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Vagrant.Aion - Printable Version

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Vagrant.Aion - darkwind - 04-13-2020

[Image: E4VL0E2.png]

Profile data: Vagrant Aion
[Image: cv8NUFT.gif]
Vagrant Aion as Anzu life form in Omicron Delta, 827 AS

Entity appearance date: 12-04-827 AS
Current warform: Anzu

Individual data of this entity

It's time for the light of the abyss Nyx morphing to become a beacon of light, a guardian of nomad territories, leaving behind its adventures as a small lifeform. Aion will emerge as another offspring, looking for an opportunity to fulfill directives placed for wanderers.

Trials completed

Evolution Point Log - Current Score: 115

Mindnode communication

[Image: Rl0ozAv.png]

RE: Vagrant.Aion - darkwind - 04-13-2020

[Image: 1ElZDFr.png]

Children of Ishmael - Friend or Foe Part 2

Aion has found an ally

[Image: pxkB5ew.png]

The light of abyss Aion continues the legacy of Nyx, in finding allies and sympathizers to nomad cause.

An encounter which could be usual turned itself into much more than expected: escorting several times the outcast by nomad, protecting from marquis pirate, finding what is friendship, and looking at what would be interesting for both races to trade for mutual satisfaction.

The deal was performed, bringing outcasts desired liquid Cardamine, while nomads get slaves brought by their partners from Liberty space.

Aion and Nyx share thoughts that were gathered from minds.
[Image: RFdBDLn.png]

RE: Vagrant.Aion - darkwind - 04-15-2020

[Image: 1ElZDFr.png]

The life building material

Aion and Aun'el have found a source of silicon, and a new ally was met

Alps Clouds, System Munich

[Image: Yupc0sf.png]

The light of the abyss had great success today. A new light Aun'el started its fly in the void. Together with Aion, they searched for clues to find the source of life, Silicon.

We had a little hope to find it but tried nevertheless. First metal bird said first about not knowing where a big source can be, but possible little ones. 'Optical chips' should be examined for required material, but it is not important any longer, as vagrants were lucky to meet a different knowing metal bird.

Freelancer Henry Cobbs would be held as an honorable friend of Vagrants, as he was the one to tell us where can it be found in a massive amount. Alps clouds in system Munich are having what we seek. The vagrants flew and checked it for themselves.

He was contacted and rewarded in private after that by one of us. We have obtained a means to call him in case his knowledge or services would be sought once again.

Henry.Cobbs, Freelancer near Hamburg -> Hudson JG

[Image: UkD6mq3.png]

We share thoughts that were gathered from minds.
[Image: RFdBDLn.png]

RE: Vagrant.Aion - darkwind - 04-17-2020

[Image: 1ElZDFr.png]

Road to Liberty

Ally within

Raiden Bend, Galileo

[Image: oWwCsy1.png]

Aion continues its pathway to seek allies and sympathizers to our cause. The third time was met a certain officer. Seeds of doubts were planted and blossomed into a small sapling taking root in thoughts.

The vagrant dared to move forward growing bond, and asked a question *Do you consider Aion as a friend*? The pause was long, while nomad patiently waited not risking to move and the officer thought what would be more important, orders from others or a strange friendly creature?...

...until answer "I do" was heard.

We share thoughts that were gathered from minds.
[Image: RFdBDLn.png]

RE: Vagrant.Aion - darkwind - 04-17-2020

[Image: 1ElZDFr.png]

Investment into future

A new sympathesizer has been found

Tau-31, Holman Outpost

[Image: 4sw7eJZ.png]

A certain metal bird was met, which started at first to fire at the nomad. We thought it would be a lost case, but surprises begin to come, as a pilot of the small freighter appeared to be a former combat pilot, quitting due to being afraid of death.

We made all in our power, to persuade him working to our cause, and investing some amount to make him climbing a ladder in a social structure faster than he could without us.

We share thoughts that were gathered from minds.

[Image: RFdBDLn.png]

RE: Vagrant.Aion - darkwind - 04-18-2020

[Image: 1ElZDFr.png]

A worthwhile distraction

Getting friends as a purple jelly? Aion succeeds again.

System Leeds

[Image: JmDg1wR.png]

The vagrant continued its hunt. The hunt for exchange of thoughts. Finding interesting metal birds willing to speak to share its mind with the nomad.

One carried some metal parts, another carried gas inside. Aion was gifted with some of it, but the gifts were very fragile and exploded to the nomad.

Interesting begins with the arrival of the one full of gold ore, who later introduced itself as a former combat pilot of the Bretonia Armed Forces. Aion is lucky to meet like that person again, as the vagrant distinctively remembers the one encountered in a nearby system having similar past behind. They were quite different though in their looking, as the one met before was really small and had ten times less of precious things inside.

Our meeting was distracted by a silent runner, not responding to nomad calls and telling some confusing thoughts no one could understand. The new friend told the nomad in how humans treat ill-minded persons, making to give it a chance to be healed by humans.

Many were coming, may were leaving, exchanging thoughts with a new partner appeared to be distracting for the nomad to forget about everyone else. His contacts were received. Aion believes in finding a worthwhile friend for the hive's prosperity.

We share thoughts that were gathered from minds.
[Image: RFdBDLn.png]

RE: Vagrant.Aion - darkwind - 04-30-2020

[Image: 1ElZDFr.png]

Bystander and darkling of Carrion

Unexpected travelling companions.

System Omicron Delta

Sometimes darklings bring peace, sometimes they bring angriness and wish to destroy us. In both cases today, Aion encountered who can be exchanged thoughts with, and those at the end who disrupted our growth in knowledge and connections by their wishes for power and greed, leading to try shooting the nomad.

A bystander in the void of Creation was an interesting one to speak. He was quite warry in its behavior, but he was not one to take weapons first. The vagrant thinks that memory of meeting with the big metal bird, should be shared with others.

After that, we traveled through the void of gaseous clouds. Attracted by multiple minds onboard we met one who wishes to collect metal parts flowing in the void through darkling homes. We were poking with each other finding shared interests, while able to travel through half of Sirius, on the way to Darkling's destination. Once again we were disrupted, but it was worth nevertheless.

System Sigma-13

We share thoughts that were gathered from minds.
[Image: RFdBDLn.png]

RE: Vagrant.Aion - darkwind - 05-08-2020

[Image: 1ElZDFr.png]

Manipulation and interrogation

The one with pleasant words and blaster can reveal more than one with pleasant words only.

The Void of Creation

Aion sings to other lights about flow of time, successful to vagrants. The darkling's shell was found with big metal bird feeding it. The vagrant exchanged thoughts and compelled the metal bird to reveal darklings behind the shell.

Darkling of Cruelty and several banishers tried to hunt Aion, but the hunters became hunted, as nomad shredded their metal bodies and left them to die in the void of creation. The circles of life were ended for them.

The big metal bird was spared, to serve the nomads again. It used its time to hide in the shell from Aion, but no one will hide forever. As no living creature can escape from the sight of mind.

We share thoughts that were gathered from minds.
[Image: RFdBDLn.png]