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To: All friends of Samura. - Printable Version

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To: All friends of Samura. - Samura Heavy Industries - 05-21-2020

[Image: samuraclear1.png]

To: All friends of Samura.
From: Samura Heavy Industries / Shinjuku Station - New Tokyo
Subject: Request to Raw Materials
Date: 21/05/827 A.S.

Konnichiwa, All friends of Samura.

My name is Karl Kamimura, Director of Samura Heavy Industries.
In a nutshell because of the difficult situation we find ourselves in, we asked for your help with material to support our Masamune base in Honshu whose address is 4 / F on the map.
We will also have to ask for help regarding its defense, as we are being attacked with the intention of demolishing our structure.
If you are able to send us some ships within your means to help us in defense, they will be of great value.
Remember that we are being attacked by the BD and GC criminals. They are parasites with no creed, much less respect for the common people, the trader and everything that is said within the law. Because they are men without love even of themselves, they are greedy, presumptuous, proud, blasphemous, disobedient to fathers and mothers, ungrateful, profane, without natural affection, irreconcilable, slanderers, incontinent, cruel, without love towards the good, traitors, obstinate, proud, more friends of evil delights than friends of kindness and love of neighbor; even their appearance is bestial. Of these, get away and take preference in shooting them without mercy, taking care only to warn them of your luck.
That's all we ask of you, if you want to help us.


Karl Kamimura

Director Samura Heavy Industries and Commander of Transport,
[Image: samuraclear1.png]

RE: To: All friends of Samura. - Karlotta - 05-21-2020

[Image: A6zxUDP.png]
To: Samura Heavy Industries
From: Gateway Shipping Incorporated, Kensington Shipping Platform - New London
Subject: RE: Request to Raw Materials
Date: 21/05/827 A.S.

Dear Director Kamimura,

We at Gateway Shipping Incorporated have been interested in gaining a better access to the Kusari market ever since the war is over, and Samura Heavy Industries appears to be a natural partner for this. We furthermore reject terrorism of any kind and would like to see a stable Kusari for both our nations sake.

For these reasons, I have dispatched transports to fulfill your request of raw materials in aid of your installation's defense, and would be honored if you accepted our services as the seed for fruitful cooperation also in future.

Kind regards,
Hashani Chandrasena, CEO
[Image: dd4i53q-21705886-a7d7-4228-bd5c-6f478ace...e4sXp11Lxs]

To: Karl Kamimura of Samura - John White - 05-21-2020

[Image: Qs8hS2n.png]

To: Karl Kamimura of Samura

Dear Mr. Kamimura ,

Please let us know what commodities you need, where the base is located and provide docking rights to Ageira~ transports.


John White,
President, Ageira Innovations
[Image: fZqZyxc.png]

RE: To: All friends of Samura. - Samura Heavy Industries - 05-21-2020

[Image: samuraclear1.png]

To: Hashani Chandrasena / Gateway Shipping Incorporated
From: Samura Heavy Industries / Shinjuku Station - New Tokyo
Subject: Request to Raw Materials and Help of Securit
Date: 21/05/827 A.S.

Konnichiwa, Hashani Chandrasena.

Thank you, Hashani Chandrasena
The help of Gateway Shipping Incorporated is certainly welcome.
Once again, thank you for your help and rest assured that we are already in agreement for a commercial interaction for the future.


Karl Kamimura

Director Samura Heavy Industries and Commander of Transport,
[Image: samuraclear1.png]

RE: To: All friends of Samura. - Samura Heavy Industries - 05-21-2020

[Image: samuraclear1.png]

To: John White,
President, Ageira Innovations

From: Samura Heavy Industries / Shinjuku Station - New Tokyo
Subject: Request to Raw Materials and Help of Securit
Date: 21/05/827 A.S.

Konnichiwa, Hashani Chandrasena.

Thanks, John White,
We are honored with the help of Ageira Innovations.
We have already listed now ~ as a welcome company in all of our terms. Our base is located in the 4 / F quadrant of Honshu.
As for the materials needed in addition to food for the employees, we also need others to build Defense Platforms as follows in the spoiler below.
In all we thank you for the help of Ageira ~.


Karl Kamimura

Director Samura Heavy Industries and Commander of Transport,
[Image: samuraclear1.png]

RE: To: All friends of Samura. - Pennyfield - 05-21-2020

[Image: CRu4blZ.png]

[Image: ufLMR0w.png]

Chesterfield Station
SUBJECT: Re. Request to Raw Materials
TO: Karl Kamimura, Director at Samura Heavy Industries

New York system, Liberty Space

Konnichiwa Kamimura-san,

Thank you for reaching out to Deep Space Engineering.

