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To: Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edmund Steiner - Printable Version

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To: Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edmund Steiner - AlphaWolf215 - 03-09-2020

[Image: mblUfam.png]

*A thick Scottish accent reaches your ears as the message plays*


I'll cut straight to the point here. The Generals Board met to discuss our next move. We are all aware that the Enclave still poses a sizeable threat to us all. We don't like that.

We have proposed that the Royal Regiment of Scotland's 2nd Battalion "The Royal Highland Fusiliers", with support elements from 3rd Battalion "The Black Watch", be deployed to assist in the recapture of vital assets in the region. My call today is to formally request of yourself, that I be allowed to take operational command of Battle-group Perth, to take the fight to those terrorists.

We lost Dundee a few years ago, and now Edinburgh plays host to the ones that hit us so hard? It will not stand, and we'll show them what our fury truly feels like.

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
"No One Provokes Me With Impunity"

Lieutenant General Douglas Mackinnon
Colonel of the Regiment
Bretonian Army

RE: To: Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Edmund Steiner - Victor Steiner - 03-09-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Invincible
To: Lieutenant General Douglas Mackinnon
From: Fleet Admiral E. Steiner


Your request is approved, I wish you all the luck in the world, if you require close air support I will provide it. However, I request that you redeploy 2 battalions to Sprauge. The 15th Otago Hussars and the 8th Northumberland Rifles, tensions with Rheinland require additional forces along our border, fresh troops to support the forces already there would help.


Sir Edmund Steiner
First Sea Lord
Bretonian Armed Forces

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