Wingman Squadron Reports and Rewards - ==Renegade== - 04-30-2020
<<==<<== Open Transmission==>>==>> |
Greetings to all Wingman Operatives and welcome to our report page where you can report your daily kills but also anything else that may need attention in the future.
Maybe the target you engaged was to escape .....
Well we can hunt him in the future and maybe we become lucky the next time....
Happy hunting operatives.....
And please also be reminded that you will be payed a nice reward for your actions which will be as follows
1.. kill of target(snub/gunboat) : 7.000.000
2.. kill of target larger with assistance(bomber/cruiser) : 12.000.000
3.. Also a rank reward system will be submitted according to the amount of kills you get which means you could end up in the Command ranks of our organisation and this will be determined by our Air Marshal "Renegade".
Please note that payment of youre kills will need photo evidence to be able to claim your reward.
Code: [list]
[*][font=Montserrat][color=#7D9EC0]Wingman Callsign[/font][/color] :
[*][font=Montserrat][color=#7D9EC0]Details of Encounter[/font][/color] :
[*][font=Montserrat][color=#7D9EC0]Other comments[/font][/color] :
[*][font=Montserrat][color=#7D9EC0]Visual Evidence[/font][/color] :
• [url=INSERT]Identification[/url]
• [url=INSERT]Destruction[/url]
[*][font=Montserrat][color=#7D9EC0]Payment to be processed[/font][/color] :
[i][b][color=grey]INSERT OPERATIVE ID[/i][/b][/color]
Wingman Squadron
RE: Wingman Squadron Reports and Rewards - ==Renegade== - 04-30-2020
- Wingman Callsign : [WM]"Renegade"
- Details of Encounter : Two encounters will be added here today so we will start with the first one...
Liberty Rouge ID and IFF Hellhound Rouge Gunboat
Name -- Hesler.
This individual was in Texas when me and [WM]Charles.Edwards noticed some interesting chat coming over our comms systems so we went in different directions and it was Charles who had found him near to Beaumomt base and was immediately stright into the fight.
It took me several minutes to arrive and I openly transmitted my intentions to engage aswell seeing as the Wingman moto is "Never leave your Wingman alone".
Once in the fight it was clear that he was not going to stand down so we proceeded to pound his vessel and my razor made significant damage to his vessel and we eventually took our target with the kill being made by myself.
- Other comments :Charles will be given the 7.000.000 reward for assisting in the kill
- Visual Evidence :
• Identification
• Destruction
- Payment to be processed : 7.000.000 Charles Edwards
Wingman "Renegade"
Air Marshal
Wingman Squadron
RE: Wingman Squadron Reports and Rewards - ==Renegade== - 05-03-2020
- Wingman Callsign :[WM]"Viper"
- Details of Encounter : Well happened to bump into this rogue heading to california didnt seem too bright this one when I was having a conversation so when I told him he was not welcome he seemed to ignore me and move off so after turning round a couple of times after i engaged him he decided to run I chased him for a bit but obviously he had asked for assistance and another rogue ship entered my scanner so I disengaged and left swiftly.
But this guy will be on our list of getaway suspects to be aprehended.
- Other comments :This Individual will be hunted down. NAME -- Alphonse
- Visual Evidence :
• Identification
No destruction he got away
- Payment to be processed : N/A REPORT ONLY FOR FUTURE ENCOUNTERS
Flying Officer
Wingman Squadron
RE: Wingman Squadron Reports and Rewards - ==Renegade== - 05-04-2020
- Wingman Callsign :[WM]"Defiance"
- Details of Encounter : This individual was shooting at just anything when I came across him in New York ..BUT... after scanning he had a FREELANCER ID and IFF and also PIRATE ID.
So as i proceeded to assume he was pirating I asked him to stop but he didnt he ran so I chased him through the lane from Colorado to Fort Bush and then on towards Norfolk where I disrupted the lane and proceeded to engage him.
What was even more strange was the individual did not say a word at all to even explain what he was doing so he was basically ignoring us i believe.
After some time I was hailed by Lieutenant Lucius Hopkins from the 5th Fleet who proceeded to accompany me to chase this scum down but we managed to get close to him after he ran to Rochester and I proceeded to continue engaging but he managed to dock and escape.
This individual will be monitored and will eventually be caught.
- Other comments :N/A
- Visual Evidence :
• Identification
• Visual Cam Footage
- Payment to be processed : Non he escaped but will be caught.
Wingman Squadron