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To: Rheinland Federal/Imperial Goverment ||From: Triton Expeditons - Printable Version

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To: Rheinland Federal/Imperial Goverment ||From: Triton Expeditons - Lord Helmchen - 04-08-2020

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Baden Baden Stutgard System
To:Who ever is in Charge
Subject: Evacuation


My Name is Caitlyn Cross I am Subdirector of Triton Expeditions a Daughter Company of OS&C I think you know already about our Evacuation from Baden Baden if not let me Inform you we are Evacuating everyone that makes it to Baden Baden and have Contacted to Doc Holliday who will send Humanitarian Help to Baden Baden also we have sent a Hospital ship Packed to the Brim with Supplies the OS&C|HS-Mercy is now Station at the Planet but there are also the Thousands of People of other Houses that have no Secure way to us That's where Triton Steps in. we want to Make a Shuttle Service for the Masses of Foringers that sits behind the Front lines and want to Go Home but have no means of Transportation. to Make this Clear we will only Evacuate Non-Rheinland (Libertonians, Kusari, Bretonians, and Gallic) Civilians, Triton ships are No Warships but usually, Heavy Armored the Flagship my own Red Velvet Club Carrys Mk 8 Armor Plating and most of our ships have at least MK 4 but besides this Armor, we are still Liners and Yacht Capitans we can Defend our Selves against a Fighter or so But against Heavier Ships that Swarm the Skys of Rheinland at the Moment we have No Chance I am Realist so I know that my Ship would have no Chance against a Warship set aside the Yachts that work for me I know that in War Times the Trigger Finger is a Bit more Lose than in Peace Time but as Civilized People, I am sure you Cann ensure me that my Ships will not become Combat Targets apart from that is Triton Bound to the Laws of our Partner Houses and Ceeps like Our Mother Company OS&C her Neutrality

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector Triton Expeditions Divison

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

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RE: To: Rheinland Federal/Imperial Goverment ||From: Triton Expeditons - Claussen - 04-08-2020

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With cordial respect to the recipient, from the office of the VonClaussen estate, Planet Hamburg.

Sent on behalf, and dictated by, his excellency, Herr VonClaussen of the Sternenseegarten, Östlichedornberge, Planet Hamburg.

Reviewed by the pressers and communications team of the #Linus827 campaign.

Communications do not constitute policy declarations unless stated by Linus VonClaussen or a representative of the VonClaussen policy team.

The Von Claussens provide signed permission for messages released in these transmissions to be quoted in external forums and media, including press broadcasts.

Addressed to: Orbital Spa and Cruise lines.
Urgency: Important. Viewable to the Imperials.
Encryption: Moderate.

Linus VonClaussen, the political maverick, and Sir Linus VonClaussen, the prevailing anti-revolutionary, appeared to have very different demeanours in a mere forty-eight hours. Much appeared to have changed within the politician. For one, his is significantly sharper.

"Captain Cross. Or may we call you Caytlin? A beautiful name, Catylin. Such are the small comforts that we must take in heed, during these troubling, historied hours."

"The maturity and sensibility of Orbital Spa and Cruise in this time of great crisis is of credit to your company and service to those of us bringing defiant and judicious resolution to the insurrection. Neutrality is the best decision your corporation could presently make. We thank your executive board for taking the initiative. I am but a statesman. I am paid irrespective of as to what endeavours I make to conserve lives. Your company is putting the dignity of your clients ahead of your own credits, which will certainly be worthy of honour in the post-war world."

"I am not an admiral. But my aids have briefed me that, as Baden-Baden is not a military target, the Imperial government expects that the Federals will not attack Baden, however, in the event of a route from the core systems, they may consider an act of desperation. I cannot disclose the decisions made by the admiralty board but know that hope is coming to Stuttgart, and the misguided battlegroup over the planet will soon be quelled, and the twin jewels of Rheinland, and all their peoples, Baden and Stuttgart, will be reconnected to our heartlands."

"Our official guidance is for those still within the Baden resorts, to remain within their homes. Your clients will be most likely to remain safe if they do not leave the atmosphere. The Empire will provide running updates to private security personnel on Baden, and if you require the support of any kind, we will ensure that your people are cared for. Medical supplies, food, I will personally mandate that our blockade runners prioritise your colony after the wealth fare of our citizens in Stuttgart's prefectures are assured. "

"Courage, orbital Spa. Do what you can to make your citizens comfortable. If you are in need of subsidies to do so, I will bring the matter up with the imperial treasury. We believe that the Federal Republic is selectively abducting those that the BDM has identified as... 'valuable', from planet Stuttgart. There are over ten thousand such persons on Baden. Inform us immediately of any disappearances amongst your customer base. We have no desire to see your client become components of the wider war."

"Regarding direct threats to Baden, your concern, apart from Federal espionage, lies with the Red Hessians. Until the Sixth and Fourth fleet can secure Stuttgart from the Federals, it is possible that the Red Hessians will exploit the situation to increase their regional influence. Arm your security forces accordingly, and let us know if any of your resorts are in distress."

