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[dK] das Konglomerat - Recruitment - Printable Version

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[dK] das Konglomerat - Recruitment - das Konglomerat - 07-10-2020

[Image: limelogo.png]

Become a client company of das Konglomerat.

Any company run by individual of Rheinlandish descent, or managed in Rheinland is allowed to submit application to das Konglomerat. Sole proprietors are also permitted to join. If you're looking to start a new company with the financial help of the conglomerate, please make a clear remark in your application.

Please, fill out a form attached below. One of our Arbiters will contact you as soon as possible.


[color=#BFFF40][font=Agency FB][indent][size=large][b]Company Name:[/b] [color=#efefef](Name of your company)[/color]
[b]Branch:[/b] [color=#efefef](Your company's field of expertise)[/color]
[b]CEO:[/b] [color=#efefef](Name and Surname)[/color]
[b]Net worth:[/b] [color=#efefef](total worth of your company's assets, in sirian credits)[/color]
[b]Three letter tag:[/b] [color=#efefef](Chose three symbols that will be used to register vessels owned by your company)[/color]

[size=large][b]1. Please describe your company:[/b][/size]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sit amet luctus ipsum. Quisque et congue nisl. Nullam sollicitudin tristique urna, et sagittis purus pulvinar non. Etiam sagittis viverra lectus et volutpat. Cras tincidunt lorem eu mattis luctus. Nullam sed tincidunt sapien. Aliquam quis dolor at sem sollicitudin convallis.

Nulla in lacus eu mauris convallis fermentum id nec augue. Aliquam sagittis blandit lorem id scelerisque. Curabitur semper vel velit vel placerat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam nec mi dapibus, luctus nisl in, tempus sem. Sed eget velit quam. Suspendisse volutpat semper nibh non pretium. Donec id maximus ex. Ut et erat mauris. Aliquam imperdiet eros a imperdiet efficitur. Maecenas tortor dolor, maximus a quam a, eleifend laoreet orci.

[size=large][b]2. What made you decide to join us?[/b][/size]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sit amet luctus ipsum. Quisque et congue nisl. Nullam sollicitudin tristique urna, et sagittis purus pulvinar non. Etiam sagittis viverra lectus et volutpat. Cras tincidunt lorem eu mattis luctus. Nullam sed tincidunt sapien. Aliquam quis dolor at sem sollicitudin convallis.

Nulla in lacus eu mauris convallis fermentum id nec augue. Aliquam sagittis blandit lorem id scelerisque. Curabitur semper vel velit vel placerat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam nec mi dapibus, luctus nisl in, tempus sem. Sed eget velit quam. Suspendisse volutpat semper nibh non pretium. Donec id maximus ex. Ut et erat mauris. Aliquam imperdiet eros a imperdiet efficitur. Maecenas tortor dolor, maximus a quam a, eleifend laoreet orci.

[size=x-large][b]3. OORP section.[/b][/size]

[b]Discord:[/b] [color=#efefef](Your discord username)[/color]
[b]RP Skills:[/b] [color=#efefef](Describe your RP experience, and skills)[/color]

RE: [dK] das Konglomerat - Recruitment - Hermes Express Kurier - 07-20-2020

[Image: limelogo.png]

Company Name: Hermes Express Kurier
Branch: Express Delivery
CEO: Harald Schliewing
Net worth: 238.000.000 Sirian Credits
Three letter tag: HEM

1. Please describe your company:

In 811 Harald Schliewing, a young self-made entrepreneur, founded Hermes Express Delivery as a humble one-man operation based out of Planet New Berlin. Originally only doing deliveries within the borders of Rheinland, as word of our reliability and swiftness spread, the company soon started offering it's service to client's in the neighbouring Houses. It didn't take long before mister Schliewing wasn't able to keep up with demand on his own, causing him to establish a subsidiary branch on Planet Denver, hiring on Thomas Henry Marsh as it's manager. With the two localtions combined Hermes can guarantee speedy delivery to every corner of known space, further expanding it's business opporutnities. Today we can consider multiple pilots a part of our family and enjoy working with a wide variety of clients all over Sirius.

2. What made you decide to join us?

The imperial goverments policies in regards to comerce, especially mining and shipping, are holding back smaller companies attempting to establish themselves amongst harsh competition. This combined with the goverments refusal to acknowledge our rightfully obtained license to operate transport class vessels has made it difficult for us to flourish as a rheinland based business.

3. OORP section.

Discord: elemenope#0982
RP Skills: Still rather new, especially to the forum, but think I'm doing okay.

RE: [dK] das Konglomerat - Recruitment - Wulthus - 07-20-2020


[Image: video-Feed.png]

Sender: Alexander Leuthold Goldhagen
Recipient: Harald Schliewing

Encryption Type: Symmetric Key

Topic: Membership.

Herr Schliewing,

Thank you for your message. The Arbitrage has already finished reviewing your application. On behalf of das Konglomerat, i would like to welcome you, and your company, in our organization.

[Image: limelogo.png]

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Alexander Leuthold Goldhagen,
Das Konglomerat.

RE: [dK] das Konglomerat - Recruitment - Hermes Express Kurier - 07-20-2020


[Image: nose.png]

Sender: Harald Schliewing
Recipient: Alexander Leuthold Goldhagen

Encryption Type: Symmetric Key

Topic: RE: Membership.

Herr Goldhagen,

Thank you for your swift reply. We are thrilled to be accepted as a member of Das Konglomerat and are looking forward to a profitable future.

[Image: limelogo.png]

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Harald Schliewing,
Das Konglomerat.