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To: The Corsair Empire - Printable Version

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To: The Corsair Empire - Spectre - 05-21-2020

Sender: Arae
Location: Edge Nebula

Opening Channel

My name is Arae, a representative unit of the Gammu Consensus and the Assembly. I hope that this iteration of contact is more appropriate for human interaction than past variants. Words appear to be far preferable to code than we first believed.
The Assembly wishes to notify the Corsair Empire of our intentions and change in operations. For the last decade, we have explored this sector to the best extent we could, collecting large swaths of data from which to base our actions upon. With this exploration and surveying out of the way, we believe it pertinent to inform you of Gammu's desire to remain independent of outside issues, and that we remain content being isolated to Gammu itself, and have no intentions of violating any borders you may be privy to.
From my understanding, Gammu and the Corsair Empire have understood each others motives and intentions well since Gammu's emergence. While we hope for continued understanding, we must also implore that Corsairs, large or small, refrain from nearing Planet Gammu itself. The Assembly values the defense of our home above all else, a motive we believe that your people will understand as well.
The Gammu Consensus and the Assembly look forward to dealing with your people.

RE: To: The Corsair Empire - MasterL410 - 05-22-2020

[Image: n3tHzPy.png]
[Image: 26o3wKp.png]

Sender:Vice-almirante Lucia Jaquez

Subject:Formal introduction

Encryption:Alta Criptografia

OlĂ  Arae,

my name is Lucia Jaquez, I represent the Black Flag Corsairs.
It is a pleasure to meet you, even though I think senhor Ladron would've appreciated your visual appearance more than I do.
I remember, in the past your "explorers" sometimes did a little more than exploring, especially when they ended up in our territory, where exploration is not appreciated.
However, I'm willing to look past those minor incdidents. I am even willing to grant you your independence, with a few conditions:

  • You will not disturb any Corsair personnel travelling through Omicron Kappa.

  • The Corsair militia will be allowed to chase enemies, criminals or other unwanted lifeforms into your territory of Planet Gammu. The Corsairs may not be held accountable for their enemies' actions. After the threat is eliminated, the Corsairs have orders to immediatetly withdraw from your planet.

  • The Gammu Consensus respects our borders, and will only travel through our space, ...
    - if they are escorted by an Corsair vessel.
    - if they have informed us of their travel in advance.
    - after a long-term agreement has been made.

  • The Gammu Consensus will not distribute any militarily, economic or personal data of Corsair interest to the enemies of the Corsair Empire.

If you find those terms acceptable, I am sure we will be good neighbors. I am awaiting your decision.

Vice-almirante Lucia Jaquez


RE: To: The Corsair Empire - Spectre - 05-22-2020

Sender: Arae
Location: Edge Nebula

Opening Channel

Your mannerisms are expected, and are not insultive, which works in mutual favor. The Consensus has compiled relevant data and your proposal, and have returned the following responses, which may be altered once an inquiry from Pepe Ladron has been received.
The Assembly and the Gammu Consensus agree to leave Corsair vessels in Omicron Kappa undisturbed. Naturally, this cannot apply in cases of self-defense or defense of other Gammu or Assembly vessels.
They have also agreed to allow Corsair vessels to close within distance of Planet Gammu in pursuit of hostile vessels or targets of interest, and will provide immediate assistance against any vessel that qualifies under provided description. Corsairs closing in this manner will not be targets, but any ship a Corsair may be trailing will still be subject to Gammu defense protocols.
The Assembly and Gammu Consensus agree to respect the borders of the Corsair Empire so long as the aforementioned respects the space of Planet Gammu excluding the case made above.
Finally, they agree to remain neutral in matters not pertaining to the security of Planet Gammu or its surrounding space.
The Consensus expects that this formal analysis of ideal conditions will aid in providing neutrality between our two unions. Until Pepe Ladron provides his individual input on this issue, the Consensus will formalize the provided conditions and instruct all units to acknowledge and execute them.

RE: To: The Corsair Empire - Pepe - 05-22-2020

|X| - |X| - |X| - |X| Transmission incoming |X| - |X| - |X| - |X|

[Image: oD5XYve.png]
[Image: Kyl3YV1.png][Image: kmwLcwp.gif][Image: vFtzjqP.png]
[Image: xjoLqww.png]

Carrier ID: Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron | Carrier: Arae, Gammu Consensus | Description: Individual in-puts

Individual things for putting

Si, si... *nodding in a very diplomatic way*

You already did el nice agreement there, you two chicas. Only watching you mud wrestling could bring me more happiness. That's el only reason I might look a bit disappointed right now.

In case there are any more details to take care of, I'd rather suggest we do it over el dinner in my private hacienda on Crete. I did many individual diplomatic in-puts there already and no one left unsatisfied yet, as far as I know. *wide latino smile*

*he pressed off button with very elegant diplomatic move of his hairy macho hand, to end comms. Button brutally cracked with pretty same sense for elegant diplomacy.*

[Image: y5XXR2k.png]

|X| - |X| - |X| - |X| No Carrier at all |X| - |X| - |X| - |X|