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Reaver Mercenary Company | .Reaver - Printable Version

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Reaver Mercenary Company | .Reaver - Reaver Company Inc. - 06-23-2020

[Image: iVDiJkJ.png]

Basic Information

Name: Reaver Company Inc.

IFF: None
ID: Freelancer ID
Faction tag: .Reaver

Current Company Owner: @Haste
Current Company Controller: @Kaze

Why are we doing this to you, again?

"We would like to guard our name. We would also like to gain an ID for purposes of easing the insane difficulty of maintaining our current reps. These are the principle reasons for this request. Very little about who we are or what we do is going to change.

We're not looking to cement a legacy. We're not looking to be recognized.

The Reavers have existed since 2006. We are not new to the server. Our impact and who we are will be weighed in different ways by different persons. Some see us as a blight. Others as a mechanism by which to level a playing field. We're simply here to have fun, be friends and enjoy the game.

Our request is a formality. To gain a few basic rights of protection and to secure a means by which to provide a measure of ease over the cumbersome time sink of ensuring a number of conflicting reps are maintained across multiple ships.

Have fun with this thread. We know we will."

The words above are copied, letter by letter from the original official and approved Faction Creation Request from 2011. It hasn't changed. We're still a bunch of friends playing the game. We're still a blight to those who are our contract targets. We're still welcomed by our employers. And our impact is recognizable in some form or another. And we still have issues jumbling and maintaining the fair amount of different reputations we need to have to do our job.

But mostly, we are doing this because of our identity.
And do have fun with the thread.

What is the Reaver Company Inc.?

Originally, the Reavers were a bunch of misfits, alcoholic and mostly criminal folk that wanted to get by in a sector of space where the exchange of a life for the almighty cred was usual. Guess what?

It hasn't changed. Only that we're richer. And the sector has fewer people. The Reavers, until 2011, never really left a mark in the universe. But then things changed. Contracts were made, lots of them, money was earned, lots of it, and people were killed, loads of them. And the Reaver Company Inc. grew in fame, in name and with the promise we would do our jobs and role-play. And that's killing in the name of whoever pays the highest amount. Known for the usage of our patrons tech, we would use whatever tech was granted to us, ranging from Black Dragons to Lynxes. That was one of our trademarks. Another one to signal how colorful we were.

Now, you got your veterans in the pay sheet. Cerulean, Silver, Spartan, Onyx to name a few, all misty eyed for some more shenanigans and desire to suicide themselves against a House or two. You got your young bloods, 50 Shades, Beaver, Blanket, etc, vying for a color, that eternal place in the rainbow and the generous retirement package. Really, it's good. The dental plan is something else.

All of us, one way or the other, are server vets. Some good at the shooting, some good at hunting and some good at looking pretty as a target and spinning a tale or two like me. But the game is the same.
"We kill what the bounty board says needs killing. We make money. We carry on and enjoy one another's company and celebrate our victories and lulz at our losses. It's a grand ol' time."

For those that don't know who we are, we are a very successful bunch of misfits, alcoholic and mostly criminal folk. We bring in those that have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Though we do like talent and style. That's what makes the Company what it is. And each and one of us are colorful as the rainbow were in. One thing that set us apart from the rest, is that we are keen to use whatever tech our employers throw on our laps, and we are happy to use it. It adds a little spice to the world of Sabres and Eagles, but also, it's a reminder of our greed for tech. Disparate backgrounds such as LPI, KNF, Rogues, Pirates, Outcast enforcers, Auxesia and the likes all united by one thing and one thing alone. To make some money off someone else's corpse while looking good doing it.

What is our business model?

While it's beautiful in its apparent simplicity, the assessment we make of standing contracts is complicated as managing a business. We take an honest look at what's available, we cross reference targets and see what's paying more. We then determine if the juice is worth the squeeze in terms of target availability, possible political trouble that comes with collecting a contract and the general mood we have when we wake up that particular day. Hangovers are problematic, and serial drinkers like the Company Owner tend to have some rough mornings. Or afternoons. Normally, we do like our role-play. We like to chat with our possible employers or targets, even. It gives us joy and allows us to explore the character dynamics we have in play. Negotiations with a contract in mind always makes us giddy, be it for money or for tech. But enough with the pretty frilly feelings. We're talking business.


