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New Player Queries - Printable Version

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New Player Queries - Avengelist - 04-24-2020

Hi, I'm a new player to the Discovery RP 24/7 server, nice to meet you all!

I tried reading the rules, but I still have some basic queries that I might have missed. If they're obvious, I hope you guys will have the patience to bear with me and help clarify them for me anyway.

Here goes:
1. I noticed there's a marketplace for the selling and buying of ships. How exactly does it work in-game? I would like to know the mechanics of how the transfer of ship is effected - does it require console commands, etc?

2. I read up about the IDs, but I'm a bit confused as to whether pirate faction ID-holders can fly large transports? For the large transports section on the wiki, it says "On the Discovery RP 24/7 server, the pilot is required to carry a faction ID that gives the privilege of flying these ships." And in the table, it shows a list of civilian IDs, but I've clearly seen other factions (albeit lawful ones) fly them, so I wanted to clarify if unlawful factions enjoy the same ability.

Lastly, this is my first time being in a RP server. With that in mind, I went through a pirate encounter with my transport the other day, and essentially I was given an ultimatum of either dropping all my loot or getting killed. I've browsed through some of the threads on here and I developed the impression that "if you keep silent you'll die but generally be nice to pirates who don't ask for too much". I tried my best to RP, but in the end the ultimatum didn't change and I felt forced to jettison all of my cargo in the end. I don't mind the pirating, but it seems odd to me that RP isn't really encouraged in a RP server, or "rewarded" with a less harsh ultimatum. I mean, I could have simply stayed silent, jettisoned my cargo, and ended up saving some time by not RPing. Maybe that might have meant my demise, but as a player it just means I get a free teleport back to where I started my journey, since I was going to lose all my cargo anyway.

I guess what I'm trying to ascertain is, was my experience a normal one? Do most pirates on this server demand all loot or death? Is there any incentive for RP in these situations beyond "RP for RP's sake"? I mean no offense to anyone's ideals of RP here, just trying to understand what's the norm and culture of this server.

Thanks for reading!

RE: New Player Queries - Shelco - 04-24-2020

(04-24-2020, 10:42 AM)Avengelist Wrote: Hi, I'm a new player to the Discovery RP 24/7 server, nice to meet you all!

I tried reading the rules, but I still have some basic queries that I might have missed. If they're obvious, I hope you guys will have the patience to bear with me and help clarify them for me anyway.

Here goes:
1. I noticed there's a marketplace for the selling and buying of ships. How exactly does it work in-game? I would like to know the mechanics of how the transfer of ship is effected - does it require console commands, etc?

2. I read up about the IDs, but I'm a bit confused as to whether pirate faction ID-holders can fly large transports? For the large transports section on the wiki, it says "On the Discovery RP 24/7 server, the pilot is required to carry a faction ID that gives the privilege of flying these ships." And in the table, it shows a list of civilian IDs, but I've clearly seen other factions (albeit lawful ones) fly them, so I wanted to clarify if unlawful factions enjoy the same ability.

Lastly, this is my first time being in a RP server. With that in mind, I went through a pirate encounter with my transport the other day, and essentially I was given an ultimatum of either dropping all my loot or getting killed. I've browsed through some of the threads on here and I developed the impression that "if you keep silent you'll die but generally be nice to pirates who don't ask for too much". I tried my best to RP, but in the end the ultimatum didn't change and I felt forced to jettison all of my cargo in the end. I don't mind the pirating, but it seems odd to me that RP isn't really encouraged in a RP server, or "rewarded" with a less harsh ultimatum. I mean, I could have simply stayed silent, jettisoned my cargo, and ended up saving some time by not RPing. Maybe that might have meant my demise, but as a player it just means I get a free teleport back to where I started my journey, since I was going to lose all my cargo anyway.

I guess what I'm trying to ascertain is, was my experience a normal one? Do most pirates on this server demand all loot or death? Is there any incentive for RP in these situations beyond "RP for RP's sake"? I mean no offense to anyone's ideals of RP here, just trying to understand what's the norm and culture of this server.

Thanks for reading!

1. If you want to sell a ship on the marketplace and someone takes it, you write /set movecharcode <code> (not 100% sure if it's written that way, type /help and you get a list of commands) in the chat window and give it to the buyer, he can then transfer the ship to his current account.

