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To: Rodrigo Diaz - Printable Version

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To: Rodrigo Diaz - Lord Helmchen - 02-18-2020

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Liner Hawaii Sigma 19
To: To Mister Diaz
Encryption: Very Strong

Subject: Save Travel

Good Day Mister Diaz.

My Name is Caitly Cross i am Capitan of the OS&C Red Velvet Club i mostly Fly Adventure Tours for all Kinds of Peapole recently i had some Customers who Asked About a Trip to the Wreckage of the Hispania of Course i am not that Stupid to Fly in to Outcast Teretory Without some Kind of Insurance of Course i Could Hiere some Freelancers for Protektion but as My Grandma Always said "If You Dance with the Devil better have some Deal with Him" as Today i meet one of your Pilots Namly Garcia Ortega in the Honshu System and he Adviced me to Contact You so i try this Over some Old Chanels from my Junker Past and ask what the Protection of Your Group would Cost me and my Passengers as some Kind of One time Insurance of Course i am willing to Pay an Good Price for a Safe Travle to and from the Hispania

Caitlyn Cross

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Red Velvet Club
Where Dreams Come True

RE: To: Rodrigo Diaz - Hokan - 02-19-2020

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[Image: 3dedc4b165e39e104cd4f0e1fc2b037c.png]

From: Rodrigo Diaz
To: Caitlyn Cross
Subject: RE: Safe Travel

Buenas Tardes, Caitlyn Cross.

I can say I am quite surprised to see a comm link directed at me from a Captain of an Orbital Spa and Cruise ship. Your vessels are often quality targets for for my pilots, but here you are asking for safe travels to the wreck of the Hispania?

While my initial thought would be to reject your request, I am interested in hearing what could be gained from allowing escorted visits to such an ancient site. It is after all deep within Maltese territory. So let me hear what benefits Malta can gain from these visits, and I will consider your offer thoroughly.

Rodrigo Diaz.

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Crete should be destroyed.

Benefit of Malta - Lord Helmchen - 02-19-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Waterloo Station New London
To: Rodrigo Diaz
Encryption: Very Strong
Subject: The Benefit of Malta

Good Evening Mr Diaz.

To Hear from You was a Plesant Suprise to i was Woried that Your Pilot Maybe made some Fun with me as to Prove you my Good Will i send Mr Ortega 10 Million i am sure he Will send them to You as for the Benefit of Malta i think You can Understand that OS&C as an Liberty Company cant form an Official Aliance with you but i am More then willing to Make it Worth your Time i Will Offer your Pilots 10 Million Credits Each for the Escort i will Pay an Aditional 20 Million for Your Organisation For the Number of Escorts i Will Take your Advice as a Local i think You know as Best the Security Needs of the Travle for the Long Term Benefit of Malta i Cold Think of that My Passengers who are Mostly come From all Over Sirius and of All Fields of Life Could thell some Interesting Storys About there Journey and Make a Great PR for the Maltese Nation as for OS&C it Could Lead to a Better Relationship and I Could think your Peapole would Need a Good Holiday as any Other and I think that it Maybe Lead to some other Interesting Buisnes in the Future

Caitlyn Cross

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Red Velvet Club
Where Dreams come True

RE: To: Rodrigo Diaz - Hokan - 02-20-2020

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[Image: 3dedc4b165e39e104cd4f0e1fc2b037c.png]

From: Rodrigo Diaz
To: Caitlyn Cross
Subject: RE: The Benefit of Malta

Buenas Tardes,

I have received the money you gave to Ortega, and I thank you for your donation to our organisation.

While I would not expect an alliance with Orbital Spa and Cruise to be very beneficial, offering 10 million SC per escort, and I assume a further 20 million on top of that to our organisation for each escort given? - if my understanding of that is correct, then I believe there is more we can talk about.

Furthermore, If you are indeed interested in basking in Maltese culture and traditions. I believe there maybe some 'exchange' we can participate in, if you would allow professional Maltese artists, cooks and charmers aboard your vessel while they are within Maltese space, to bring a fuller experience, also to allow your patrons to partake in some of our customs and services. I believe the calibre of passengers you cater for would be very interested in experiencing the thrills prohibited by most house laws.

If all goes well, I am sure we can arrange such an agreement with all Orbital Spa and Cruise vessels, and the company in turn could be free from harassment from my organisation.

Rodrigo Diaz.

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Crete should be destroyed.

I am Suprised - Lord Helmchen - 02-20-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Luxury Liner Hawaii
To: Rodrigo Diaz
Encryption: Very Strong
Subject: I am Suprised

Good Evening Mr Diaz.

As i read your last Comm i was from Minute to Minute more Suprised to be Honest all that i Hoped from our Conversation was an Escorted Visit of the Hispania but You are Offering so much More

Of Course the Important Things first The Money Yes i Offer you 30 Million Per Escort 10 for the Pilot and 20 For the Organisation butt i made this Offer in the Thought that You would Maybe allow such a Jurney only One Time so if it will be Posible to Make this an Regular Tour We should Negotiate over the Price or this Could be a Rare Journey OS&C usualy Pays About 5 to 10 Million for an Escort depending on the Destination as the Hispania is a Destination that was Until now only Acesable for the Most Daring or Crazy Capitans i am sure we can Agree on a Summ that Benefits Both Sides