Collecting on Outcasts. That outright eliminates them as employers. They are bountied by IMG, Bretonia, Confederacy and some others. However, they are paying quite heavily for Bretonian blood, which also stacks with IMG and Enclave for instance. While also targeting IMG, funnily enough. In the middle of all of this, you got Crayter, willing to spot for Outcasts and Enclave. Considering the latest, they may end up putting up Kusari as target. They pay for Outcasts too by the way. Auxesia does too. While targetting Core, that does not pay for Outcasts, but pays for Order, the same as Auxesia.

You're getting the idea. It's a minefield, where everyone is shooting everyone. And we love it. That's what pays the bills at the end of the fiscal year.

We do have some rules. The biggest one is: We don't default on contracts. Whenever we need to drop a contract because it is not profitable, we send a notice. After that, and a 72 hour period to reclaim blown up goods, lost knickers or one random newbie snoring at one of their bars, we go to town. Fun for all the family.

How do I join the Murder Factory?

You ask. In roleplay. Then you get voted on. If you get enough votes, you're in. If not, try again later on. Drown your sorrows with some booze. Listen to One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer. Go shoot some people. Be role-play. Make Dusty's gram proud.

Structure and Ranks

Structure: For the full roster please observe the Reaver Company Inc. Database. (Still being updated)

In the original words of @Dusty Lens:

The Reavers hold no rank, or structure, beyond that of the person holding down the fort and the people in the field. Cerulean owns the company. Titanium controls the inner workings. Everyone works the field.

There are no tithes nor taxes. In many ways the Reavers are little more than a group of individuals, many of whom may be in the same place at the same time. We all understand that what we do impacts our own future, and behave ourselves accordingly. It's a system of mutual greed. One which suits the lifestyle perfectly.


The crux and bane of our existence. The ever-flowing diplomacy of guns for hire. Our diplomacy is tied to your wallet or to your business proposal.

[Image: KmjRQL7.png]

We don't need to pay for the request, but if you need the money, mind the stains, you can take it out from Blood.Money

The reason for the stains is that it is actual blood money. All put there together from all the bounties and contracts we've been paid up until now. So uh.. Yeah. Make sure to wash your hands after messing with it. Spartan said lemon juice helps. Tyrian said something about Hydrogen Peroxide. I always use ammonia. Up to you really. If you need further help, we're probably not the best guys for that.

See you in space.

RE: Reaver Mercenary Company | .Reaver - Venkman - 06-23-2020

Cool and good. Good luck.

RE: Reaver Mercenary Company | .Reaver - Traxit - 06-23-2020

(06-23-2020, 01:54 AM)Venkman Wrote: Cool and good. Good luck.

RE: Reaver Mercenary Company | .Reaver - Czechmate - 06-23-2020

Fun read. You guys are awesome!

RE: Reaver Mercenary Company | .Reaver - Charo - 06-23-2020

yes pls, I miss both fearing and loving the Reaver name on my radar

RE: Reaver Mercenary Company | .Reaver - Kazinsal - 06-23-2020

Former gay wolfgirl reaver seal of approval.

(man, 2010 was a wild time)

RE: Reaver Mercenary Company | .Reaver - Shokanshi - 06-23-2020

It's nice that I return to see the .Reavers return too. Good faction back in the day.

RE: Reaver Mercenary Company | .Reaver - Corile - 06-23-2020

(06-23-2020, 01:54 AM)Traxit Wrote:
(06-23-2020, 01:54 AM)Venkman Wrote: Cool and good. Good luck.

RE: Reaver Mercenary Company | .Reaver - Ramke - 06-26-2020

Money taken and added to tracker.

Good luck.

RE: Reaver Mercenary Company | .Reaver - St.Denis - 10-03-2020

Failed Request due to: