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To: Gen'an - Printable Version

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To: Gen'an - E X O D I T E - 05-24-2020

[Image: image0.png]
Comm ID:
Chihaya Hachisuka
This has gone on long enough.

How about peace on the following terms:

White peace. Nobody gains or loses anything.

We can forget any of this ever happened. I'm fairly sure that you aren't a pack of opportunistic backstabbers now that I have seen a few more members of your organization, and that what led to this chain of events was an anomaly at worst.

I have no desire to fight fellow Sisters over something like this. Indeed, considering what's been going on, perhaps you feel that it is you who have been betrayed by me. So now, I offer you a choice: Peace, or glorious battle.

I'll be waiting for an answer.

RE: To: Gen'an - Megaera - 05-26-2020

ID: Ikeda Yume
Encryption: Orange Lotus
Recipient: Chihaya Hachisuka
CC: None
Subject: Hostilities


Hachisuka... again. So you are the one I watched outside of the windows getting shredded by our defenses. You do realise they have been constructed to defend our installation against an entire fleet?

You have shown to be pretty hostile towards the Gen'an Sisterhood and called us traitors. You have interrupted a training exercise, you tried to pick a fight with a Maltese ally. You opened fire on one of our sisters... twice. You also decided to attack Kinkaku-ji. Seeing how this private war against us will only lead to your death, and it almost did once. What made you change your point of view?

And more important. Why should we let you live?

First Communications Officer
Ikeda Yume

RE: To: Gen'an - E X O D I T E - 05-26-2020

[Image: image0.png]
Comm ID:
Chihaya Hachisuka
Are we looking at the same battle around Kinkaku-ji?

The Waran I launched out of my ultralight carrier was the only ship I even bothered to commit to my assault on that metal monstrosity you call a shipyard. Its one sortie met with your entire response being forced to withdraw after losing most of its armament after a few rounds of "ring around the heavy guns rather than fight", and now you tell me that you were looking outside the window watching all this but did not think to intervene? What did poor Rin do to you, steal your candy?

Okay, requisite "I can kick your arse" posturing done, let us take a look at things that we know actually happened.

I have every reason to think you traitors when you, without provocation, launch an assault upon my Liner. As far as I was concerned, you had betrayed the whole Sisterhood for no tangible gain. When you went ahead and launched a nuclear assault upon the Emperor's strongest domestic enemies, it looked for all the world like you were showing your true colors as his agents. It was my duty as a Chrysanthemum to see you punished for your betrayal of Matsuda's word, especially after you, again, completely unprovoked, sent a few pawns to attack me for no reason. You started this. Not me.

Why did I attack your Maltese ally? Stahlbrecher is no true Maltese. He is some wretch even Rheinland's streets didn't want with an over-inflated sense of self-importance from partaking in that good orange stuff. How dare he stand there and attempt to dictate to his betters, the Kusari people. That is why I sought to punish him, until he proved his not being completely worthless fighting the Hogosha and the Kempeitai before my eyes (but do they count as true Kusari?).

My view of you has not changed in the slightest, actually. You whacked my Liner in a surprise attack, and I trashed your ships in the open, before the guns of your greatest stronghold, which you yourself said can repel an entire fleet, and I am going to call it even right there. By your own admission, you have personally witnessed that. My courage is proven and my honor satisfied, so I may honorably offer peace to you and expect you to honor it. You are not so foolish as to attempt another betrayal, and indeed, I believe we would stand to gain more working together than at each other's throats.

Most importantly, your reason to "let me live" is because the alternative is that I will "kill you first".

