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Secure Line to B. Descateaux - Printable Version

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Secure Line to B. Descateaux - Stolt. - 04-19-2020

Opening Transmission File

[Image: ap1.png]

Sender ID: Adrienne Perry
Recipient ID: B. Descateaux

Dear Mr. Descateaux,

We met not more than 24 hours ago over Houston. You mentioned you were interested in high-risk, high-reward jobs and that I knew someone who might be able to offer you such employment. That person is me.

The job will involve spying and infiltration for at least one month or longer if necessary. The reward is negotiable, but it will be at least several hundreds of millions of credits. I will take care of your expenses during this operation. Not many are agreeable to this kind of employment. It is not legal. You will lie and forget your identity. You may make friends whom you will betray. You may get caught and imprisoned. You may even find yourself alone without allies. I need someone who can calmly think through these kinds of situations. I need someone who can fit into a new identity within a faction in a secondary role and be willing to stay in that role for at least 30 days. You will not be so deep that I will have you infiltrate their internal communications. I will not ask you to put yourself in that much risk.

I need a willing spy Mr. Descateaux. Let me know if you would like to discuss this further. I imagine you have questions. If you are interested and want to discuss this further, then it should be in person.

Adrienne Perry

Closing Transmission File

RE: Secure Line to B. Descateaux - Charo - 04-19-2020

:::Incoming Transmission:::

ID: Barnabas Descoteaux
Location: Planet Houston, Texas

Bonjour mademoiselle, I'm glad to see it wasn't just a ruse. To be honest I was expecting a transportation job. Drugs, guns, whatever the stuff currently moving through Rheinland is, anything like that.

But asking me to drop my identity and become a spy? Ah, that seems like a rough job. Something only a truely skilled person could pull off. But I can have whatever skills you pay me to have. This won't be the first time I have changed my identity.

Before we discuss this further, whatever group I may need to enter, I have two rules. No cardamine, and half up front. However much that half is, we can talk about that when you give me the details.

Of course I'll need to be able to trust you as much as you can trust me. If for any reason I feel like the trust is lost, I'm out.

Name the time and the place you wish to meet and I'll be there. Au revoir.

:::Closing Transmission:::

RE: Secure Line to B. Descateaux - Stolt. - 04-20-2020

Opening Transmission File

[Image: ap3.png]

Sender ID: Adrienne Perry
Recipient ID: B. Descateaux

I can work with these terms.

We will meet at 13:00 SMT in front of Planet Manhattan tomorrow. From there we will fly to an aceptably secluded area so we can negotiate the terms of the contract and so I can brief you on your job and objectives.

Let's hope we make a good team Mr. Descateaux.

Adrienne Perry

Closing Transmission File

RE: Secure Line to B. Descateaux - Stolt. - 04-21-2020

Opening Transmission File

[Image: ap2.png]

Sender ID: Adrienne Perry
Recipient ID: B. Descateaux

Payment has been transferred to the account you specified Mr. Descateaux.


Your instructions have been relayed, I'll hear back from you again in 22nd May, 827 A.S. Operation Have Blue is a go.

Adrienne Perry

Closing Transmission File

RE: Secure Line to B. Descateaux - Stolt. - 05-22-2020

Opening Transmission File

[Image: ap20.png]

Sender ID: Adrienne Perry
Recipient ID: B. Descateaux

It's been 30 days Barnabas. Do you need me to extend this operation by a further 30-60 days; or are you ready for extraction?

If you are able to continue, then let me know if you need additional funding or resources for your mission.

Adrienne Perry

Closing Transmission File

RE: Secure Line to B. Descateaux - Charo - 05-27-2020

:::Incoming Transmission:::

ID: Barnabas
Location: ------

Ready for extraction. I will leave your ships where I picked them up. I could not finish the mission, so no need to worry about the last payment.Transmitting raw data now, I will give you the context once I'm out.

1 2 3

:::Closing Transmission:::

RE: Secure Line to B. Descateaux - Stolt. - 05-28-2020

Opening Transmission File

[Image: ap22.png]

Sender ID: Adrienne Perry
Recipient ID: B. Descateaux

The intelligence you've collected is at least partially actionable. I'll hold your payment but if you ever need the full amount in the future, or a favour, then feel free to ask for it, Descateaux. I'm at Heisenberg Research Station under the name Christina Heierlark and I've hired a ship with a jump drive. Make your way there and you'll disappear from Rheinland.

In your first attachment, you joined a patrol with the Rheinwehr over to the Sigmas. Did you fly into Sigma-21 by any chance? Do you have any time stamped photographic evidence of flying into the Sigmas? This would be quite useful. Let me know when you have a chance.

Adrienne Perry

Closing Transmission File

RE: Secure Line to B. Descateaux - Charo - 05-30-2020

:::Incoming Transmission:::

ID: Barnabas
Location: ------

We did fly through Sigma-21, but I did not want to risk getting caught taking pictures. We were around the Battleship Daishouri at the 18:01 in the first attachment's timestamp. I took what I could, but the admiral had a close eye on everything. I wanted to get a sample of the Imperial goods going through Bretonia, but every crate was being documented. It isn't much, but I hope it is helpful.


:::Closing Transmission:::