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Provisional Federal Army: Faction Information - Printable Version

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Provisional Federal Army: Faction Information - Provisional Federal Army - 04-30-2020

Provisional Federal Army

A foolish attempt by @Kiith to write a faction into existence.

[Image: IkvOKon.png]

War flag of the Provisional Federal Army

[Image: bfrH5zc.png]

PFA emblem

The Provisional Federal Army (rhn.: Notstandsstreitkräfte der Bundesrepublik Rheinland) is a currently somewhat loose ad hoc formation of military units belonging to the federalist side in the Rheinland civil war. Its core consists of elements of the battlegroup around the battleship Bayern, although its ranks quickly came to include a variety of stragglers from other Rheinwehr units loyal to the republican government as well as militias active on and around Planet Stuttgart.

Walter Kappmann, former member of the Ministry of Defence, currently acts as its commander in chief and contact to the regrouping federal government.


Full name: Provisional Federal Army of Rheinland
Tag: PFA|
ID: Federalist ID
IFF: Rheinland Federalists
Current Headquarters: Stützpunkt 37, Planet Weimar, Thuringia


Following the escalation of events in early 827 A.S., what remained of the democratic government found itself in a state of great disorientation, and so did the scattered elements of federal supporters inside Rheinlands armed forces.

With the civilian government either on the run to a safe location away from New Berlin and many of the old Rheinwehr's highest ranked officers in on the Imperial coup, those who opposed it found themselves in a difficult position. While fighting between the parties quickly and fiercely ensued, federalist forces saw themselves at a great disadvantage initially. Suddenly without a strong logistical backbone, a functional order of battle or clear objectives, both naval elements as well as forming paramilitary opposition saw itself forced to turn to highly decentralised operations.

This proved to be excellent in the chaotic early days of the civil war, but would provide many of the resisting units with little chance to not be completely worn out in a prolonged military conflict.

Quickly realising the dire situation it found its forces in, and urged by leading officers of the Bayern – now amongst the most senior staff readily available to the Republic – the yet regrouping federal government was urged to use what leverage it had left to establish an organised resistance, able to make proper use of military reconnaissance, available logistical and military capacities and, no less important, manpower.

In absence of the secretary of defence - information on his whereabouts or allegiance unknown at the time - Walter Kappman was given extensive authorities by the office of the chancellor to accomplish this task. Kappman, while not formally having held such a powerful position before, was one of the few high ranking members of Rheinland's ministry of defence who both stood loyal to the federal government and managed to partake in the hasty evacuation of officials from New Berlin.

Prior experience as officer of the Rheinwehr and connections to important figures of the federal military remnant had him quickly establish communications with forces supportive of the republican cause, uniting stragglers from many different corners of Rheinland under his banner. A banner of resistance of the free against the usurpers. Of effective resistance against unfavourable odds. Of a nation which, as Kappman put it in his so far only public address, he is “not willing to give up to the imperialists until he opposed them to his last breath”.


  • Other organisations pledging allegiance to the federal government


  • ALG – One of the few corporate entities openly supporting the republic.
  • Bundschuh – In dire times, fighting the same enemy can greatly help forget past differences.


  • Civilian entities, foreigners – They most often have no part in this struggle.


  • Red Hessians – Some bridges, however, will forever remain burnt – their end goal varies too much from ours.


  • Daumann, Krüger, Republican – They are the holy trinity of traitors, and their support for this coup shall not be forgotten.
  • Kaiserliche Rheinwehr, Kaiserliche Polizei – They march for their new Kaiser and shall receive no quarter.
  • Entities caught supporting the Empire – Throwing your hat in for the wrong side may have grave consequences.
  • Unioners - For the new lap dogs of the empire, a dream has come true. They should watch out that it does not become their nightmare.

Command structure

As per now, even those elements of federal resistance that have aligned themselves with the PFA operate, to a certain degree, decentralised and with authority being handed to people where they need it when they need it. Considering this, the high command under Kappmann has adopted the stance of an overall flat order of command and a policy of non interference with local hierarchies. However, proper concepts of structuring the remaining federal forces are currently being developed, so they are ready for implementation once the groundwork has been laid.

(//Read as: There'll be proper ranks once the participation necessitates them)

Naming convention

Fighters / Bombers: PFA|FirstNameInitial.LastName
Capital vessels: PFA|RWK-ShipName
Freighters: PFA|Codename
Transports: PFA|RWHK-ShipName


If you wish to participate you can do so via this recruitment thread.