"The best you can do for your customers is to remain calm. As we speak, I am receiving successful action reports from Imperial first responders all over the Rhein. We will prevail. We will weather the storm. Remember; help is coming."

"I will pray for the safety of your evacuation convoys. But we can do more than prayer, and we will. Available Imperial forces will protect Orbital Spa from oppertunism. You need but call us."

With civillity and respect, I remain a Servant of his Imperial Majesty, Kaiser Albrecht, and the Imperial Order;
[Image: yJSGkMo.png]

RE: To: Rheinland Federal/Imperial Goverment ||From: Triton Expeditons - Lord Helmchen - 04-08-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Planet New Tokyo New Tokyo System
To:Linus von Claussen
Subject: Contracts

Encryption: Atlantis Trident

Greetings Mr von Claussen

or can I say Linus then, of course, you can Call me Caitlyn. as for the Matter of Baden Baden, we Are Currently Evacuating all Tourists and Personal that want to be Evacuated, over the Bretonia/Rheinland Border in Omega 7. the Matter of my Asking about the Current situation was because if this War will becoming worst then it already is and I think that we Both are Realists. and know that this will happen before it gets better, and then the Governments of the before mentioned Houses maybe want to Get there Civilians out of Rheinland. our normal Liners are not Suited for a War Zone and even I have a Bad feeling flying Trough Rheinland Space right now. but this brings me to the other Thing the question if the Old Contracts are still in Place, especially Article 3.1.1 of the Rheinland Law that Allowed OS&C to transport Blue Jillies Flowers from Stuttgart. you see Our Customers Expect us to Do our Job as Regulated by the Contracts with them, and as the Velvet is our most heavily armored Ship. I have the Job, even trough I am Subdirector and in Charge of Triton Expeditions. and Just an Hour ago we were Stopped by [RM]KKpt.C.Von.Albrecht dont Know if this belongs to your Side or the Other. and in the end, the Contract was not Broken and the Velvet could Fly away unharmed. but it makes me wonder if the Contracts are Still in Place. I include you the Conversation, and I know you Have at the Moment Other things to do. but this is Concerning, as I said we are neutral. and if this was a Federal I hope he dont misunderstands the Offer of Treatment for Wounded Persons as a Choosing of Sides then we are Definitely Neutral. also as you could See our Chairman Jonathan Seaoborne, has Knowledge of this Incident I talked to him Via Long Range Communication at this Moment.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector Triton Expeditions Divison

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

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RE: To: Rheinland Federal/Imperial Goverment ||From: Triton Expeditons - Claussen - 05-05-2020

[Image: xI8Ce5f.gif]
[Image: k61Y0RT.gif]
[Image: qm6P4H6.png?1]
With cordial respect to the recipient, from the office of the VonClaussen estate, Planet Hamburg.

Sent on behalf, and dictated by, his excellency, Herr VonClaussen of the Sternenseegarten, Östlichedornberge, Planet Hamburg.

Reviewed by the pressers and communications team of the #Linus827 campaign.

Communications do not constitute policy declarations unless stated by Linus VonClaussen or a representative of the VonClaussen policy team.

The Von Claussens provide signed permission for messages released in these transmissions to be quoted in external forums and media, including press broadcasts.

Addressed to: Orbital Spa and Cruise lines.
Urgency: Important. Viewable to the Imperials.
Encryption: Moderate.

Linus VonClaussen, the political maverick, and Sir Linus VonClaussen, the prevailing anti-revolutionary, appeared to have very different demeanours in a mere forty-eight hours. Much appeared to have changed within the politician. For one, his is significantly sharper.

"Miss Cross, there will be inspections of all shipping until the Federalist insurrection has been thoroughly stamped from our territorial borders."

"Orbital Spa and Cruise is a vital component of the Imperial economy. Our law enforcement personnel reserves the right to conduct spot-checks on shipping within Rheinland space both in peacetime and in war. Trade-stops are a necessary precaution to prevent smuggling and the bypass of trade tariffs by corrupt enterprise. Since your corporation is law-abiding, you have nothing to fear. I believe they make for a thrilling display for your passengers."

"Know that whilst the Imperial government has a list of foreign corporations who have engaged in excesses under the Federal Republic, Orbital Spa and Cruise does not have a seat on the inspectorate's list. We will do what we can to preserve the investment of your company in Stuttgart."

"Our contracts are stalwartly still in-place as of the last Imperial law review, captain Cross. Indeed, I see no reason to revise them. The government considers the tourism of Baden-Baden to be an inseparable element of our homeland. Whilst I believe that Orbital Spa and Cruise should endeavour to clean up its act towards waste disposal and commercial diving over Baden-Baden's Coral forests, we need discuss this matter no further until the Environmental Protection Committee has completed its assessment. "

With civillity and respect, I remain a Servant of his Imperial Majesty, Kaiser Albrecht, and the Imperial Order;
[Image: yJSGkMo.png]

RE: To: Rheinland Federal/Imperial Goverment ||From: Triton Expeditons - Lord Helmchen - 05-05-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Planet Pitsburg New York System
To:Linus von Claussen
Subject: Contracts and Enviorment

