Devin Blackwood
Encryption: YES
Subject: Introductions and a contract.

To who it may concern,

My name is Devin Blackwood, and I represent The Nemesis, a small but growing cell within The Gaians. The Nemesis has only recently come to power with the catastrophes that have struck Bretonia. From the butchering of Leeds to the desecration of Planet Gaia, these are the events that have galvanized a newer less passive generation of Gaians. Those who have come before me chose talk before action, I will not repeat their mistakes.

For quite a while Hogosha and Gaians have had a very close relationship, be it due to our shared allies in The Corsairs, or mutual interest in the collective downfall of corporations such as Synth Foods and the total end of the drug cartels of Malta. Regardless, something within the psyche of the people of Kusari has lead to a surprising amount of support for Gaians in the past. That said, it is once again that we need your support, after the butchering of Leeds the Gallic Royal Enclave formed and settled on Planet Gaia, we have been leading a insurgency on the ground and are in dire need of support. I would contact the Junkers normally but frankly I have very little trust for them and honestly all they ever bring is second hand wares, If i wanted rubbish I'd pick it out of a debris field myself.

On to specifics, we are in need of a few things:

The following need to be delivered to Kirkwall base in Brittany
Commodity Quantity
Black Market Light Arms 0/10,000

The rest go to Skye Base in Newcastle

Commodity Quantity
Black Market Munitions 0/30,000
Counterfeit Software 0/10,000
Plutonium 0/6,000
HazMat Cannisters 0/15,000

I know this is sudden, and a very large request from a group you hardly know, but I assure you that we can, and will, prove to be valuable allies. The pilots that deliver this will be paid an additional 5,000 Credits on top of our standard purchase prices.

We need your help, the war may be over, but our fight is only just beginning.

RE: To: The Hogosha Alliance - Hogosha Alliance - 02-18-2020

[Image: f2JwAsY.png]

The Nikkyo Consortium

A new cell of Gaians! What a pleasing sight.

Let me introduce myself, I am Masura Sera. President of the Nikkyo Consortium. I represent the Hogosha Alliance, apparently you know our quite young Alliance already, at least its name. We consist of several different Syndicates, all independent on their own but united by a common goal - to maintain and develop Kusari's economical strength and the strength of the Hogosha further. The Consortium being the Alliance's joint voice.

Rumors had reached us about the fate of Planet Gaia a long time ago already, it is a very unfortunate development for us all. Untouched paradises like this getting mercilessly abused by humans is horrific and just proves the ruthlessness of some humans out there. Your request is sudden, indeed, and I fear that our logistical capabilities are still fairly limited but we will do what we can. Additionally, we would like to honor your decision to distrust the Junkers, their scrap collecting is just a farce to cover up what most of them deal with openly: Cardamine. Beyond this point, the Junkers cannot be considered reliable due to their ill-fated "no questions asked" policy, resulting in them dealing with every little piece of worthless criminals, those who do not wish to commit themselves to the greater good like the Farmers or you, the Gaians do.

Seeing you urgently require this materials, I would propose that you contact the Farmer Alliance and possibly Samura Heavy Industries. We could help you striking a deal with Samura, this would speed up the process by a lot.

We would like to hear your opinion on this matter.

- Masaru Sera, President of the Nikkyo Consortium

RE: To: The Hogosha Alliance - The Nemesis - 02-19-2020

[Image: avatar_42123.png?dateline=1570034888]
Data Packet Delivery Successful
Sender: Devin Blackwood
Encryption: YES
Subject: Relations.

Masaru Sera,

You agree with my sentiments then, their constant cooperation with the toxin leaking Maltese has made me very distrustful of their activities and them knowing much about our own projects. I will also note that we have contacted Samura previously and they made it quite clear they had no interest in working with us in any meaningful capacity. Though perhaps with your influence perhaps they may change their tune. As for the Farmers Alliance, the only cell I am familiar with is the Nouka which I am unaware of their status in terms of supply line strength. However, I am quite pleased to see your interest in cooperation.

I will be shortly contacting Samura once again but I will be looping you into the message so you can chime in and perhaps sway their opinion.

RE: To: The Hogosha Alliance - WesternPeregrine - 04-09-2020

[Image: q8CopX7.png]
Takarabune Conglomerate (821A.S.)

[Image: NQUtSG7.png]

Transmission- Golden Dragon Casino, Shikoku system
Loading feed: 60%, 78%, 94%, 100% complete...
Handle name: Hebishima , Takarabune Conglomerate

Konnichiwa, Devin Blackwood

We are appalled that our partners in the Bretonia region have suffered much neglect, especially after the drastic changes that the territory and the people's lifestyle have suffered. It seems that the Hogosha Alliance attempted to do some efforts of getting aid, but sometimes an older hand is needed to get the job well done.

We of the Takarabune Conglomerate will prepare the necessary shipments to deliver what you need. Be sure to check this channel for updates as it goes.

