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To: Gateway; From: BAF - Printable Version

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To: Gateway; From: BAF - Thunderer - 04-13-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Earl Grey
To: Gateway Management
From: Governor-General Commodore Elizabeth Hall, BAF

To whom it may concern,

We are building a new colony on Exeter and until the fields that had just been sown have produced fruit, the settlers and the workers will need food from another source. The budget allocated for this part of the project is 50,000,000 Sirius Credits. How many units of food rations and luxury food would your company be able to bring to Planet Exeter for this profit? The proportions should be nine rations to one luxury.

[Image: clvpgq5.png]
Governor-General of Exeter
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Gateway; From: BAF - Karlotta - 04-16-2020

[Image: A6zxUDP.png]


In order to make the requested food delivery profitable enough for us to re-assign our transportation assets, an additional 1046 credits per food ration and 1000 credits per unit of luxury food on top of the regular price would be required.

We would therefore be willing to ship 5000 units of luxury food and 45000 food rations for the bonus of 50 000 000 credits that you offer.

Best regards,
Hashani Chandrasena
CEO of Gateway Shipping Inc.
[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: To: Gateway; From: BAF - Thunderer - 04-16-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Earl Grey
To: CEO Hashani Chandrasena, Gateway
From: Governor-General Commodore Elizabeth Hall, BAF

Mrs Chandrasena,

I am content with your offer. Would your company be able to complete it within two weeks from now?

[Image: clvpgq5.png]
Governor-General of Exeter
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Gateway; From: BAF - Karlotta - 04-16-2020

[Image: A6zxUDP.png]


Two weeks shouldn't be a problem. It's a deal then.

Hashani Chandrasena
CEO of Gateway Shipping Inc.
[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: To: Gateway; From: BAF - Thunderer - 04-16-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Earl Grey
To: CEO Hashani Chandrasena, Gateway
From: Governor-General Commodore Elizabeth Hall, BAF

Mrs Chandrasena,

Please use this channel to post evidence of shipment and please ship the luxury food last. Some of it has a shorter expiration date. Also please name the account where Gateway would like their payment, which I will send after the contract has been completed.

[Image: clvpgq5.png]
Governor-General of Exeter
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Gateway; From: BAF - Karlotta - 04-18-2020

[Image: A6zxUDP.png]


The deliveries listed below have been made:

1st 5000 Food rations
2nd 5000 Food rations (10000 total)
3rd 5000 Food rations (15000 total)
4th 5000 Food rations (20000 total)
5th 5000 Food rations (25000 total)
6th 5000 Food rations (30000 total)
7th 5000 Food rations (35000 total)
8th 5000 Food rations (40000 total)
9th 5000 Food rations (45000 total)
5000 Luxury Food

I would like to thank you for choosing Gateway Shipping Incorporated for this mission. The payment may be made to Gateway|-GSV-Mercury.

Kind regards,

Hashani Chandrasena
CEO of Gateway Shipping Inc.
[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: To: Gateway; From: BAF - Thunderer - 04-18-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Earl Grey
To: CEO Hashani Chandrasena, Gateway
From: Governor-General Commodore Elizabeth Hall, BAF

Mrs Chandrasena,

Your company's efficiency is a pleasant surprise. I did not expect you to finish this so quickly. Your payment has been sent. Would you like more contracts? I have sent some to the BMF and to your competitor, Bowex, but I was not content with their offers.

[Image: clvpgq5.png]
Governor-General of Exeter
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Gateway; From: BAF - Karlotta - 04-18-2020

[Image: A6zxUDP.png]


Thank you for your kind words. We at Gateway are proud of our work ethic, and always open to hearing contract offers from the Bretonian Armed forces and Government. Of course, I can't guarantee an agreement before receiving the details, but would be interested in seeing what you need shipped.

Hashani Chandrasena
CEO of Gateway Shipping Inc.
[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: To: Gateway; From: BAF - Thunderer - 04-19-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Earl Grey
To: CEO Hashani Chandrasena, Gateway
From: Governor-General Commodore Elizabeth Hall, BAF

Mrs Chandrasena,

I need furniture, appliances, light construction tools (together classed as consumer goods), as well as building material, infrastructure parts and heavy construction tools (classed as industrial materials and industrial hardware on the market). The budget for the consumer goods is also 50 million, as it is for industrial materials and industrial hardware together, in total 100 million. The ratio between materials and hardware should be one to one, but I believe they are priced differently on the market, so a larger part of the 50 million might be paid for one of them. What quantities of these three commodities can Gateway bring with my budget?

[Image: clvpgq5.png]
Governor-General of Exeter
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Gateway; From: BAF - Karlotta - 04-20-2020

[Image: A6zxUDP.png]


Due to the longer distances, the travel through dangerous territory, and the... well... non existent profit from transporting Industrial Hardware these days, your bonus would enable us to provide 5000 units of Industrial Materials and Industrial Hardware each, and 30000 units of Consumer Goods.

Hashani Chandrasena
CEO of Gateway Shipping Inc.
[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]