What, you thought I would beg for forgiveness? Please. This is a cold, hard equation. You can ill-afford an asymmetrical campaign being waged against you and you know it. You simply lack the resources to protect every asset, to adequately engage every enemy, to defend your own strongholds, against a foe that can hit and fade as you do. You theoretically could devote the resources to hunting me down, but then you will have to explain to the entire Sisterhood exactly why you are going after a Sister who has not betrayed her oaths, and to the Emperor and his minions exactly why you are not bringing your full forces to bear against them, the actual people we ostensibly exist to overthrow. You might even get me. And then you would stand in the ashes of your victory, count your dead, and realize that it was you, and you alone, who sent them to die fighting loyal Sisters because the truth does not matter. What happened that day that started all this no longer matters. All that matters is exactly what kind of threat we pose to each other, and you, my fine original plan friends, have become the establishment, which makes me, the terrorist, a greater threat to you, existentially and ideologically, than you could ever hope to be to me. All you can do is kill me. But if you strike me down, I become a martyr, proof positive that you are more interested in attempting to impose power over the rest of the Sisterhood than fighting its enemies, and my death will lead to your ostracism and my vindication.

But let us go back to my suggesting that we stand to gain more from working together. As you have seen with my ultralight Carrier, it is quite a potent tool. It sure would be nice to have something like that to stage hit and fade attacks out of. Your resources being as visibly taxed as they are, one being practically gift-wrapped for you saying "I am on your side" is something you cannot just ignore like that.

One way or another, this conflict between us will come to an end.

RE: To: Gen'an - Megaera - 05-27-2020

ID: Ikeda Yume
Encryption: Orange Lotus
Recipient: Chihaya Hachisuka
CC: None
Subject: Hostilities

Rin can hold her own. Her ship is designed to survive a beating. She just wanted to see what the commotion was about. And indeed, she came back with only a few scratches. Guns are easily replaced.

You keep talking about this assault. Let us show you the log centered around this incident.
[23.04.2020 21:38:52] Luxury.Oasis: Chihaya: "Targets locked, engaging renegade Chrysanthemums."
[23.04.2020 21:38:54] GC-Cherry.Orchard: the sisterhood has improved it's financial sitation
[23.04.2020 21:38:55] GC-Yamada.Mariko: There is a liner here
[23.04.2020 21:39:06] -|-Arthur.Stahlbrecher: Eh?
[23.04.2020 21:39:07] Nanoko.Fujikawa: empty
[23.04.2020 21:39:07] Akie: euh
[23.04.2020 21:39:09] GC-Cherry.Orchard: Alrighty then
[23.04.2020 21:39:11] LG|Valdivia: hmm?
[23.04.2020 21:39:15] GC-Cherry.Orchard: Burn it down
[23.04.2020 21:39:16] GC-Yamada.Mariko: what?
[23.04.2020 21:39:30] LG|Valdivia: Seems this liner is a bit trigger happy.

You clearly seem like the aggressor in this case. So if you decided to call our Sisters 'traitors' for defending themselves. You are absolutely right. A cruise disruptor was shot at you, yes, but your were showing a freelancer IFF and you had an unusual name for a GC transport. I am sure you can understand the confusion when a freelancer IFF liner called Luxury.Oasis opens fire as a reply to cruise disruptor. Declaring us your Nemesis afterwards really does not make us any more sympathetic to your situation.

Regarding this attack on the Blood Dragons. You seem to be unaware that the Blood Dragons were the first to declare war on us , based on false accusations of hostilities against Blood Dragons, and ordered all Blood Dragon pilots to attack us. The reason being our opposition to the Coalition base in Kyushu, which might have slipped your notice as your were too busy harrassing Mariko. In this case they were the aggressors in their invasion of Kyushu. You may not like our methods, but we have the interrests of the Golden Chrysanthemums at heart.

Please, I couldn't care less what you think of me. The only thing you have so far proven that you are reckless and lack a sense of self preservation. I am not impressed by that, especially when it is aimed at your fellow Sisters. Do your really expect me to see it as an accomplishment when you scratched the paint on one of our transports? Focus your anger where it matters.

