Discovery Gaming Community
To: Sun Koken || From: Enma Loyola - Printable Version

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To: Sun Koken || From: Enma Loyola - Loyola - 04-15-2020

[Image: QpkTsO9.jpg]

I'll be @ FP9 tomorrow, do you copy?

- Loyola

RE: To: Sun Koken || From: Enma Loyola - Dark_Knight - 04-16-2020

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: LeZKZpr.png]
To: Enma Loyola
From: Administrator Sun Koken
Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Subject: Meeting
Encryption: Hard
Sun speaks with kind and serene words, her peaceful smile every present.

"I shall be there, I await your arrival Donna Enma"

Sun places her hands together and does her customary Buddhist bow.

-Administrator Sun Koken

Message End