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Special permission ships registry - Printable Version

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Special permission ships registry - Bundeskabinett Sekretariat - 05-03-2015

[Image: MxgmMNj.png]

Special permission ships registry and relevant part of Rheinland laws

>>Article Four: Directives for foreign capital ships and law enforcement vessels

§1. All Battleship, Carrier and Cruiser class vessels that do not belong to the Rheinland law enforcement are banned from Rheinland space unless they are permitted by a High Command member of the official Rheinland's Law Enforcement, or by the Bundestag, or listed in the exceptions below.

§1.1. Rheinland corporations and their affiliates are allowed to use the "Bustard" Civilian Light Carrier.

§1.2. The "Corvo" Civilian Deep Space Explorer is not considered as a capital ship.

§2. Violators of §1. may be fined up to 15.000.000 SC fine for Cruiser class vessels and up to 30.000.000 SC fine for Carrier and Battleship class vessels and are to be escorted out of Rheinland space by the shortest way. Ships which won´t comply may be destroyed.

§3. Any vessel that doesn’t belong to law-enforcement authorities may be ordered to move away from planetary orbit.

§4. All foreign police, military and intelligence agency spaceships of any size are banned from Rheinland space unless permission to enter is given by a High Command member of the official Rheinland's Law Enforcement or the Bundestag.

Registration form and conditions:

§1. Any captain or owner, who wants to register his ship to this registry, has to answer the following points truthfully:

§1.1. Callsign of the ship
§1.2. Type of the ship
§1.3. Name of the Captain
§1.4. Ship papers/Affiliation
§1.5. Intentions in Rheinland
§1.6. Cargo (if any), which would be transported

Organizations not mentioned in paragraph 1.2. of Article Four of Rheinland laws are also obliged to provide:

§1.7. NeuralNet link to channel which proves permission from Rheinland military admiral or Bundestag.
§1.8. List of weapons installed on the ship (types and numbers). Any changes of armament must be announced beforehand and approved by federal polizei.

§2. Any deviation from the information provided in §1. is subject for sanctions up to destruction of the ship.

§3. Rheinland Military, Marinenachrichtendiensts and Rheinland Federal Polizei have the right to make inspections of licensed ship(s) in Rheinland space at any time. Every ship has to shutdown its engines and wait until the captain will get permission to proceed.

§4. A violation of the Rheinland laws may result in suspending or revoking of the entry permission.

§4.1. If an entry in the criminal database declares entry permission of the ship revoked, registration listed in this registry is suspended until the captain or owner of the ship pays all the fines according to the order by the Rheinland Federal Polizei, Rheinland Military, Marinenachrichtendiensts or Bundestag.

§4.2. In case when the "to be destroyed on sight" sentence is issued, the listed registration is declared as void and is revoked.

Registered Ships:

RE: Special permission ships registry - Black Jack - 06-26-2015


My name is Jack Stivenson and i'm administrator of Palmer Research Station located in Omega 3.

I would like to register our Carrier that carrying Jump Drive Device MK4. So here are short info about ship:

§1.1. Callsign of the ship - Appolon.19
§1.2. Name of the Captain - Jack Stivenson
§1.3. Ship papers/Affiliation - Zoner ID/Zoner IFF
§1.4. Intentions in Rheinland - Trade Perpose only.
§1.5. Cargo (if any), which would be transported - We are going import Berilium ore and Gold ore to New Berlin system. Bring Rheinbeer to miners of Solaris station in Omega 11 from New Berlin planet. Also export your Uncut diamonds from Omega 11 and Industrial Hardware from Frankfurt system.

Ship type: "Bustard" Civilian carrier.
We want to start making good relationships with Rheinland now and all transports that will be with our jump ship will have only: Zoner and Freelancer ID's. Or if any of Bretonian or Rheinland corporations will join we will gladly take them with us.

Jack Stivenson out.

RE: Special permission ships registry - Morigan - 06-26-2015

[Image: johnnyTb_zps6e330456.png]

To: Rheinland Federal Polizei
Encrypted: Medium
Priority: High
Subject: "Bustard" Civilian Light Carrier registration

Guten Abend , add please to a database RS|RCL-Bombay , "Bustard" Civilian Light Carrier . This vessel equipped with Jump Device 4 .
We have permission from Rheinland Military of course for use this device .

§1.1. Callsign of the ship: RS|RCL-Bombay
§1.2. Name of the Captain : Shared , Johnny Smirnoff responsible person
§1.3. Ship papers/Affiliation : Republican Shipping
§1.4. Intentions in Rheinland : trading , assisting military for move fleet in war operations
§1.5. Cargo (if any), which would be transported : any legal cargo

With the best regards

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RE: Special permission ships registry - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 06-27-2015

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[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Jack Stivenson
SUBJECT: Appolon.19 special permission ship registration

Guten Tag, Herr Stivenson. My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar of administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei.

We received your application, however I have to remind you that according to paragraph 1.3. of Article Four of Rheinland laws, "Bustard Carriers which belong or are under control of individuals or organizations not mentioned in paragraph 1.2. are not allowed to enter Rheinland space unless they obtain permission from Rheinland Military admiral or from Bundestag."

In other words, before your ship can be registered into Special permission ships registry, you need to contact one of above mentioned authorities and obtain permission. Until you can submit it with your application, your ship can´t be added to this registry.



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[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: President Johnny Smirnoff
SUBJECT: RS|RCL-Bombay special permission ship registration

Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter president Smirnoff. My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar of administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei.

