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The current state of RP, or lack thereof - Printable Version

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The current state of RP, or lack thereof - marauder - 10-22-2006

(Ok, as this is to do with the RP on the server I figured this should go here, if I'm wrong feel free to move this thread.)

Now, I have said repaetedly in alot of posts/threads that this is suppose to be an RP server, however it seems that I'm one of a small minority who actually bothers to RP.

Here's why I think we need to either make it extremely clear to people what RP is and what it entails, or remove any mention that the server is an RP one from the forums, console messages etc.

1) there are at least 2 Bs| with BHG ships.

Now I know that DO has at least bothered to give an RP reason why he's still got his BHG BS.

However, why has another Bs| player got a BHG destroyer?

The order and the BHG are at each others throats all the time, so why and what RP reason would an order guy have one?

Answer:- there is none.

2) an SF guy (you should all know who) has both a rhienland cruiser and a corsair dreadnought tagged and ID'd as a britonian armed forces/police ship.

I'm pretty sure I know exactly why he's got them. Because stats wise they are the best in their classes.

The RM and the SF might be allied but that doesn't mean that the SF are going to be given rhienland ships.

As for the corsair dreadnought, well anyone who ever goes through britonia should know that the corsairs and the britonians shoot each other on sight.

Also, why would the IMG, a faction that the BAF has threatened repeatedly to keep them neutral in the war against kusari, let the BAF have Albatross frigates?

They'd sooner destroy them all then let the BAf get hold of one.

So yet again theres no RP reason at all for those ships to be used by the SF.

3) ship lists.

There are a few factions with a list of allowed ships, some are perfectly fine and undestandable, others seem to be there just to let that faction do what it likes.

Heres an example:

The AW allows liberty and rhienland ships, but doesn't allow kusrai and britonian ships (without permission if I remember right).

Now the Zoners have their own BS, sure it might have a few problems at the minute, but at least thye have one.

So why are AW players using liberty dreadnoughts and osiris's?

Cruisers, destroyers, frigates gunboats, fine I can understand why you'd use house and pirate ones because the zoners don't have any.

If a faction has it's own ships why use different ones?

If the sole reason is 'because they suck' or 'I don't like how it looks' then thats your fault for choosing that faction in the first place.

The RM only allows RM ships, so you never see an RM in a ship that isn't listed/mentioned in it's infocard as being built/designed by rhienland.

4) Pirating.

Some people seem to think that having a pirate ID allows you to pirate anybody.

However, if your ID's faction hates the faction ID of a trader, your suppose to shoot them, not pirate.

Plus just because you have a zoner, freelancer or neutral ID doesn't mean you can't be pirated, it means you can ONLY be pirated because no-one hates the zoners and freelancers work for anyone.

5) terrorists.

Now since people have been told, (repeatedly in some cases) that the phantoms aren't recruiting until kane says otherwise and that it's upto him as to who gets invited, there has been alot of players flying around with xeno ID's.

What people seem to be forgetting is that ,yes you can shoot anyone and everyone. However, you can only pirate not kill players (unless they refuse) with zoner ID's, IMG ID's, freelancer ID's and neutral IDs.

That's because neutral ID'd players are neutral, freelancer ID'd players work for anyone and the only two factions that are neutral to the xenos are the zoners and the IMG.

Everyone else is fair game, including other pirates, except those with xeno ID's.

Now before people start complaining about the phantoms shooting everyone including those with neutral, freelancer, zoner and IMG ID's theres something you need to know:-

It's the phantoms RP to do so.

The only reason they have a xeno ID is because it's the only one that allows them to shoot everyone.

Now before you start flamming this is my opinions only.

Plus this is for discussing these problems, so if you only what to post to slag me off, flame me or complain that I'm being unfair, DON'T!

Only post if you have something constructive to add, want to point out something I missed or explain why you think it's got like this.

The current state of RP, or lack thereof - McNeo - 10-22-2006

Ovidius' Corsair dreadnought is not [SF]. (and its his store)

I dont really mind him having the Rhineland Cruiser as the Bretonia Destroyer is the worst in its class.

The Albatross Frigate.........yeah.....i agree with you there.

I dont really like to see Bs| players in Zoner ships either (but thats cause the Viper is immensly good therefor i am biased). I do agree that they should be allowed allied ships like Corsair stuff, not just their Nempthys fighter (which in my view, is a cross-breed of a fighter and bomber)

Our clan tries to RP with its ships and i dont see why others shouldnt too. But then there are those aligned with Junkers (CSV??? i dont think so).

Its a very tricky subject and, as marauder, i dont want to be flamed for my opinions and thoughts.

The current state of RP, or lack thereof - Stingray - 10-22-2006

Quote:So why are AW players using liberty dreadnoughts and osiris's?

That can be changed.

