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Phoenix - Enclave - Printable Version

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Phoenix - Enclave - RedEclipse - 06-09-2020

Greetings, Enclave.

Perhaps you’ve heard of us, though we are rare guests in the Tau-Bretonian sector, particular in a last decade. My name is Christian Burton, I lead a Zoner group known as Phoenix and I would like to hear from someone of your representatives.

A few days ago a report crossed my desk, a convoy of our transports was intercepted by your patrols and escorted out of system. I was told that systems mapped on our starcharts as Edinburgh and Orkney is your possession. First off, we apologize regarding breaking local laws. As I said, we are not frequent guests of Tau-Bretonia region, so we couldn’t knew these systems are now under blockade.

While our main zone of operations is allocated almost on a different side of the Sirius sector, our convoys is spread across the whole sector. We would like to acquire allowance to pass through your space, in trade benefits of each side.

RE: To: Enclave Headquarters - Groshyr - 06-16-2020

Planet Bordeaux, Aquitaine system
16th June, 743 AGS

[Image: uCZdA9w.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Commandant Antonin de Lusignan, Gallic Royal Enclave
Recipient: Christian Burton, Phoenix
Subject: Hebrides passage permissions

Christian Burton of the Phoenix,

My name is Antonin de Lusignan, Commandant to the Gallic Royal Enclave. A pleasure to meet you, monsieur.

I am representing the Gallic Royal Enclave and shall speak on behalf of it. Your request to provide Phoenix logistic vessels with access to the systems of the Hebrides, which include Aquitaine, Brittany and Roussilon, was received and reviewed by us.

I believe, your case is particular as you are the only Zoner organization, smart enough to listen to our friendly advice and do not come back until you will be provided with permissions. Consider this as a compliment, monsieur Burton.

The Gallic Royal Enclave is ready to provide you with the permissions in question, however, you have to follow a few terms and pay a contribution to Enclave's treasury in the amount of $1,000,000,000 Sirius Credits. The terms are the following:

  1. Phoenix logistic vessels (freighters, transports and liners) shall be provided with access to Enclave territory, also known as Gallic Hebrides (Aquitaine, Brittany and Roussillon);

  2. While flying within the Enclave space, Phoenix ships will be escorted by no less than two (2) Enclave patrol fighters;

  3. Phoenix organization will not provide third parties with the information about this agreement and/or with information about the objects within the systems of Hebrides;

  4. Should Phoenix organization agree with the terms above - the organization will pay contributions in amounts of $500,000,000 to MdG/-VCF-Renaissance and $500,000,000 to \*/~RES-Durandal.

Should you be interested in a commercial relationship with Enclave itself - it can be discussed separately in the same communication channel.

Regards the passage - the security within it is higher than in regular Tau systems and thus your ships will be safe under the protection of Enclave patrols.

However, if you violate the terms of this agreement - it will be annulated and your vessels will be forbidden to enter the Hebrides. In the case of heavy violation, such as betrayal and cooperating with Bretonians, Colonial Republic or Confederal Gallia against the people and personnel of the Gallic Royal Enclave - your ships will become the target for our patrols across all the Taus and even beyond it.

Choose wisely, monsieur Burton.

We will be waiting for your answer.

Lusignan - over.

Transmission End

RE: To: Enclave Headquarters - RedEclipse - 06-17-2020

Antonin de Lusignan, it's a pleasure to meet you.

In point of fact we are in Phoenix is surrounded by great powers, it's a matter of survival in deep Omicrons to respect our neighbors and partners and it has became in our way in doing business. While we are very different in our ranks, we are common in being peaceful people that don’t intend any harm for humans, only in a matter of self-defense. I believe you have not met yet Nomads, in a particular their swarms, here in Omicrons, their aggression full of hatred... That’s the true plague and danger for humanity in Sirius.

Anyway, back to our agreement, Phoenix respectfully agreed to follow these terms. Furthermore its aswell in our interests to veil our business to other parties, this agreement is only a matter of our organizations. The payment was sent to MdG/-VCF-Renaissance and \*/~RES-Durandal.

While I would grad in more cooperation, at this moment our trade fleet is busy with ongoing construction works of Kadesh Orbital Colony. Nevertheless a further commercial relationship can be discussed later. Though if your organization would be in need of something particular, you are always welcome to contact me.

RE: To: Enclave Headquarters - Groshyr - 06-17-2020

Planet Bordeaux, Aquitaine system
17th June, 743 AGS

[Image: uCZdA9w.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Commandant Antonin de Lusignan, Gallic Royal Enclave
Recipient: Christian Burton, Phoenix
Subject: Hebrides passage permissions granted

Monsieur Burton,

You made a wise choice.