Data which you provided looks gut, your ship has been registered.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Special permission ships registry - Connor - 07-03-2015

Incoming Transmission from Scarborough Station, Newcastle
[Image: 1HWlf.png]
To: Rheinland Government
Priority: High
Topic: Inquiry

Message Contents:

Good afternoon!

I'm here to register one of Bowex's newest vessels in the fleet. The Bowex)Godiva, Bustard Civilian Carrier. Here are the forms below:

Peter Hudson
Supervisor, Trade
Borderworld Exports
Transmission End

RE: Special permission ships registry - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 07-04-2015

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[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Trade Supervisor Peter Hudson
SUBJECT: Bowex)Godiva special permission ship registration

Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter supervisor Hudson. My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar of administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei.

You have fulfilled all the necessary requirements, your ship has been registered.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich


RE: Special permission ships registry - ALG Classic - 08-14-2015

[Image: IPcVwTV.png]

§1.1. Callsign of the ship
§1.2. Name of the Captain
<variable>/ Kai Richter
§1.3. Ship papers/Affiliation
IMG / ALG Waste Disposal
§1.4. Intentions in Rheinland
Training facility - when the program is completed, security operations against major hostile presences in Rheinland, and mobile headquarters of ALG Security
§1.5. Cargo (if any), which would be transported
Supplies and fuel for extended operations away from port


ALG Waste Disposal's Security Division is currently establishing a program to train crews to operate heavier vessels, and the first step is the planned acquisition of a Sagarmatha-class battlecruiser.
In the initial stage, the vessel will serve as a training center for ALG Security crews to familiarize themselves with the operation of heavy ships.
The eventual goal is to have the vessel serve as headquarters for ALG Security, as well as to assist against hostile incursions in Rheinland which have become more frequent as of late, particularly Hessians and Corsairs.
As a Rheinland company, we naturally agree to abide by all relevant laws at all times.

RE: Special permission ships registry - GamerGirl - 08-15-2015

[Image: i2mb.png]

To: Rheinland Federal Polizei
From: Essen Station - New Berlin
Subject: Special permission ships registry

Guten tag,

It came to our attention we need to add these ships again for registration. The ships are:

§1.1. Callsign of the ship: Kruger|Hildesheim
§1.2. Name of the Captain : Helene Schmidt
§1.3. Ship papers/Affiliation : Kruger Minerals
§1.4. Intentions in Rheinland : trading , assisting military for move fleet in war operations
§1.5. Cargo (if any), which would be transported : All sorts of legal cargo

§1.1. Callsign of the ship: Kruger|Mannheim
§1.2. Name of the Captain : Helene Schmidt
§1.3. Ship papers/Affiliation : Kruger Minerals
§1.4. Intentions in Rheinland : trading , assisting military for move fleet in war operations
§1.5. Cargo (if any), which would be transported : All sorts of legal cargo

§1.1. Callsign of the ship: Kruger|Quackenbruck
§1.2. Name of the Captain : Helene Schmidt & Ulrich Schweighöfer
§1.3. Ship papers/Affiliation : Kruger Minerals
§1.4. Intentions in Rheinland : trading , assisting military for move fleet in war operations
§1.5. Cargo (if any), which would be transported : All sorts of legal cargo

§1.1. Callsign of the ship: Kruger|Thuringia
§1.2. Name of the Captain : Helene Schmidt & Ulrich Schweighöfer
§1.3. Ship papers/Affiliation : Kruger Minerals
§1.4. Intentions in Rheinland : trading , assisting military for move fleet in war operations
§1.5. Cargo (if any), which would be transported : All sorts of legal cargo

If you have further questions about the ships, or ship usage please respond to this message.

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Helene Schmidt

[Image: eepo.png]

RE: Special permission ships registry - ALG Classic - 11-30-2015

[Image: IPcVwTV.png]

§1.1. Callsign of the ship
§1.2. Name of the Captain
<variable>/ Kai Richter
§1.3. Ship papers/Affiliation
IMG / ALG Waste Disposal
§1.4. Intentions in Rheinland
Training facility - when the program is completed, security operations against major hostile presences in Rheinland, and mobile headquarters of ALG Security
§1.5. Cargo (if any), which would be transported
Supplies and fuel for extended operations away from port


ALG Waste Disposal's Security Division is currently establishing a program to train crews to operate heavier vessels, and the first step is the planned acquisition of a Sagarmatha-class battlecruiser.
In the initial stage, the vessel will serve as a training center for ALG Security crews to familiarize themselves with the operation of heavy ships.
The eventual goal is to have the vessel serve as headquarters for ALG Security, as well as to assist against hostile incursions in Rheinland which have become more frequent as of late, particularly Hessians and Corsairs.
As a Rheinland company, we naturally agree to abide by all relevant laws at all times.


This is a copy of the previous transmission, with amendments to satisfy §1 of Article Four. The permission grant by the Bundestag is available here.

(originally posted 09.11.15)

RE: Special permission ships registry - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 11-30-2015

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[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: Vorsitzender Helene Schmidt
SUBJECT: Kruger special permission ship registrations

Guten Tag, Sehr geehrte vorsitzender Schmidt. My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar of administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei.

First, I apologize for the delay, but our department is currently really busy handling several issues and because of budget cuts, number of personnel is limited.

Anyway, you provided all required information, your ships have been registered.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich



[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: ALG Waste Disposal
SUBJECT: [ALG]-Erdbeben special permission ship registration

Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter representative of ALG. My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar of administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei.

First, I apologize for the delay, but our department is currently really busy handling several issues and because of budget cuts, number of personnel is limited.

Anyway, to your application now. You have fulfilled all the necessary requirements, your ship has been registered.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Kommissar Laurich