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Unbalanced Weapons Loadout? - Sidewinder - 10-26-2006

I just had a quick question for everyone on the server. I have been using a wepons loadout on my Manta VHF that seems to be able to kill everyone I fight. I was able to defeat some of the better players on the server in 1v1 using this loadout. Given my not-so-good piloting skills, I am thinking that my loadout is unbalanced in some way. :$ Anyway, you probally want to know what this loadout is so I'll tell you...

I use four adv. debilitators ( spelling??) that do 804 shield damage and fire four times a second, two nomad guns and a nova antimatter torpedo. Basicly I go head to head against other players, and use my shield busters to knock out their shields. Then I shoot a torpedo that does 36k hull damage at them when they try to go head to head with me for the second time. I simply repeat the process until I kill them. I was just wondering if this was unbalaced in any way. If it is, please let me know so I can change it.


Unbalanced Weapons Loadout? - McNeo - 10-26-2006

I dont think it is, i tried that with DO and i hit him, but his sheild came up just in time to save him -.-

Not unbalanced though, you can just aim better than the rest of us :)

Unbalanced Weapons Loadout? - Virus - 10-26-2006

The problem is the MANTA ITSELF.

Too agile for anyone to hit it.

Unbalanced Weapons Loadout? - Dab - 10-26-2006

Not true Virus. For example.

On one of my jaunts out to Planet New Berlin as a Wraith, of which the place was curiously empty of RM ships... Two sso| Mantas were there. I fought them (first match there was another named... something with a Police ID. This was shortly after Virus disappeared due to evil parents..) The first two times I died. The second I took one with my I think, that or severely damaged one..

The third was the prize. Taking down BOTH Mantas with nothing more than two tizonas, 4 salamancas and a Sunslayer torpedo launcher. Seeing as how I was a Sabre, I'd say the Manta certainely has its disadvantages. One being its easy-to-hit shape and hitbox. The thing is a target. Easier to hit than the Titan even..


There is no "unbalance." You got them easily due to the fact that they couldn't easily dodge your torpedo. (takes a lot of practice to get away from a torpedo fired at almost point blank range)

Unbalanced Weapons Loadout? - McNeo - 10-26-2006

The Colonial Viper can Out-turn the Manta.

DO is always on my tail...

EDIT: The Titans hitbox has a problem with it. I can hit the sheilds, but i use all my energy taking down the hull (i can aim so its not that). Once the Top wind is blown off, i find it really huard to hit from behind.

Unbalanced Weapons Loadout? - marauder - 10-26-2006

The titan has always been like that, well the NPC ones have.

The manta is still too agile for it's armour rating.

Theres nothing wrong with you loadout, and it usually takes alot of practice to hit anything with the nova AM cannon now so it's ok.

Unbalanced Weapons Loadout? - Dab - 10-26-2006

He wasn't using the Nova AM, he was using the Sunslayer I believe. Sounds like he killed Virus with it too. :P

Torps just take practice to dodge. Use more brain power than sight and feeling when fighting one with torpedoes. Not that using sight and feeling when flying is bad, just not great in a situation with a torp-armed fighter.

Unbalanced Weapons Loadout? - marauder - 10-26-2006

The only person who has killed virus with torps so far was dboy earlier.

Plus sidewinder has listed his wep loadout and it syas there 'nova AM cannon' it's not a torpedo anymore.

Unbalanced Weapons Loadout? - Dab - 10-26-2006

Oh, when he said torpedo I thought he meant an actual torpedo. My bad..

And I've killed Virus with torps before too. :P Three times, but I have to give him credit, took quite a few tries, and I did blow myself up one of those times too.

Unbalanced Weapons Loadout? - Korrd - 10-26-2006

Putting a torp down the throat of another fighter is not a skill, is an art.
And more when your connection adds 300+ ping to the server lag :(