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Phoenix Mining Guild Message Dump. - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Stories and Biographies (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=56) +--- Thread: Phoenix Mining Guild Message Dump. (/showthread.php?tid=1810) |
Phoenix Mining Guild Message Dump. - Qunitinius~Verginix - 10-25-2006 Alright several People in the Phoenix Guild requested that I put this here so chat away, report Pirates and all that fun stuff! Try to stay in RP! This si for Phoenix Members only and Allies. No acting on any thing you rea here unless you have our permission. Verginix of the miner Phoenix Feather, out. Phoenix Mining Guild Message Dump. - McNeo - 10-25-2006 PMG Network: The first run by our very own Phoenix Transports has been completed. Miner 2294 has provided a full load of Gold to some needy Corsairs on Tripoli shipyard. The Transport was the Green.Vanity and it arrived on tripoli to help finish the wiring on their newly built battleship. This, the first of its kind, is unique in having totally gold wires (with insulatory coverings). This is suspected to increase the response of all ship systems by 20% compared too copper wires. The Corsairs were very thankful, but in response, the Treacherous Bretonians, who threaten to Destroy Outpost Holman, reponded by moving to hostilities with the transport in question. The Bretonians are, however, unwilling to commit to War against the IMG and Kusari at the same time, so are still neutral (just) with the trader. Though this is a massive step to completion of the Massive battleship, many more shipments are needed, say the Corsair engineers working on Tripoli. "This shipment, though providing 1000 tonnes of gold, is a tiny portion of what is needed for our battleship." says Corsair engineer Matheiu Barthez PMG report concluded. In ascosiation with the IMG. Phoenix Mining Guild Message Dump. - McNeo - 10-25-2006 Incomming Transmission Sender : Stuart Payne Location:sso| HQ Topic: possible alliance/ buisness oportunities On behalf of the sso|, i would like to extend a hand of freindship to this new organisation, and i shall be instructing all sso| operatives to give generous discounts to the PMG as their profit margins are slim. Feel free to use our services as you deem necessary. If you are sso| and you just thought "What is he doing?!?!?" then have no fear. We need allies, and this maybe one to go for. However, the sso| shall NOT be taking sided between the ongoing war between Kusari and the IMG against Bretonia. Rates of payment : Destroyer hire = half hold full of the product (200 tonnes) Fighter hire = same rate as you pay for the IMG escort + an extra "tip". Battleship hire = (guard duty only) 40% of money miners gain from selling their wares to traders (if 2 traders come while the bs is hired, the bs gets 40% of both sales. if there are 3 traders in that hire time, then 40% 3 times etc etc) . I hope these rates reflect our good intentions towards the PMG and encourage you to take advantage of these offers. *prices subject to change without notice only by a guildmaster* Transmission Ends Phoenix Mining Guild Message Dump. - Qunitinius~Verginix - 10-26-2006 **IncomingTransmission** **SenderID** Transport Rawks **ReceiverID** Phoenix Employees This is Verginx Flying the Rawks, a transport from the Tau systems. I secessfully managed to drop of a load of Nobium in the dresden system. I got a signifigant icome from this but I beleive we can make more. We need more transports. PLain and Simple. By the time i reached the sigma systems, the miner JadedArk had reached full capacity and was awaiting pick up. PLease, I encourage all members to recruit transports, as our mining spots are full, and escorts are not as much as a concern to us as emptying the miners is. That is all. Verginix Out. Phoenix Mining Guild Message Dump. - McNeo - 10-28-2006 Incomming Transmission From : Jaded Ark May i suggest to combat our lack of transports, we make all miners have a transport too. I was mining in Tau 37 yesterday for about 1 hour, and Rawks came too pick up my wares. As soon asthe transaction had been made, my tractor beam pulled another 1000 units from the cloud and i was full again before Rawks even left the system. Whats more, another 300 units was floating in the cloud!! I really think that Transports need to be set up quickly. End Transmission OOC: It was like a field of debris just floating around me. It was quite funny and i got a few screenies of it too. Note there are so many asteroids that the radar cannot see them all ie a significant portion of the asteroids cannot be targetted because there are so many of them :crazy: :laugh: . [attachmentid=902] Phoenix Mining Guild Message Dump. - Hyperwave22 - 10-28-2006 Incoming Transmission From: Miner Echo It appears that Verginix has decided to heed this suggestion Mcneo. {You won't have to wait for me to get a miner then go to bed :P} In addition to this, I will be stationing Miner Echo in Omega-7 as there is mining there while I hunt down Corsairs. This will hopefully allow me to mine and get reputation ({w/o doing missions}). Verginix has already ok'd this, and I plan to be in Dublin ASAP. End Transmission Phoenix Mining Guild Message Dump. - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 10-28-2006 Incoming Transmission From: Miner MacDarby making my way to omega -11 as we speak, also contacted one of my mates in the trader O'Darby to help in the transport of our raw materials. also is there gonna be some sort of profit sharing in the company, or just whatever you mine you sell, rather than there being a salary or hourly wage system End Transmission Phoenix Mining Guild Message Dump. - McNeo - 10-28-2006 This is what i think the pay is. Gold mined = free Gold sold from miner = half of the best price available Gold best price = 1600 tripoli shipyard Miner sells 1000 tonnes for 800k Diamond mined = free Diamond sold from miner = Half the price of best price available Diamond best price = 1600 Planet New Tokyo Miner sells 1000 tonnes for 800k Niobium mined = free Niobium sold from miner = Half the price of best price available Niobium best price = 1500 Lepzig station Miner sells 1000 tonnes for 750k ETC for any other materials sold I think the selling prices are the same but i am only saying this from memory. might be wrong. This method ensures the transport and the miner recieve the same amount of profit. Escorts are paid 100k each per selling by each trader Escorts are paid 100k by the miner when a transport arrives to pick up wares. (may need tweaking but i think thats the way to go) Phoenix Mining Guild Message Dump. - Malaclypse 666 - 10-29-2006 Nice work, lads! Keep it up. Eris loves the working man. (Just bathe a little more often, eh: Two things: Quote:Gold sold from miner = half of the best price available At first glance, ok. But if you lads are carrying mixed cargos, the best price might not always be the most expedient. perhaps a better route for 1400 would be quicker, or less dangerous, and put you in better place for your next pickup/dropoff. In that case, half of the price at the designated sales point would seem more appropriate. Trade speed and overall efficiency for top dollar. In the event that the carrier wished to take the extra time and risk to get top dollar, he would get the extra profit over the established price for his efforts. And you might want to consider a 90/10 split for carrying any unfortunate "visitors" the miners collect to a port of call. After all, it was the miner protecting the crop, right? And of course if traders or escorts protect their own interests, the whole profit could go to them. Or, perhaps the 10% could go to the escort(s), for gas money. Need a Business Manager? I'll leave now. R. Waverly Esq. Phoenix Mining Guild Message Dump. - Hyperwave22 - 10-29-2006 Incoming Transmission From: Miner Echo Mcneo, I agree with that pay. There may be shorter runs, but I think that it depends on who is transporting it. However, since the miners don't necessarily half to be in the same location they started in (they can be rotated too), then the top price works well. This allows for the miners to get cash, and still be relatively dispersed. Overall, great plan, McNeo, now it's just up to Verginix if he wants to rotate in a weird fashion. Something like if you transport diamonds to NT, then you stay in that general area to assist other miners, like the ones in Dublin, closer. End Transmission |