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To: Commandant Pierre Vaillant of the MNG | From: Nicole Perrot, EDA - Printable Version

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To: Commandant Pierre Vaillant of the MNG | From: Nicole Perrot, EDA - Groshyr - 05-09-2020

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Sender: Nicole Perrot, Capitaine Principal, Marteau des Hebrides
Recipients: Commandant Pierre Vaillant of the Marine Nationale Gauloise
Message Type: Audio-video
Encryption Strength: Absolute

Commandant Vaillant,

My name is Nicole Perrot, a Capitaine Principal to the Gallic Royal Enclave. We already had a pleasure to meet at the battlefields in the Burgundy system as well as in Zurich a few days ago. I do believe you remember battlecruiser Lyonnais that screwed your paints in the first system in question and allowed to leave a battlefield in the second one. It's an honour for me and I hope it's a pleasure for you finally have a conversation.

Consider this message my own quirk, fed by curiosity.

Since the day, when Enclave was founded on ashes of the Royal navy after the split that happened in our common home - Gallia, I was suffering from a curiosity for a long. You have had a reputation of a person, loyal to the King and royal family, to the Kingdom. Nevertheless, you are siding with the collaborators of the Duchy of Burgundy, rebellious people who betrayed our common ruler - King Charles XI. You are fighting side by side with the Council personnel against Enclave, people who remain loyal to the King.

My question is simple: Why did you do this? Why sided with collaborators and traitors, that believed to Council's lies about 'better Gallia' alongside to people, who suffer from greed to have power but meanwhile have low loyalty even to their own people?

RE: To: Commandant Pierre Vaillant of the MNG | From: Nicole Perrot, EDA - Val - 05-10-2020

10th May 743 A.G.S.
Zurich System
[Image: unknown_22.png]

Sender: Commandant Pierre Vaillant
Recipient: Capitaine Nicole Perrot
Subject: Commandant Vaillant

Capitaine Perrot,

A large holographic image of Vaillant sitting on his command chair appeared. We could see the old Kingdom of Gallia emblem on the back of the chair as it was not facing the screen. Suddenly, the chair turned in a fast move towards the luminous screen showing up a determined Vaillant holding a glass of wine in his right hand.

I have to say you are a very lucky person, Capitaine. Few days ago in Zurich, you missed the opportunity to face my flagship, the Sombre Destin. I, indeed, have been called for urgent matters. Consider you lucky as I said previously. You wouldn't have been there to send me this message if I had the time to deal with you...Evil laugh
The pleasure is mine Madame.

That is not the first time actually that someone from the Enclave sends me a personnal message. Curious I would say. Are people within the Enclave missing the Commandant Vaillant?

Oui I believe my choice doesn't sound really logical isn't it? My loyalty to the King, in himself, was only appearances. The Kingdom was something, something good for Gallia I guess. My only concern has been Gallia itself. But there is soemthing more important. I serve my own intentions. My own will. I have seen and understood the real things. I am loyal to myself and only that.

I am telling you this. Enclave is going nowhere if you keep following this path. Your KIng will never come back. And what if he does? Enclave is enclaved. Not only geographically but in their own way of thinking. Time are changing and you don't evolve. Natural selection will finish what the Allies tried to do, one year ago.

Oh and regarding these Conseillards...They can be a good use sometimes.

Vaillant started to crack and even laugh while the holographic image was disappearing.

Marine Nationale Gauloise, Commandant Pierre Vaillant.


Transmission Terminée

RE: To: Commandant Pierre Vaillant of the MNG | From: Nicole Perrot, EDA - Groshyr - 05-11-2020

[Image: cxXiBKX.png] INCOMING TRANSMISSION [Image: cxXiBKX.png]

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Sender: Nicole Perrot, Capitaine Principal, Marteau des Hebrides
Recipients: Commandant Pierre Vaillant of the Marine Nationale Gauloise
Message Type: Audio-video
Encryption Strength: Absolute

Commandant Vaillant,

I am humbled by your answer, monsieur but I am afraid your villain laugh has not impressed me.

I agree with a few of your statements, nevertheless, you are not right in others. The Kingdom as it was before is a state we all deserved - united, well administrated by local nobility whose skills were specifically nurtured for this role that had to control over facilities, cities, planets or entire systems. It was a well-oiled machine, built after centuries of development. Nevertheless - all ruined now. One-third of Gallia is under control of the so-called Minarchy, the criminals of the Union Corse that for years were hiding from justice and poisoned our society with drugs. Now they are officially part of a non-legitime government, founded on the corruption, collaborates and hidden deals between the members of it.