So I got an Osiris (Xeno tagged)
that belongs to a large former mining corporation that I made up, anything wrong with that?

It's a little unfair if some unlawfuls can't have capships
for example: Outcasts, Corsairs and The Order have battleships,
so do you have to be in one of these unlawful factions to fly a capship?

I really enjoy being on the unlawful side (more shooting) :)

I would gladly RP but not extreme RP, I got a Xeno, Zoner and a neutral char
that's a pretty balanced mix.

The current state of RP, or lack thereof - Firebird - 10-22-2006

Quote:2) an SF guy (you should all know who) has both a rhienland cruiser and a corsair dreadnought tagged and ID'd as a britonian armed forces/police ship.

I'm pretty sure I know exactly why he's got them. Because stats wise they are the best in their classes.

The RM and the SF might be allied but that doesn't mean that the SF are going to be given rhienland ships.
So yet again theres no RP reason at all for those ships to be used by the SF.

I've got nothing against the RM cruiser we're allies so obtaining that vessel could be arranged as a refit of junked cruiser. I've stated clearly in the SF's faction post what our ship restrictions are. I admit they're not as restrictive as they could be but I rather have members use a ship that would be considered by some a little off RP then not be members at all.

The current state of RP, or lack thereof - Virus - 10-22-2006

marauder,Oct 22 2006, 11:28 AM Wrote:<snip>

The RM and the SF might be allied but that doesn't mean that the SF are going to be given rhienland ships.


The RM only allows RM ships, so you never see an RM in a ship that isn't listed/mentioned in it's infocard as being built/designed by rhienland.

Rheinland would, under no conditions, surrender its technology to another house. Its their fault for making pathetic ships, not ours.

RM only allows Rheinland ships. If you happen to see ANYONE WHO ISN'T IN A RHEINLAND SHIP, TELL ME IMEDIATELY. AFTER CONFIRMATION, THEY WILL BE STRIPPED OF RANK AND DISCHARGED. Just confirming that and stating the consequences for breaking those rules.

Exceptions are: Transports or a damned good reason.

Edit: Firebird's explaination (which I missed), is... Almost acceptable. However, why would we give up our ships when they could be scrapped, recycled, and built into newer and better ships for less money, overall?

The current state of RP, or lack thereof - DarkOddity - 10-22-2006

As for my BHG BS and the Bounty Hunter destroyers they are both star wars ships (The Albratross Frigate is also a modified Nebulon B Frigan.)

Black squadron is a "Star Wars" clan so any ship from the Star Wars universe is automaticly allowed. As for Zoner ships Wolf would have to comment on that one.

Bounty Hunter Destroyer
Star Wars: Tantive IV

Bounty Hunter Battleship
Star Wars: Alliance Assault Frigate
BHG BS link is somewhat the same design but looks cut in half.. Still looking for a picture of the one actually in Disco.. will put it in soon.

The current state of RP, or lack thereof - McNeo - 10-22-2006

Yes Bs| is starwars.

Also, Bs| is Empire, not Rebbelion.

Had to say that to prove somthing...which is Empire = Not Rebbelion :P

The current state of RP, or lack thereof - Firebird - 10-22-2006

Virus,Oct 22 2006, 10:27 AM Wrote:Edit: Firebird's explaination (which I missed), is... Almost acceptable. However, why would we give up our ships when they could be scrapped, recycled, and built into newer and better ships for less money, overall?
K, how about an act of debt retribution for saving a good portion of New Berlin from a particular Nomad BS...Anyways, the point is the RM cruiser matches the regulations I've clearly stated for the faction and I've already said why I made those regulations the way they are. Are they ideal for RP no, are they reasonable I think so.

Now if RM is going to make this a big deal, fine I'll force SF not to use Rhienland vessels, but I would prefer not to be forced to impose another restriction.

The current state of RP, or lack thereof - Angel - 10-22-2006

Honestly, theres the serious RPers, then those who kinda RP just to be in a Faction. Your serious ones will stick to ships of there group, BH ships with Bounty hunters and so on, others will develope a long and intrakit story around why a person would have a certain ship.

As long as theres a real good explanation, and not, some crappy a$$ story I'd be fine with it. One good example is the Corsairs, they had now capital fleet what so ever, then an alliance with the Order changed that. Now there are some, like pirates haveing BH ships that would really be annoying.

It would be nice to see everyone in there own factions ships, but its never going to happen, someones always gonna want whats on the other side of the fence. You can't stop someone from buying a ship, plain and simple, you can put in restrictions, like RM has, but thats about it.

The current state of RP, or lack thereof - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 10-22-2006

to address the lack of CSV use by the junker aligned faction, it is because as junkers we can use almost any ship as we are neutral with everyone but house corporations for the most part.

Also CSV are crap, and the junkers id is used to mostly say that we are a independent pirate group rather than we like to mine and scavenge.