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To the Natio Octavarium (Dated 3/21/827A.S.) - Printable Version

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To the Natio Octavarium (Dated 3/21/827A.S.) - Charo - 05-31-2020

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ID: Robin Cornell
Location: Planet Cambridge, Cambridge

Wow, it's really been long time since I've talked to you guys. A little bit offended that I wasn't given a new address when everyone packed up from Kansas to be honest. I pumped a lot of my own money into that little colony.

But anyways, the past is the past. Despite the radio silence I've been hearing about how well you guys are doing! That's great to see, I was worried at first. Things didn't really go that well on my end, the VWA kind of, well, died out. I'd love to catch up and see what's happening in your neck of the woods and maybe get a job or two.

Where can I find you guys these days anyways?

:::Closing Transmission:::

RE: To the Natio Octavarium (Dated 3/21/827A.S.) - Kazinsal - 05-31-2020

[ Incoming Transmission ]

[Image: Harold-Kane-Adjutant.png]

Identification: Harold Kane
Affiliation: Natio Octavarium

To: Robin Cornell

Subject: Oh hi there
Encryption: No more than usual
Location: Canberra Star Ciy, Tau-44

Oh, hey! You're not dead. That's great! Coincidentally, I have recently also discovered that I too am not dead.

Things have been interesting. We have a colony station (much easier to take care of than a planet, it seems) up in the middle Taus, in a region of the Tau-44 system that the Crayterians don't seem to mind us using. Everyone who bailed out of Kansas and is still breathing is up here, though of course it's been long enough that there's a new civilian government in power. I was never much for politics anyways, except for the accusatory banter and occasional smarmy deescalation parts.

Sorry, I'm still kind of getting used to doing my old-- well, any job again. A jump accident did a number on my leg and the painkillers that I am now discontinuing the usage of were certainly, uh, effective.

Anyways, we're in the northwestern reaches now. Feel free to come on up here and enjoy the atmosphere. It's a lot cleaner than what we were used to in the Independent Worlds, but I'm sure you'll be able to find something interesting to do.

Harold Kane
Natio Octavarium

[ Transmission Ended ]

RE: To the Natio Octavarium (Dated 3/21/827A.S.) - Charo - 05-31-2020

:::Incoming Transmission:::
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:::Video feed: Live:::

ID: Robin Cornell
Location: Planet Cambridge, Cambridge

Kane, great to see you! Tau-44 you say? Wow, I haven't been there since the CR decided to go off the deep end. Hopefully they're not off that deep end anymore.

But yea, I'll come up in the Flame for a visit! I'm sure someone like me can find some kind of trouble to get into with you guys. Flying for Gateway again is just so. goddamn. boring. See you soon!

:::Closing Transmission:::