2. Most non-trading factions can fly transports up to 4.300 cargo or at least 3.600, it should be stated on the ID you have. The Pirate ID can fly transports up to 3.600 but also the Pirate Train, which has more.

3. It depends on the person you're interacting with. Your pirate might have not been too much of a roleplayer himself and therefore not be interested in a deeper conversation or anything similar for that matter and was just looking for quick cash. Depending on your cargo, do pay the fines they issue since they're mostly much much less than what you're going to get for selling your stuff. You'll have to accept that not every RP encounter is going to be fruitful but hope for the best and stay eloquent yourself.

RE: New Player Queries - Avengelist - 04-24-2020

Thanks Shelco!

For 2, I guess that means I can't just restart a character as an Outcast/Corsair, deposit funds into the character and go buy a Titanic or Stork.

For 3, I was certainly ready to pay a fine, but instead of a fine it was a mandatory jettisoning of all loot. Not 10%, 50%, but all. So yeah that's why it got me thinking about what I asked. I have heard of traders who actively seek out such situations to RP, but for most other players I think the incentive is simply to avoid such situations going forward. I'm just hoping that what I experienced wasn't the norm.

RE: New Player Queries - jammi - 04-24-2020

Hi Avengelist, welcome to the community!

If you don't mind me asking, what were you shipping during that encounter? There are some story related trading events going on at the moment which may result in certain factions hunting you for aiding their enemies.

RE: New Player Queries - Avengelist - 04-24-2020

Hi jammi!

Thank you for the welcome! I was shipping Silver Ore to the Planet Denver in Colorado. I did have a look at the current ongoing events and it didn't seem like Silver Ore was involved.

RE: New Player Queries - HoakinBlackforge - 04-24-2020

(04-24-2020, 11:50 AM)Avengelist Wrote: Hi jammi!

Thank you for the welcome! I was shipping Silver Ore to the Planet Denver in Colorado. I did have a look at the current ongoing events and it didn't seem like Silver Ore was involved.

Do you remember who exactly pirated you? Some factions usually demand money, others just want to ruin your day. Because thats how their characters are.

RE: New Player Queries - Avengelist - 04-24-2020

Hi HoakinBlackforge

They were Xenos. I guess it didn't help that I was on a Daumann ID at the time. It took place in the New York system (I guess I should have known better than to use a trade route going through there?) From a Xenos standpoint I can sort of understand that they would treat foreigners worse than Liberty pilots - I guess I just thought that would manifest itself in the form of a higher tax/fee/amount demanded, but not the entire cargohold, which they wouldn't be able to haul all of it anyway. But yeah, I guess unfortunately the lesson learned is just to avoid such situations in the future. I'm just not sure it's good for the server overall if most traders think like me and would rather avoid such opportunities for RP than participate due to the high costs involved.

RE: New Player Queries - Binski - 04-24-2020

Yeah some pirates are considerd 'terrorists' in roleplay, but are still separate from actual terrorist ID'd ships, which are extremely rare. But the odd faction like Xenos dont even need to demand something to engage traders. Since they can attack or not at their discretion, they may exercise their choice to let you go, if you give them something. In that circumstance, they can demand anything of you, since letting you go or not (and why) is totally up to them.

Regular pirates and pirate factions can still demand a lot, even all cargo if there is a good rp reason. Otherwise most pirates will accept demanding a portion of your cargo, or credits. I would keep demands for credits at 3-5 mil, depending if you have a valuable cargo. For some extreme cases, you may see more! If you feel it was unwarrented or too much under the circumstances, you can file a sanction report.

I'd recommend testing out the waters. Dont always drop your cargo at the first sign of trouble, most cargo pirates will only demand a portion of your haul. But it is against the rules for pirates to demand more than the value of your haul.

RE: New Player Queries - Avengelist - 04-24-2020

Hi Binski

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation! I didn't know there was a distinction between pirate and terrorists in RP - will take note of this. I had a look at the Xenos ID and I see what you mean: Can attack any ships not belonging to Liberty corporations within their Zone of Influence. Can treat transports as combat targets.

I will be more wary of terrorist factions on the server from now on.