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To: Lady Sarah Mountbatten - Printable Version

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To: Lady Sarah Mountbatten - Kaze - 03-08-2020

[Image: lTjpRB8.png]

Lady Mountbatten.

I trust by now you have received and read the liberal proposal "Swords into Plowshares" that have just hit the Chamber. The Liberal Wing managed to shove that one down our throats alongside the Gallic trade venture. Two for the price of one, they probably thought.

Needless to say, I disagree wholeheartedly with the SiP proposal. And my fear is that these kind of liberal thoughts will keep coming up and trying to trickle in the Chamber using underhand ways like they used for this one. We must counter this. We are not living in a pink utopia where our enemies do not exist and there is no need for weapons and soldiers.

That very line of thought originated the discussions that blinded the Chamber when action was needed. They took two weeks to decide the budget for the Planetary Defense Cord. Two weeks, Lady Mountbatten. Aland and Exeter, even more so.

And now they are actively trying to cut off the military budget when we have Rheinland tearing down treaties, Enclave encroaching and Liberty giving us the cold shoulder? My child did not die for this. She died believing in a Crown with the capability to defend its people. And that is what we should strive for.

Help me, Lady Mountbatten, we must find a way to stop this hemorrhage in Bretonia.

Lady Tara Nelson Reidman Dagon

RE: To: Lady Sarah Mountbatten - Capt. Henry Morgan - 03-08-2020

[Image: U5yUvNt.png]

Kingdom of Bretonia - The House of Lords
Her Grace The Duchess of Westminster

To: Lady Tara Nelson Reidman Dagon

Subject: Swords into Plowshares

Lady Dagon,

I do believe we met at Her Majesty's birthday celebration last year. It's a pleasure to hear from you again, though I do wish the circumstances were better. I have indeed reviewed the proposed legislation. Such rank idiocy, bordering on treason, even, makes me want to vomit. Needless to say, you have my full support in blocking it. If we had a time machine, I'd go back to 641 and strangle the idiot that gave the Commons control over finance. There's a reason that you don't give the common rabble power, and it's the exact same reason you don't hand a child a loaded weapon. They don't know how to use it properly or responsibly, and every possible outcome is a tragic one.


Still, the situation is not hopeless. The Crown Royalist Party still has a majority in the Commons, and enough of the more moderate Royalist MPs owed my father their political existence that I should be able to use the memory of his influence to keep them in line, at least on this issue. Of course, the idiots in the opposition will not rest until Bretonia is sold off to hostile foreign powers, but I think we'll be able to weather this crisis at the very least. Perhaps even long enough for a more permanent solution to present itself.

In Her Majesty's Service,

[Image: rJcHOed.png]

Lady Sarah Mountbatten, Duchess of Westminster
Ambassador-At-Large for the Kingdom of Bretonia


RE: To: Lady Sarah Mountbatten - Kaze - 03-08-2020

[Image: lTjpRB8.png]


Now I understand why George never brought you to the party meetings. First, I will teach you about dangerous ideas. Dangerous ideas, much like the one behind the SiP has their roots in everyone, 'rabble' or not. I daresay the most dangerous ideas comes from arrogant aristocratic unneeded humans, Charles from Gallia being the universal example.

You say the moderates from the Party will fall in and follow your lead due to the deeds of your father. You are very much mistaken, for dangerous ideas, like the SiP, make those men and women ignorant and brave, and how can the orders of an arrogant child, clinging to the ghost of her father, overcome against their misled fervor to do the best for Bretonia?

Lastly, I will teach you about arrogant fools that think that name, birth and station are the pinnacle, us, servants of House Bretonia can achieve and strive for. You and those like you are the very reason that the Commons have control over the finance. Because you stupid weak chinned fools always misused the word, the promise and the good name of the Crown, and with it, the name of the people of Bretonia.

What you can actually strive for, Lady Mountbatten, is to die in service to our House and to our people, much like your father and my daughter.

As for the SiP, I will seek solutions and support from actual people with brains. Not arrogant buffoons that had the luck of being sired by their betters. And if I am mistaken on who you are, like it seems I was when I decided to contact you, then prove it. Not by words, but by deeds. That is how real nobility should be seen.

Lady Tara Nelson Reidman Dagon