Regarding all the issues you have with us, it is hardly our problem. None of us really care about your presence. Your really expect me to bother sending assets after you? Your view yourself as far more important than you actually are. With your mental state, you will die sooner or later anyway. I kinda forgot all about you before you showed up at Kinkaku-ji in your futile attempt to make a point. You still haven't.

There is one thing I find entertaining though. You have this whole list of accusations. But still, you tried to join our ranks twice, even after this all had transpired. Next time you accuse us of hypocrisy, remember this.

First Communications Officer
Ikeda Yume

RE: To: Gen'an - E X O D I T E - 05-27-2020

[Image: image0.png]
Comm ID:
Chihaya Hachisuka
You still admit to having shot first. Interesting. You are no nemesis of mine. You are in no way "righteous", you can't "inflict", anything on anybody without help, much less "retribution manifested by an appropriate agent".

The Coalition are free to build whatever bases they want, they're considerately clustering in places people can nuke. Oh wait.

I only sought to join because I heard your rhetoric of actually fighting the established powers that be, and then in an attempt to smooth things over. Both times, you threw my attempts in my face. I am wiser now. There will not be a third attempt.

You are free to doctor whatever logs you want, it ultimately doesn't matter. Mariko knows and I know what happened, and how she perfidiously attacked first. But again, it doesn't matter.

I am offering peace with nobody gaining or losing anything, and that's all that matters here.

Rather than saying "yes, peace is nice", you have instead flung attempts at belittlement and accusations of insanity. Am I to treat this as a rejection of my peace proposal?

RE: To: Gen'an - Megaera - 05-27-2020

ID: Ikeda Yume
Encryption: Orange Lotus
Recipient: Chihaya Hachisuka
CC: None
Subject: Hostilities

"you have instead flung attempts at belittlement and accusations of insanity."

"You are in no way "righteous", you can't "inflict", anything on anybody without help, much less "retribution manifested by an appropriate agent"."

Are you even aware of your aura of irony?

First Communications Officer
Ikeda Yume

RE: To: Gen'an - E X O D I T E - 05-27-2020

[Image: image0.png]
Comm ID:
Chihaya Hachisuka
I am as aware of the irony as you are of your own weakness and hypocrisy.

It is you who have committed overwhelming force of otherwise independent Sisters upon me the one time you could get me.

It is you who even now claim me to be the madwoman with no hope of success.

It is you who will dodge the questions.

I have made of the above truths what I have.

The question remains of what you will make of them.

RE: To: Gen'an - Megaera - 05-27-2020

ID: Ikeda Yume
Encryption: Orange Lotus
Recipient: Chihaya Hachisuka
CC: None
Subject: Hostilities

What I make of this is that you are wasting my time.

First Communications Officer
Ikeda Yume

RE: To: Gen'an - E X O D I T E - 05-27-2020

[Image: image0.png]
Comm ID:
Chihaya Hachisuka
Isn't this confrontation great?

We're both convinced we're in the right, we're both convinced we can take the other down, and there's probably some Kempeitai minion laughing his buttocks off listening in on two Sisters being unable to agree not to fight each other.

Let's just call it even, and we can walk away without having find out one way or another.

If you want a fight, I will gladly give you one, but I would rather fight the people who have actually institutionally wronged me, and not a cell of my Sisters with itchy trigger fingers. I will get what I want no matter your decision, be it peace (and so cooperation in glorious battle against our enemies) or glorious battle against you. I will have my fight no matter what passes between us. The question now is whether we're going to be fighting together, or each other.

RE: To: Gen'an - Megaera - 05-27-2020

ID: Ikeda Yume
Encryption: Orange Lotus
Recipient: Chihaya Hachisuka
CC: None
Subject: Hostilities

On the following condition.

You stop any and all provocations towards the Gen'an movement. This includes the frequent insults towards Gen'an Sisters. If I really want to bother and list them all, it is a pretty long list. This is nice if you are a rogue and all, but we are Kusarians. We are civilized people, even if we are labelled terrorists.

First Communications Officer
Ikeda Yume