The Council, those fools, that believed in democracy and its advantages over the true monarchy and power of the nobility, peasants, former low workers from caves, are now part of the government. The greed of power and influence, they will or already do not allow the Duchy of Burgundy to get too much power in your 'new' Gallia.

You do understand the Confederacy is likely to implode into another civil war should some grave trigger event occur. The conflict of the Duchy's and the Republic's interests is inevitable and it can split our House apart, so Kusarians, Rheinlanders and Bretonians will try to take what is ours.

I believe you, commandant Vaillant, as a former officer of the Royal Navy should understand that Enclave would offer you more than the Confederacy. We have more power, money and you can reach a noble title higher than Chevalier, that you have now monsieur. The Enclave, also, will not betray our noble traditions and the effective ruling system that we developed for centuries. If you were loyal to the Kingdom and people, you should think about did you choose the right side that going to make a better Gallia for our people.

Do not consider this as an invite to the Enclave ranks, commandant Vaillant. You are capable to join our ranks without any invites if you really want this. This is a call to your wisdom and our common wish to protect Gallia from decaying that houses like Rheinland, Liberty or any other suffer now.

RE: To: Commandant Pierre Vaillant of the MNG | From: Nicole Perrot, EDA - Val - 05-12-2020

12th May 743 A.G.S.
Zurich System
[Image: unknown_22.png]

Sender: Commandant Pierre Vaillant
Recipient: Capitaine Nicole Perrot
Subject: You want to buy me with your earings?

Capitaine Perrot,

A large holographic image of Vaillant sitting on his command chair appeared. We could see the old Kingdom of Gallia emblem on the back of the chair as it was not facing the screen. Suddenly, the chair turned in a fast move towards the luminous screen showing up a determined Vaillant holding a glass of wine in his right hand.

Your raven black gaze and your earings made of diamonds that you have stolen from King Charles' crown don't impress me either. However it would have been a shame if you get scared by my said villain laugh, especially from an Enclave Capitaine.

I will not denie that the Kingdom was more efficient than the Confederacy from an administrative point of view. Obviously, the Conseillards are newborn in such tasks, and often, the remaining nobles of the Duchy have to keep a watchful eye most of the time, I assure you. Centuries of development, ruined. Perhaps. Perhaps not. The Minarchy is obviously more than a concern, and they managed to grow too much easily and gain influence thanks to the chaotic events of the end of the Gallic War. It would be a shame on my name to say I appreciate them.

May another civil war happen, another bloody war, I assure you, we won't let the Sirians taking advantage on us. And I guess you won't either, Madame? I also want to empathize that, whatever you may thing regarding the Duchy, we haven't forgotten the traditions that we built during centuries. However, this system doesn't wear the name of 'Kingdom'.

Perhaps the Enclave has indeed more to offer than the Confederacy. But I made, a difficult choice, certainly the most difficult one. However, I will not come to you. But if you succeed in your dream, the dream to bring back the past, and make it the future of Gallia, I'll be there, awaiting you.

Is there anything else you wanted to know, Capitaine?

Vaillant started to crack and even laugh while the holographic image was disappearing.

Marine Nationale Gauloise, Commandant Pierre Vaillant.


Transmission Terminée

RE: To: Commandant Pierre Vaillant of the MNG | From: Nicole Perrot, EDA - Groshyr - 05-12-2020

[Image: cxXiBKX.png] INCOMING TRANSMISSION [Image: cxXiBKX.png]

[Image: RClay5G.png]
[Image: cxXiBKX.png]

Sender: Nicole Perrot, Capitaine Principal, Marteau des Hebrides
Recipients: Commandant Pierre Vaillant of the Marine Nationale Gauloise
Message Type: Audio-video
Encryption Strength: Absolute

Commandant Vaillant,

Oh, I am so pleased with the attention you paid for my earrings. It's monsieur's Boucheron work. Perhaps you heard about this great jeweller from planet New Paris. He has a jewel facility there but some of the orders he does himself. The one you complimented so much is his work. Feel free to reach him and order a part of earrings for you as well, monsieur Vaillant. Send him Perrot's regards if you ever meet him.

The rest is a matter of time. We will see who was right and who wrong but for now we have to keep the fight for our ideals, are not we? Nevertheless, it was an honour for me monsieur and I believe we will meet each many more times on the battlefield.