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To: Zoners - Printable Version

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To: Zoners - RedEclipse - 06-06-2020

Good day fellow Zoners,

The Phoenix is back from the absence. Several homeships, as we call our colony vessels, of the corefleet managed to find a way back into Sirius. I won’t drag much of your time, but we faced unforeseen circumstances along our path. In the end, our Great Voyage shrinked us in the ranks, and we had to return. Not so many homeships were able to retrieve their path back and the status of rest corefleet remains unknown.

Nevertheless, life is going forward. Now we are trying to reestablish ourselves in Omicron Sigma. It was a somewhat difficult task to build up a station in such a remote region, but our engineers were swift enough to finish off required works, when installation was vulnerable to any kind of attacks. And our purveyance on decks of homeships served its purpose. So we managed to establish our home, the Kadesh Orbital Colony in orbit of planet Palmyra, protected by a few damaged, but still functional warships to ensure the safety of our relatives and guests.

We welcome any of your spacefarers, to have a place for a rest, refueling or any other type of service, which could be handy in a wild environment. Unfortunately, we are unable to open our Colony to everyone like any Freeport, due to high risk of possible spreading Nomad infection.

Nevertheless, the group which has always been known for us, as Temporary Autonomous Zoners, Omicron Supply Industries, Med Force Enterprises and recently found for ourselves the Velvet Zoners are granted to dock onboard of our Colony. Anyone who is not listed, but would want to be, please use this frequency to respond.

Of course, we could use any kind of help, if any of your transports, escorts will be passing through this region. Omicron Sigma is a high radiation hazard zone and we have always to be stocked with pharmaceuticals, essential goods for our people, and repair commodities for the colony, ship spare parts.

RE: To: Zoners - Interstellar Beacon - 06-07-2020

[Image: n6KRb2s.png]

Greetings, the Phoenix.

That's good news to see more people of our way. The situation in Sirius could be quite dangerous for those who wish to have peace and working safe place. The union of us could stand against situations where one of us would be broken.

We are a group of zoner engineers gathered under the Interstellar Beacon designation. We specialize in working with hyperspace surveys and jump drives, and currently in the process of establishing our working place with more working tools and tables to satisfy our needs.

We are already having some prototype devices installed on our ships, and could offer you hyperspace surveillance services if the need would be araised.

Maintenance of your ships to get them into working condition is also possible. Especially if alignment for your engines, scanners, and other sensitive equipment is required.

Best regards, Raul Golden, administrator of Interstellar Beacon.

P.S. I didn't see you at recent Med Force Enterprises gathering just two days ago. They were organizing medical courses for everyone. It looks like you returned later than it happened or missed a good opportunity to make contacts in a more close meeting.

[Image: UqMaBCU.png]

RE: To: Zoners - Pennyfield - 06-07-2020

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location....... Med Force General-B, Omicron Theta
To:..................... Christian Burton, Phoenix
CC:.....................Doc Holliday

Good day Mr. Burton,

You are true to the name of your vessel 'Phoenix' and have risen from the ashes.

I am sorry to hear about the losses you have endured while on your way back to the Sirius sector yet I hope your people and yourself are doing well and getting well settled in your new environment. As we have not yet had the privilege of meeting allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jill Xi and I am the chief of medicine at the Med Force General-B hospital in Omicron Theta.

As I am writing this message my loadmaster is underway loading medical supplies to my personal vessel. It will depart later this evening and should reach your location sometime tomorrow. As your area in space is constantly bombarded with radiation we are bringing along an MFE designed medication to treat people suffering from it's effects as well as regular medication you may need.

Regarding safety and quarantine protocols our personnel can only board your facility in protective suits yet we are willing to take on any passengers who are in need of critical care. They will be transported to and treated at our facility in Omicron Theta and we shall return them to your station after treatment.

Please send me the location of your base and/or vessel so my navigator can make the appropriate calculations thereby ensuring a fast and speedy arrival. Also, please send me the list of patients you would like to see treated at our facility.

If there's anything else you need, let me know for we are here to help.

Yours in the service of those in need of medical care,

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]
Jill Xi, Pharm.D,
Chief of Medicine, Med Force General-B
Med Force Enterprises

RE: To: Zoners - RedEclipse - 06-08-2020

Good day, Raul Golden.