We would gladly assist you in providing needed materials provided you sent us the list of required commodities. Regarding your request for a detachment for securing the station I'm afraid our security vessels have been deployed on other assignments and we cannot spare any more.

I respectfully ask you to let me know what commodities you require from DSE and also at what price you are willing to obtain these commodities from our pilots.


[Image: c474e0a799a1cf9e238892e97e94e9f2.png]

Lulatia Bellisario
DSE Representative Gallia & Kusari

RE: To: All friends of Samura. - Samura Heavy Industries - 05-21-2020

[Image: samuraclear1.png]

To: JMiss Lulatia Bellisario/i]
Samura Heavy Industries / Shinjuku Station - New Tokyo
Subject: Request to Raw Materials and Help of Securit
Date: 21/05/827 A.S.

Thank you for meeting us at this trying hour, Miss Lulatia. Massamune base is in quadrant 4 / F of Honshu.
In addition to Kyushu rice, oxygen, water and reinforced alloys, we need to build some defense platforms. at least 3 more platforms. Here is a list below:


Karl Kamimura

Director Samura Heavy Industries and Commander of Transport,
[Image: samuraclear1.png]

RE: To: All friends of Samura. - Pennyfield - 05-21-2020

[Image: CRu4blZ.png]

[Image: ufLMR0w.png]

Chesterfield Station
SUBJECT: Re. Request to Raw Materials and Help of Securit
TO: Karl Kamimura, Director at Samura Heavy Industries

New York system, Liberty Space

Konnichiwa Kamimura-san,

Thank you for your swift reply. I have just dispatched the delivery order to our pilots and we will start making our runs shortly.

Please inform your loadmasters of the arrival of DSE) tagged vessels and to ready docking facilities as well as ample storage space as to ensure quick offloading of any and all cargo.


[Image: c474e0a799a1cf9e238892e97e94e9f2.png]

Lulatia Bellisario
DSE Representative Gallia & Kusari

RE: To: All friends of Samura. - Pennyfield - 05-22-2020

[Image: CRu4blZ.png]

[Image: ufLMR0w.png]

Chesterfield Station
SUBJECT: Re. Request to Raw Materials
TO: Karl Kamimura, Director at Samura Heavy Industries

New York system, Liberty Space

Konnichiwa Kamimura-san,

Today at 15:32 SMT two of our pilots reached your station with Hull Segments. Once there we found out that the price paid is not the 5000 you wrote us about but only 2500. To make matters slightly worse, your base seems to lack the storage capacity to unload. This means one of the pilots has to stay nearby thereby costing you further delay and the pilots revenue.

Please look into these matters and inform us when your station is both accepting goods and paying the pilots the offered price to which DSE agreed too.
We put our deliveries on a short pause until we hear from you.

Also, the pilot of the DSE)Constitution requests an additional payment of 6.250.000 SC (2500x 2500SC loss of revenue), and the pilot of the DSE)C-46.Commando requests an additional payment of 6.150.000 SC (2460x 2500SC loss of revenue).


[Image: c474e0a799a1cf9e238892e97e94e9f2.png]

Lulatia Bellisario
DSE Representative Gallia & Kusari

RE: To: All friends of Samura. - Samura Heavy Industries - 05-22-2020

[Image: samuraclear1.png]

To: JMiss Lulatia Bellisario
From: Samura Heavy Industries / Shinjuku Station - New Tokyo
Subject: Request to Raw Materials and Help of Securit
Date: 22/05/827 A.S.

Thank you, Miss Lulatia.

We have seen your work on our behalf with great satisfaction.
We appreciate the competence of your company.
I want to apologize for the error in the digits of the amount referred to in our contract. It was my mistake. Forgive me please.
I have already sent the outdated values to your pilots because of my error: DSE) Constitution / DSE) C-46.Commando
I realized that once again I made a mistake of sending an extra amount to the DSE) C-46.Commando. This also strengthened my confidence in you, because you immediately returned the surplus to my bank. Samura really values honest and sincere people. Congratulations.
Be sure that as soon as i send this statement, I will adjust the amounts requested by you fairly. If you want to continue supplying us calmly, because of the small space we now have, due to the construction of several platforms.
In addition, know that we are very grateful for your continued commitment to help us.


Karl Kamimura

Director Samura Heavy Industries and Commander of Transport,
[Image: samuraclear1.png]