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To: Claire DeFrance || From: Enma De Loyola - Printable Version

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To: Claire DeFrance || From: Enma De Loyola - Loyola - 04-01-2020

[Image: 09kfN65.jpg]

Hello, I hope you are doing well out there at Corsica. I am still sorry that I had to leave you there, but sadly I cannot dedicate all my life to be spent with you exclusively. And... well, business calls. I have a good news for you, apparently we have spotted the location of your destroyer, that is yet to be confirmed. We don't know if there are still people on board and all. If there are then you better talk to them over comms, I recall this was the plan last time we discussed it.

Repairing it would be quite expensive, but you know, let's say it will be a gift to boost our relations a little. I still have a feeling that you are not taking me seriously. I mean, it's not my fault that your Kingdom has stopped working and that some bad folks have captured your home. It ain't easy to cope something like this, I know. But I do my best and you know that. Anyway, let me know about the destroyer, I will transmit you the signature, does it match? [***THE SHIP'S SIGNATURE TRANSMISSION***]

- Loyola

RE: To: Claire DeFrance || From: Enma De Loyola - Ramke - 04-07-2020

7 of Avril, 743 A.G.S.
Omicron Phi system
[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

Sender: Duchesse Claire Sophie DeFrance d'Orléans
Recipient: Enma Loyola
Subject: Belisama


I'm touched that you've not forgotten.

Oui. As far as I can guess, the signatures match. I could confirm it for certain if I still had my PDA, but that's been lost after the encounter with one of your business partners on Lentini.

I would really like to see the Belisama back, and I'm glad that it's still an option. It's the only weapon we have left, I can only pray that the damage to it can be repaired. Could you kindly have someone scout it and see what state it is in? Where was it spotted?

Duchesse Claire Sophie DeFrance d'Orléans
Kingdom of Gallia

Transmission Terminée

RE: To: Claire DeFrance || From: Enma De Loyola - Loyola - 04-08-2020

1 of 1
[Image: 41AGE9N.png?1]
Loyola Familia
Planet Malta
April 8th, 827

Her Royal Highness
Claire Sophie DeFrance
Duchesse d'Orléans
Corsica Outer Sanctum

Your Highness:

Sorry, atm I am looking like trash and not quite presentable for the videofeed. Pretty sure that guys are already on it. I've been a little bit out of track recently, a lot of things don't make sense in Sirius and it's hard to handle sometimes. Not to mention I spend time having fun so there's not much time left for business, that I've been prioritizing during the last months. But I'm fully dedicated to help you and all and not taking any of my words back or anything. Uh, sorry I just woke up and trying to type up the thing.

So uh, it's in sector Gamma-4 of Tau-53, as we discovered. No wonder we could't find it in sectors around... Lethini? What that base was, well, you got it. Then place where some asshole tried to get us. Anyway, yuh, comes as natural that I will send scouts and you better to contact someone at the ship and assume direct control.

If things are going to be good, we will be able to repair it, I am more concerned on where do we get more man to crew it. Options include using my fellow guys, but it might cause some incidents along the way. Alternatively I could drop the announcement of buying gallic slaves, surely SOME of them would be competent. Let me know what you think, because repairs would not be THAT much of an issue, crew very well might be.

Sincerly, [Image: GVOHPUR.png?2]

RE: To: Claire DeFrance || From: Enma De Loyola - Ramke - 04-15-2020

15 of Avril, 743 A.G.S.
Omicron Phi system
[Image: PnPOy9K.png]

Sender: Duchesse Claire Sophie DeFrance d'Orléans
Recipient: Enma Loyola
Subject: Belisama


I'm sure I can contact Joseph and we'll see if they have manpower to spare. Ideally I'd like Gallic crew to join what's left of them - the current, experienced crewmen would much rather shoot Outcasts than work with them. It'd be safer for everyone that way. I can't imagine you've left a very good impression to them.

Let me know if there's any updates from your scouts. I wonder if the ship is able to fly somewhere where it can be fixed properly at this rate.

Duchesse Claire Sophie DeFrance d'Orléans
Kingdom of Gallia

Transmission Terminée

RE: To: Claire DeFrance || From: Enma De Loyola - Loyola - 04-15-2020

[Image: QpkTsO9.jpg]

Sweet. Less work for me. My boys have pinned down the ship and it ain't going anywhere anymore. I believe it's negotiation time, It's your crew so I believe you will deal with it.

I believe I will work on notifying guys at the shipyard that a very specific birdie will be coming. Should also arrange supply runs, I expect we will need some specific parts and some sections of the ship will have to be rebuilt anew. That's a lot of work.

- Loyola