Encryption: Atlantis Trident

Greetings Mr von Claussen

of course Rheinland Officials have all the Rights to Inspect our Ships. and we are Happy to show them that we are Respecting the Laws of Rheinland. as for this Incident, that happend in the openig Days of this War and it was hard for me to tell who was on wich side. i have seen the Updated Imperial Laws and i saw that our Old Contract is still in Place. as for the Enviorment of Baden i can assure you that we take every Protective matter we can to Secure Baden Badens Natural Buty for Future Generations therefore we are Happy to welcome your Enviormental Inspectors, so we Cold show them our new Develpoments our RnD Team was able to Reduce the Effect on the Enviorment and togeter wit our Biologists we can ensure you there will be no Danger for Badens Reefs and Fish Population.

but while we are speaking i have also a Sad News for you as you know we have set up Field Hospitals in some of the Baden Resorts and even trough we Tryed hard we couldnt save everyone. Therefore we have Several Dead Officers and Crewmen of the Rheinland Military in Cryo Cells. but do to there Heavy injuries and sometimes Serviere Plasma Burnings plus our lack of a Database for Millitary Personal we Coudnt Identify them. but these Men and Woman had Familys like everyone of us. so i wanted to ask you if you could send us an Forensics Team to Baden, so that we Can send this Poor Souls home. there Familys deserve to know what Happend to there Loved ones. all costs for this will be Coverd by OS&C and Triton Expeditions. and if we could Identify them we will Bring them Home so that there Familys can say Godby to them.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector Triton Expeditions Divison

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: mBYdQaD.png]
[Image: yuA0y6q.png]

RE: To: Rheinland Federal/Imperial Goverment ||From: Triton Expeditons - Claussen - 05-05-2020

[Image: xI8Ce5f.gif]
[Image: k61Y0RT.gif]
[Image: qm6P4H6.png?1]
With cordial respect to the recipient, from the office of the VonClaussen estate, Planet Hamburg.

Sent on behalf, and dictated by, his excellency, Herr VonClaussen of the Sternenseegarten, Östlichedornberge, Planet Hamburg.

Reviewed by the pressers and communications team of the #Linus827 campaign.

Communications do not constitute policy declarations unless stated by Linus VonClaussen or a representative of the VonClaussen policy team.

The Von Claussens provide signed permission for messages released in these transmissions to be quoted in external forums and media, including press broadcasts.

Addressed to: Orbital Spa and Cruise lines.
Urgency: Important. Viewable to the Imperials.
Encryption: Moderate.

Linus VonClaussen, the political maverick, and Sir Linus VonClaussen, the prevailing anti-revolutionary, appeared to have very different demeanours in a mere forty-eight hours. Much appeared to have changed within the politician. For one, his is significantly sharper.

"Ah. Regrettable news. The government honours Orbital Spa and cruise in your valiant attempts to triage our wounded servicemen. In the days before the route of the Karlsruhe, our forces in Stuttgart were sorely pressed, and the resources of our first responders were stretched. "

"Now that Stuttgart is secure, the Altenburg battlegroup will arrange its own medical provisions. I will turn this channel over to the Military, so that they they may be able to recover the cadavers of our servicemen. "

"Your bravery will not go unnoticed. However, in the future we strongly encourage Orbital Spa and Cruise operations on Baden-Baden to avoid providing triage assistance to Imperial forces. Your selfless actions may be used as a justification by the Red Hessians to pillage OS and C resorts and liners. Such men do not follow the rules of war or morality except in exploitation."

"If your colonies have suffered material damage from the conflict, inform the Imperial state. We will divert resources to their reconstruction."

With civility and respect, I remain a Servant of his Imperial Majesty, Kaiser Albrecht, and the Imperial Order;
[Image: yJSGkMo.png]

RE: To: Rheinland Federal/Imperial Goverment ||From: Triton Expeditons - Lord Helmchen - 05-05-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Planet New Tokyo New Tokyo System
To:Linus von Claussen
Subject: Badens Defenses

Encryption: Atlantis Trident

Greetings Mr von Claussen

dont worry we to dont wat to give those Commie Lovers a Reason to Attack us. and we Prepare Our Security Forces for an Emergency Evacuation of the Personal. but this will take time and as the Altenburg is now at Stuttgart we feel much saver but there is still the Threat of the Hessians in the Cologne System nearby i know you are a Servant of your Peapole not an Admiral but i have send an Application for an Special Permission to Rheinland some Days ago we want to have Permision for an Bustard Carrier to opperate in Rheinland for the Protection of Baden i know you have strong obligations agains forign Warships in Rheinland Space and would this be an time of Peace i wouldnt even Ask but we need that Ship at Baden to Strenghten our Defenses against the Hessians we both know that we are a Prime Target for them as OS&C is a Symbol of Capitalism and i know a Single Bustard Carrier cant Beat an entire Hessian Battlegroup but it can at least give us enough time to Evacuate or before the Big Guns fromt he Altenburg Arive i still have no Awnser from your Millitary so maybe i sended it to an Old Pre War Address maybe you can send a good word for me and of Course we will Retreat the Carrier out of Rheinland imidiatly after the Threat is Over

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector Triton Expeditions Divison

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

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