I hope to hear of your continued interest.
Thank you for choosing Takarabune Conglomerate
Hebishima, Commercial Director

[Image: k3oUTu9.png]

RE: To: The Hogosha Alliance - WesternPeregrine - 04-09-2020

[Image: q8CopX7.png]
Takarabune Conglomerate (821A.S.)

[Image: NQUtSG7.png]

Transmission- Golden Dragon Casino, Shikoku system
Loading feed: 60%, 78%, 94%, 100% complete...
Handle name: Hebishima , Takarabune Conglomerate

Greetings once again, Devin Blackwood

I bring good news. Our suppliers were quick to provide, and now your boys and girls of Kirkwall can count with 11800 units of Black Market Light Arms. Consider the additional units a gift on our part.

You can thank the efforts of the crew of the Bune|Hayatomi-maru for the result.

1 (2950 units)

Hope your projects in Kirkwall and elsewhere proceed smoothly.

May the Fortunes Bless your path
Hebishima, Commercial Director

[Image: k3oUTu9.png]

RE: To: The Hogosha Alliance - The Nemesis - 04-14-2020

[Image: avatar_42123.png?dateline=1570034888]
Data Packet Delivery Successful
Sender: Devin Blackwood
Encryption: YES
Subject: Good work.


I thank you greatly for your deliveries and those weapons will go a long way to curbing the Enclaves efforts on Gaia. However, Guns and food are all well and good but while I can pay for this shipment, credits are what keeps funding rolling. As a result, we are looking into sustainable ways to extract the Toxic Gasses from the Leeds smog clouds. Our plan is simple, using an anonymous proxy corporations set up as a face for our movement we will begin the extracting of Toxic Waste and Scrap and selling it to ALG Waste Disposal. This not only provides a small level of income while also giving us a platform to experiment with methods of possibly purifying the cloud in methods other then the current "Wait till it condenses then suck up the globs of sludge in the center of the cloud" method. What I need from you is a simple request I believe but one that has been unbelievably frustrating. I need one of Kusari's gas extracting vessels, The Kamome. My scientists are chomping at the metaphorical bit to get into the lab and see if we cannot use that to harvest the gasses from the Leeds Clouds more efficiently then the previously stated methods.

Believe me, if you can get me that ship, you will be well rewarded.

RE: To: The Hogosha Alliance - WesternPeregrine - 04-24-2020

[Image: q8CopX7.png]
Takarabune Conglomerate (821A.S.)

[Image: NQUtSG7.png]

Transmission- Golden Dragon Casino, Shikoku system
Loading feed: 60%, 78%, 94%, 100% complete...
Handle name: Hebishima , Takarabune Conglomerate

Greetings once again, Devin Blackwood

I have news. Our shipments got delayed by troubles near our area of operations, but we managed to do the shipment of the requested plutonium to Skye base.

1 (2900 units)
2 (3700 units)

We will continue our efforts to have the remaining cargo delivered soon.

As for the Kamome request, I'll have a look at it. I'm sure any commercial firm worth their salt in Kusari would be able to acquire one, even if not in the gas business...

May the Fortunes Bless your path
Hebishima, Commercial Director

[Image: k3oUTu9.png]

RE: To: The Hogosha Alliance - The Nemesis - 04-24-2020

[Image: avatar_42123.png?dateline=1570034888]
Data Packet Delivery Successful
Sender: Devin Blackwood
Encryption: YES
Subject: Good work.


I am most thankful for your timely delivery. However, I regret to inform you that I managed to procure a Kamome from another source. I appreciate your work and I am willing to compensate you for it.

Thank you again, and I look forward to continuing to do business with you.

RE: To: The Hogosha Alliance - WesternPeregrine - 05-06-2020

[Image: q8CopX7.png]
Takarabune Conglomerate (821A.S.)

[Image: NQUtSG7.png]

Transmission- Golden Dragon Casino, Shikoku system
Loading feed: 60%, 78%, 94%, 100% complete...
Handle name: Hebishima , Takarabune Conglomerate

To Mr. Devin Blackwood

Our company has been hard at work on the remaining shipments you requested. These are particularly hard, for they involve long treks in in a chaotic Rheinland, and ever dangerous Bretonia.

A delivery of 8700 Black Market Munitions has been concluded to Skye Base. Still around 21300 units left to reach your requested quota. This could take a good while with current efforts.

1 (2900 units)
2 (2900 units)
3 (2900 units)

Any financial receipts can be forwarded to the Bune|Bank account.

May the Fortunes Bless your path
Hebishima, Commercial Director

[Image: k3oUTu9.png]

RE: To: The Hogosha Alliance - The Nemesis - 05-07-2020

[Image: avatar_42123.png?dateline=1570034888]
Data Packet Delivery Successful
Sender: Devin Blackwood
Encryption: YES
Subject: Good work.


You have shown great diligence, in your work, and for it a long waited reward. Keep this up and you will be rolling in credits.

Your payment, for all services up to this point.