And now to the Part that Suprises me the Most Your offer of Cultural Exchange i am more than Willing to Alow that On Board of the Red Velvet Club if we Can Agree on some Basic Rules the First and for me Most important is That i wont allow Armed Guest on Board that Includes the Crew of Course we Have Security on Board but I am the Only Person on Board Carying a Gun of Course your Artists and Others would have Nothing to Fear from me I Welcome Your Pilots as Well to take a Free Drink at the Bar for the offer of "thrills prohibited by most house laws"I Alow almost Anything on My Ship as Long as it is Not Harming My Guests so if it is Legal in Your Space and dont Put my Guest Life in Danger It is Thier Choise

as to the Part of Taking OS&C Vessles of the Target List i think this is also a Great Opotunity and Somthing i Need to Discuss with My Bosses but i think they will be Interested in that for now i am Only Negotiating for My Self but if this First Tour Went Well i think Anything Could Be Posibible

Caitlyn Cross

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Red Velvet Club
Where Dreams come True

RE: To: Rodrigo Diaz - Hokan - 02-21-2020

[Image: iaITbXS.png]

[Image: 3dedc4b165e39e104cd4f0e1fc2b037c.png]

From: Rodrigo Diaz
To: Caitlyn Cross
Subject: RE: I am Suprised

Buenas Tardes,

5 million per pilot sounds reasonable for an escort through Maltese space. And 10 million per trip to cover the costs of the Maltese professionals you will allow on board the ship, along with the food and entertainment they will provide and then some.

I would not see armed guards dispatched to your ships, you are however in Maltese space under escort. So that effect is already established without the need for armed personnel on your vessel. So long as your crew and passengers do not endanger the Maltese, all should be well.

Your passengers should be well aware of the benefits of Maltese delicacies, we can provide a wide-range of Maltese foods, drinks and sweets. If those are not what your passengers take a particular too, there is Maltese music, art and fashion; also we can provide both male and female escorts. Gambling set-ups with Maltese games, and perhaps we will put on Gladiatorial shows just for your company. Of course, since its Malta. Cardamine will be available in abundance, and your passengers may take part in a truly euphoric experience should they take in what we offer.

Rodrigo Diaz.

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Crete should be destroyed.

RE: To: Rodrigo Diaz - Lord Helmchen - 02-21-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Luxury Liner Hawaii
To: Rodrigo Diaz
Encryption: Very Strong
Subject: Entertainment

Good Evening Mr Diaz.

As for the Cultural and Culinary Events you mentioned it think i have Nothing Agains it this all Sounds Interesting also the Escorts you mentioned sounds also very Exciting Maybe they can Show my Guests some New Things The Future Hight of the Payment is Aceptable i also Informed my Boss Director Seabourne of our Negotiation i Have no Awnser from him Now but i Talked in Secret with other Capitans and while they are bit Skeptik the are also Very interested so they might contact you Soon if all went Well for the Cardamine i have Nothing against it as Long as it Hapend in Maltese Space but i would Offer it Only to Adults and Only if my Guests Ask for it off Cours i will Inform them of the possibility Just to avoid Problems Back in House Space i must Admit that i am Very Curious About Maltese Culture Maybe we Can Change the Decoration of the Red Velvet to Match the Maltese Culture and Maybe we find somthing that can Stay Permanant on Board

Caitlyn Cross

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Red Velvet Club
Where Dreams come True

RE: To: Rodrigo Diaz - Hokan - 02-23-2020

[Image: iaITbXS.png]

[Image: 3dedc4b165e39e104cd4f0e1fc2b037c.png]

From: Rodrigo Diaz
To: Caitlyn Cross, Lara dalle Carceri
Subject: RE: Entertainment

Buenas Tardes,

I suggest we we a trial run first, to see if such an exchange can work for the both of us. I will open this channel to Carceri whom will be able to go into much more detail about what to expect to come aboard your vessel.

Other than that, we can arrange a time and date. And the payments before-hands, along with the route you will take.

Rodrigo Diaz.

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Crete should be destroyed.

RE: To: Rodrigo Diaz - Lord Helmchen - 02-23-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Luxury Liner Hawaii
To: Rodrigo Diaz
Encryption: Very Strong
Subject: Announcement

Good Day Mr Diaz.

Today i Announced the Virgin Flight to our Customers I used the Highest Encryption so we Wont get unwanted Atention from the Houses i Send you the Anouncment

Caitlyn Cross

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Red Velvet Club
Where Dreams come True

RE: To: Rodrigo Diaz - Hokan - 02-27-2020

[Image: iaITbXS.png]

[Image: 3dedc4b165e39e104cd4f0e1fc2b037c.png]

From: Rodrigo Diaz
To: Caitlyn Cross
Subject: First Flight.

Buenas Tardes, Captain Cross.

I have arranged for a number of professional organisations on Malta to take part in your first flight to the Hispania.
We have professional chiefs, ready to serve the finest cuisine in all of Sirius,
Talented musicians and performers to set the tone and mood of the flight,
And a special recitation of the history of the Hispania, and the arrival on Malta by one of our oldest and most famous storytellers.

When a time and date is set, you will need to make your way to Freeport 10 in Tau-37.
There your escorts will take you to Malta, and pick up the professionals previously mentioned.
I presume you will give ample time for the professionals to go about there business, and set the stage for the reveal of the Hispania.
After the reveal, you will be expected to make your way back to Malta, to drop off the Maltese.
You will then be escorted back to Tau-37.

Additionally, your passengers should be well aware that the taste of Cardamine is one that they will never forget, and never want to go without again.
We of course, can give you ample supply of it for your passengers who are users or become users. As well as a farewell package for joining the 'family' so to say.

Rodrigo Diaz.

Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Crete should be destroyed.