It's nice to see an organization which offers various equipment for a Zoner fellows. We could use your services later for sure. A long time ago, just like you, we used to produce special equipment for Zoners and our allies. Unfortunately, we had to flood the station and all its assets due to our departure. Thereby we are trying to return our technical possibilities to actual ships and equipment knowledge. Perhaps, an open space dry dock would fix most of our problems. But it's a different topic… Anyway, if you got any free transport nearby of our Colony, it could be useful for us. At this moment we expanding our installation so every transport got high value. Of course, profits of mutual business are intended.

Thanks for the information regarding passed courses of Med Force Enterprises. We have several hospitals onboard of Colony, perhaps they could learn something new from the MFE. if they will ever be repeated some of my medicians would like to participate.

Jill Xi, its a pleasure to meet you.

First of all, thank you for a kind words, there is a crook in the lot of everyone, but my people suffered enough to enjoy rest and safety at last. Though we are still facing with various problems. While pretty much all of our transports are being used to ship building materials from very different locations across Sirius, I can tell on behalf of my people we would very appreciate medical aid, it will be just in time.

Medicians on board of Kadesh Orbital Colony would be more competent regarding healthcare services which they are provided, but indeed we do not have enough protective suits against radiation hazard. As I already told you, Colony is still under construction and armor plates, which are very thick and remind more of battleship plates, are still being transported to us. I hope the convoy wasn’t intercepted by the Nomads… But in the end it will hide us from most destructive radiation effects.

As for location, you shouldn’t miss our installation. It is located almost in the heart of Omicron Sigma, next to planet Palmyra, in the asteroid belt. Friendly-foe systems are online, so it shouldn’t be a problem to allocate us.

And yeah, I was told that you had medicine courses, onboard of Med Force General-B. If they will ever be repeated, some of my people willingly want to practicipate.

RE: To: Zoners - Interstellar Beacon - 06-09-2020

[Image: n6KRb2s.png]

Christian Burton, we would have to inform you that our organization is only known for its hands to assemble or research something, we aren't logistic service to make cargo deliveries. We keep a dependency on surrounding transporting companies to do it for us. I could recommend their contacts, [*USI*], DSE), Ageira~, perhaps they would be interested to deal with you as well.

We have a small park of available 5k cargo-hauling vessels, which we keep for hired workers. We could give you some of them for your needs if that's interesting for you. To find the pilots to operate them would be up to you.

We keep one working transport with a pilot though, but its purpose only for very far located deliveries in a short time and for quite expensive fuel costs. As all deliveries are made through hyper travel. Currently, even this pilot operating the vessel is busy with his main occupation, working in a crucial stage with an engineering project for geo surveillance.

Best regards, Raul Golden, administrator of Interstellar Beacon.

[Image: UqMaBCU.png]

RE: To: Zoners - RedEclipse - 06-09-2020

Excuse me if I have discommode you, I expected that you've got enough of transports, as construction of special equipment require huge amount of building materials.

Nevertheless thank you for giving us an idea to contact house corporations. Although I'm not sure if they would able to reach our remote location, but it's worth to give a try.

Prosperity to you and your business.

RE: To: Zoners - Dark_Knight - 06-09-2020

[Image: YrfG5xH.jpg]
[Image: 4Bc8Fyk.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Max Cosmatopolis, Velvet Command.
Date: 9th of June 827 A.S.
Location: Velvet|Nyx, Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: Phoenix.

Max speaks friendly and respectful.

"It is always good to see old faces return, even if I myself met you briefly. If you don't remember I am Max Cosmatopolis, Commander of Velvet and Freeport 11 Administrator. We welcome anyone willing to work with Zoners in furthering our neutral goals, as for assistance at Sigma, we shall see what we can do to assist you there with our transports. I hope to work together more in future against the common enemy of Nomads.

Max out"

Max turns off the comm link.

Max Cosmatopolis- Velvet Command
== End Transmission==

RE: To: Zoners - RedEclipse - 06-10-2020

Max Cosmatopolis, nice to meet you. I'm pleased to hear a word from our Omicron neighbors.

We just have setup a communication frequency at Kadesh, It broadcast a transmission on neuralnet, it will be always up to date, so Velvet trade vessels can be always informed of our needs.