I was informed that the contribution was received. Therefore, you have been granted to passage through the systems of the Hebrides on Phoenix logistics vessels (freighter, transport and liner-class). However, until the commercial agreement is not engaged you cannot dock our facilities.

Nevertheless, our forces were informed about this change and will not threaten your ships any longer until you will be detected in violation of any term of the agreement.

Transmission End

RE: To: Enclave Headquarters - RedEclipse - 06-18-2020

Excuse me for misunderstanding, I expected that our trade convoys will deal with your local merchants residing on Enclave installations.

I shall continue, at this moment Phoenix are capable in shipping of following commodities into Enclave space:
  • Palladium
  • Kemwer Munitions
  • Helium-3
  • Iridium ore
  • Uranium ore
  • Platinum ore

I would like to know what prices you could offer for that goods and raw materials. Furthermore I would like to know what your organization is produce, we could help to ship it all the way across the Sirius sector.

RE: To: Enclave Headquarters - Groshyr - 06-18-2020

Planet Bordeaux, Aquitaine system
18th June, 743 AGS

[Image: uCZdA9w.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Commandant Antonin de Lusignan, Gallic Royal Enclave
Recipient: Christian Burton, Phoenix
Subject: Commercial agreement with Phoenix organization

Monsieur Burton,

First of all, I am glad to see how fast did you find something to offer for us. The Enclave is interested in unprocessed Iridium, Uranium and Platinum ores as well as processed palladium, Helium-3 may a use of us as well. For every single unit of the said commodity, delivered to the Issoudun shipyard, we are ready to provide the following payment:

  1. Helium-3 - $8,627
  2. Iridium ore - $10,197
  3. Palladium - $3,386
  4. Platinum ore - $7,181
  5. Uranium ore - $8,856

Secondly, we do not find Kemwer munitions advanced than ours and thus we are not interested in its procuring.

I believe you shall find the prices we offered satisfying and agree with them. If you will - then permissions to dock Issoudun shipyard and limited access for commercial purposes only shall be granted for Phoenix logistics vessels. However, while docked with our station, your men cannot leave the permitted area and visiting other places than hangar and commercial zone.

Transmission End

RE: To: Enclave Headquarters - RedEclipse - 06-19-2020

Antonin de Lusignan,

We find following prices more than acceptable. Our transports are ready to start first test flights, at this moment our trade department is looking for a safest route into your space, without getting much attention to our ships for third parties.

Furthermore, I would like to know what our logistics could take on way back from your installations. Is there anything that Enclave could offer to us?

RE: To: Enclave Headquarters - Groshyr - 06-21-2020

Planet Bordeaux, Aquitaine system
21th June, 743 AGS

[Image: uCZdA9w.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Commandant Antonin de Lusignan, Gallic Royal Enclave
Recipient: Christian Burton, Phoenix
Subject: Commercial agreement with Phoenix organization - 2

Monsieur Burton,

Should you be interested in deeper commercial relations with the Gallic Enclave, you may as well be interested in gold ore, processed and unprocessed ones. Should you agree to procure our gold ore, your transports will be permitted to dock the Orthez facility in Aquitaine and commit commercial operations around the mineral in question. The average price for processed ore is $900 but may change for a few numbers higher or less. Unprocessed ore can be discussed in particular cases with the miners themselves.

Transmission End

RE: To: Enclave Headquarters - RedEclipse - 06-21-2020

Hm, a gold… Quite rare commodity here in the Omicrons. We will take both materials, processed or not, we will find an usage for that. Hope to see our transport convoys heading to you soon, a quite long road ahead, but risk is being paid well. And again contact us if you will need anything particular, its a pleasure to doing business with you.

RE: To: Enclave Headquarters - Groshyr - 06-27-2020

Planet Bordeaux, Aquitaine system
27th June, 743 AGS

[Image: uCZdA9w.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Commandant Antonin de Lusignan, Gallic Royal Enclave
Recipient: Christian Burton, Phoenix
Subject: An offer you may be interested in

Monsieur Burton,

We are willing to hire your logistics ships for transportation of high-performance alloys to the station under our protection in the system of Brittany. Our offer is $1,200 credits per unit by the arrival and additional reward in the amount of $50,000,000 credits to your organization's bank after the contract's fulfilling. Should you be interested we shall provide you with particular details.

We are waiting for your answer.

Transmission End