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To Zoner Leaders - Printable Version

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To Zoner Leaders - Doc Holliday - 06-15-2020

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Med Force General-B, Omicron Theta
To: Velvet; OSI; Phoenix; TAZ; MFE; Freeport Administrators
Encryption: Zoners Only

Good Evening,

Much has changed for us as a people since the Bretonians took over our former home world of Gran Canaria and yes, I will forever consider it by that name as I will consider the system that it floats in as Omega 49. Sadly, many were left behind to live under their rule and even more sadly, Cretans seeking a new way of life, a life of peace on that planet, were executed just for being Cretan. We now find ourselves working on a new home world in Omicron Theta, a world nobody really wanted and as before, we are making a home out of it.

Omicron Supply now finds its home base in Omicron Theta, Velvet also makes its home there and Med Force Enterprises is basing there to assist with the growing Pygar population. I included the TAZ because they have been good friends to us all and even made this available to Freeport Administrators and even to my own people in Med Force Enterprises as some reside in Baffin. If I have left anyone out, please forward this to them.

I think it is time that we all had a summit, a meeting if you will, to discuss the many common problems we all share. Things we know about like Pygar, our neighbors that while are peaceful for now, may not be later. Theta can be quite the powder keg and has been in the past. I would like to do what we can collectively to prevent this from happening again. We can also discuss solutions, ideas and just working together. Once we get some ideas and put some of them into action, maybe then we can start figuring out our neighbors like the Core, Corsairs, Nomads and the visiting house ships we all keep seeing.

So I just wanted to put this out for review. Where could we meet? We all have somewhere suitable and I think it would be in our good interest to make this happen sooner than later.
I look forward to your responses.

Thank you,
Dr. John Henry Holliday
Founder, Med Force Enterprises

RE: To Zoner Leaders - RedEclipse - 06-15-2020


It's been a long time, Doc Holiday.

Many things have been changed in the absence of our family. I would like to hear more about Canaria fall… How they even dare to take Zoner homeworld. I still can’t believe it.

Phoenix would like to hear voices of fellow Zoners, their problems along their path. As for the place of meeting… I would suggest Corfu would be a good place for that. Far from main trade routes, this place present a quiet location for the meeting.

RE: To Zoner Leaders - Dark_Knight - 06-15-2020

[Image: YrfG5xH.jpg]
[Image: 4Bc8Fyk.png]
==Incoming Transmission==
ID: Max Cosmatopolis, Velvet Command.
Date: 15th of June, 827 A.S.
Location: Velvet|Nyx, Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: Zoner Summit

Max speaks in a respectful manner.


I certainly would look forward to any Zoner Meetin' or Summit, as mister Burton said I would also suggest Corfu as a meetin' ground, it's the most secure and most well travelled. Name the time an' I'll be there with some of my Command team.

Max out"

Max turns off the comm link with a salute..

Max Cosmatopolis- Velvet Command
== End Transmission==

RE: To Zoner Leaders - Dark_Knight - 06-15-2020

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: LeZKZpr.png]
From: Administrator Sun Koken
Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Subject: Zoner Summit
Encryption: Hard
Sun speaks with, some excitement and friendliness.

"Hello Dr Holliday.

I would very much enjoy and seek out a meeting between Zoner leaders and administrators. I would also suggest Corfu, it may not be the most hospitable planet but I have assisted in making it as good as it can be, including have a Buddhist temple on the planet. I shall come to the summmit and provide my, pacifist and neutral opinion of all things. I am looking forward to this meeting already, goodness, it has been some time since i have seen some Zoner leaders. "

Sun places her hands together and does her customary Buddhist bow with a smile.

-Administrator Sun Koken

Message End

RE: To Zoner Leaders - Interstellar Beacon - 06-15-2020

[Image: n6KRb2s.png]

Good day, Doc Holiday

This is Raul Golden and It's a pleasure to meet you again. We briefly met each other before at your station Med Force General-B during medical courses. Not sure if the message was meant to come to my table, nevertheless my terminal was able to decipher it, as we share the same encrypting codes to communicate.

I feel like we are quite out of touch with important news and knowledge that affects all zoners around. We would like to arrive as well, at least just to listen. Corfu Base sounds like a good place for a meeting.

Best regards, Raul Golden, administrator of Intestellar Beacon.

[Image: UqMaBCU.png]

RE: To Zoner Leaders - Dartes - 06-15-2020


[Image: 8C6DAGn.png]

[Image: 2KHV56V.jpg]


RECIPIENT ID: Freeport Administrators, Zoner Organization Leaders
SENDER ID: Martin Lawrence, Genesis Research Group
LOCATION: Unknown, Unknown

Dr. Holiday,

I see that what I said you some time ago got to you, to the extent of organizing a summit.

This meeting shall be interesting, as many Zoners are going to gather together to resolve the issues that are growing around us.

I shall attend on the Genesis' behalf, even if I might arrive on a later note as I'm busy on several projects. Hopefully I won't miss anything and I manage to arrive in time.

[Image: B3EDrJJ.png]


RE: To Zoner Leaders - realekki - 06-15-2020

ID: Hagbard Celine

subject: meeting

Location: Baffin, Shasta Skyhook - Ambassadors Office

Encryption: none Level: 0

Kallisti Doc,

good reason to visit the ommicrons again. time and date?

Hagbard Celine

RE: To Zoner Leaders - pulha - 06-17-2020

[Image: eINRvUJ.png]


OSI will be present in the summit

May i suggest Nichols Trade Center as the place to hold the summit?

Looking forward to see you all

Paul Mendes

Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: 0fRxNG2.png]

RE: To Zoner Leaders - Doc Holliday - 06-22-2020

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Med Force General-B, Omicron Theta
To: All Respondents

Greetings, All,

After giving some time for people to reply, I have reserved a large conference room on Corfu base for us all to get together. It will be catered so just bring yourselves and whatever subject matter you wish to discuss. I have a short list of things of my own but I do know there will be things that I do not know about. The development of Pygar and each of our roles in it, Bretonia and preventing them from doing to Pygar what they did to us in Omega 49 are but a few.
I will represent Med Force Enterprises as a whole while my right hand, Dr. Jill Xi, will represent Med Force General-B. Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a long time since we all got together but with times as they are, I think the time is appropriate to do so. I look forward to meeting with you all.

Thank you,

RE: To Zoner Leaders - Aazalot - 06-22-2020

[Image: 4048707_orig.jpg?169]
[Image: wWDBvtl.png]
-- Incoming Signal --
-- Video feed --
* ID: Jerard Voncloud
* Location: Carrier Kaldra
* Subject: Conference
* Priority : 5
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:

Apologies for my late reply.
I shall be attending the Conference, representing Planet Pygar.
I will ensure that Corfu is well staffed and protected for this meeting. Though I don't expect any trouble you can never be too careful. My ship the Kaldra already maintains a defensive position by Corfu and Pygar, whilst my Black Kites run regular patrols of the system, patrols that I will increase both in frequency and ships.
Until the meeting.
Jerard Voncloud - Velvet Commander Black Kite Fleet - Pygar Administrator

Message Ended
-- Video feed terminated --
-- Secondary data log saved --