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Filling my nav map - Caedes - 03-12-2009

In the interests of exploration and discovery, I am planning to fly Caedes all across Sirius to fill his navigation map.

I'm more interested in mapping places that would be necessary for an Order pilot; Nomad systems, Wild systems, Liberty systems, the Omicrons and Omegas as well as other places that may be of interest for The Order.
But I also want to map House systems as well.

I am making this post to ask if it is acceptable for an Order ship to be flying far outside the general zone of influence of The Order. Also, I want to know how certain factions would react to my presence in their space.

So, what do you people think?

Filling my nav map - kacijon - 03-12-2009

Well Best luck with it. I explored Around 70% of disco in 4.84 But then I delte Chreacter.

anyway It is fun to explore. But Pls don't explore Gallic Systems. They don't like explorels

Filling my nav map - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 03-12-2009

Good luck with that, just be VERY careful in gamma, we have become somewhat cautious of non corsairs in our home system. Also make sure you are in the best fighter you can get, the new nomad NPCs are fearsome. Just some advice, hope it will help.


Filling my nav map - tazuras - 03-12-2009

It's OORP for an Order to leave order space unless on a mission. You're mission might qualify, although mapping areas that have nothing to do with Nomads or Wilde, that's questionable. I would expect hostility from liberty and anyplace allied with them, and of course Gallia.

Filling my nav map - cmfalconer - 03-12-2009

I've got one character that's going to be my trader, right now tagged and ID'd Freelancer in a Zoner Gunboat zipping around ALL of Sirius scoping out routes and such...after which he'll probably be Interspace tagged/ID'd flying my whale (because SOMEONE one these forums couldn't have Interspace flying the Supertrains).

Filling my nav map - kacijon - 03-12-2009

It is not OORP to Leave Order space.

He is on mission. He is filling Order Nav Database.....

Filling my nav map - tazuras - 03-12-2009

Yes, I corrected that the moment after I posted it, although I think mapping things that have nothing to do with the order still iffy as to whether it is in RP. If you say you are making sure there is no nomad presence there I dont think you'd be able to find a nomad infiltration by mapping systems. If you were really mapping systems for the Order (in RP) I would say you would probably travel disguised as a Freelancer or a Zoner. The zoner but is easy because we are allied to them. And you would only do this if you couldnt buy the info from someone who would be able to draw a little less attention in most space.

Filling my nav map - Cyberanson - 03-13-2009

What about changing the ID only? IFF would stay Order, but ID is scientist. Scientists should be allowed to explore and map the galaxy.

Filling my nav map - Caedes - 03-13-2009

I like the idea of Order tagged Scientist... I'd probably have to trade my Hathor gunboat in for something more civilian... Probably an armoured transport.

Filling my nav map - Cyberanson - 03-13-2009

Well, look for the most fitting ship for the mapping mission. I guess you can look at the designs from Corsairs, Zoners, Order and Hogosha.

This would be adequate and you would include other factions within RP.;)