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To: Michal Golanski - Printable Version

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To: Michal Golanski - RedEclipse - 04-09-2020

Long time no see, Michal.

Its been a very long time since we could use our transmitters to contact someone instead of listening to the void and delusional strays. I hope you are doing well... And you will able to receive this message. We require Order assistance as never before. Anyway, let me explain what happen with us and why the hell we are in Omicrons again.

Since we left the border of Sirius sector we went though insane amount of systems passing though again and again to seek for our fellow brother and sisters of Omicroners who left Sirius. As we were told, they traced themselves by the beacons on their path. So find the road was quite easy - pick up signal and jump. Usually the convoy of homeships leaded by the flagships Hyperion and Vega has met insignificant Nomad presence and pushed them back. But everything wasn't that smooth. Once we jumped into another system; we engaged long range scanners and find multiple contacts surrounded us. It was the Nomads. Flagships had to defend the convoy and as last homeship jumped into hole... And jump hole collapsed.

We had to retreat back, until their reinforcements will come, scanners picked up a battleship size vessels is about to approach. Nonetheless we managed to jump back into non habitable system and engage onboard jumpdrives to random location. Our vessels received significant damage.

So current status is Hyperion about 68% life support, Vega is 42% life support and hull integrity is under question. While our engineers were able to bring Hyperion back into full functionality situation with Vega most likely will degrade.

We are seeking for the place to regroup, make repairs. While Hyperion requires a minor refit, Vega needs full body segments replaced and powercore behaves not so well.

At this moment we are hiding in nebula in some unknown system for us. According to starcharts its close to Omicron Mu, but I cant risk no more my people. We are picking up some signals but we don't know the source. We will remain radio silence for now, I'll attach our coordinates to this transmission.

Awaiting for your transmission,
Christian Burton

RE: To: Michal Golanski - Omicron - 04-18-2020

[Image: 1Id6eUb.gif]


Christian Burton, good to see you again.

The Order Overwatch has conveyed and agreed on the further action. Transmitted with this transmission, you will find encoded hyperspace coordinates for your jumpdrive to latch onto. The second set of data will refer to in-system spatial rendezvous point which you may use as orbital anchorpoint. You will jump into our blacksite, not too far from Omicron Mu. Third set will be instructions on how to establish a laser link connection with one of our stations. Without access to our internal network, communications from within this blacksite will suffer from loss and scrambling caused by natural phenomena.

But of course you cannot be expected to jump in blindly. Omicron Epsilon, some of your fellows were permitted under escort to visit parts of it circa 818? Use this opportunity to stabilize your fleet and begin makeshift repairs. We do not have a drydock to simply retrofit your largest vessels, but deep space maintenance skills you had undoubtedly gained on the edge of explored space will come in handy. For any material necessary, you are to use Phoenix-only transports.

Welcome to Omicron space and Sirius as a whole again. Once you regain link back to the neural net I suggest to take the news of the last few years… slowly. You will understand once you get the big picture.

Grand Admiral Michal Golanski
1st Battlegroup "Wargods", Black Fleet

RE: To: Michal Golanski - RedEclipse - 04-20-2020


We will follow your instructions as soon as Vega will be prepared for a jump. Engineers onboard work intense to finish off tests on powerplant stability to avoid any possible disaster within jump sequence.

Expect our arrival within 64 hours, if everything will goes well.