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hello newplayers - Nymph - 03-22-2009

hi everyone i spent a while in game and thought obout somthing to help newplayers

when you start of a new char you can get money by doing mission but not all of us are are gunhappy and busting to shoutdown some poor happless npc whos just trying to make his way in the world

trade routes

Pennsylvania system
!.Planet Erie to philadelphia station
time to complete: 1min 2 sec
buy Mining Machinery for 220$ at Planet Erie
sell Mining Machinery for 240$ at philadelphia station
unit profit: 20$
max cargo of newplayers ship 20
20 unit profit: 400$

you should stay in the Pennsylvania system untell you have enought money
to buy 20 units of Neon

please try the above route as it is the most profitable route inside the
Pennsylvania system

Don't look below untell you have a full cargo hold of Neon

Pennsylvania system
New York system
!.Planet Erie to Planet Manhattan
time to complete: 3min 39 sec
buy Neon for 119$ at Planet Erie
sell Neon for 269$ at Planet Manhatten
max cargo of newplayers ship 20
20 unit profit: 3000$

okey so i am goina guess that you like my help and are not foolish enought to start shooting at liberty Drednaught
by the way i tryed and got hammered by liberty forces when i i left
not a good idea

don't read below untell you have 20k+plus credits

New York system
colorado system
!.Planet Manhattan to pueblo Station
time to complete 3 min 7 sec
buy robotic components for 199 at Planet Manhattan
sell robotic components for 461 at Pueblo Station
20u's of Cargo profit:5240
unit profit:262

hi i am looking for some to take over my guide
i have been banned for being honest to an admin
i had a mod enabled and thay didn't catch me
i later told them obout it so thay banned me
and it was not enabled when thay banned me

so this Nymphadora logging off for the last time

hello newplayers - Guest - 03-22-2009

Well...You can either do that or sit near Manhattan for say 3 minutes...see a Drednaught cap patrol ready to crash into Manhattan and pew it once. When it crashes, it regestrates it as your hit and will drop the goods upon destruction. Sell the admirals for half a million each and be happy.

Get a rhino or a camara, go mine silver in colorado.

Profit for a full tank is about half a mil or so. Even more with the proper ID IFF and mining lazers.

hello newplayers - Nightmouse - 03-22-2009

' Wrote:Well...You can either do that or sit near Manhattan for say 3 minutes...see a Drednaught cap patrol ready to crash into Manhattan and pew it once. When it crashes, it regestrates it as your hit and will drop the goods upon destruction. Sell the admirals for half a million each and be happy.

Wait, one pew is enough? I always thought you needed to do quite a bid of damage.

hello newplayers - Nymph - 03-23-2009

' Wrote:Well...You can either do that or sit near Manhattan for say 3 minutes...see a Drednaught cap patrol ready to crash into Manhattan and pew it once. When it crashes, it regestrates it as your hit and will drop the goods upon destruction. Sell the admirals for half a million each and be happy.

Get a rhino or a camara, go mine silver in colorado.

Profit for a full tank is about half a mil or so. Even more with the proper ID IFF and mining lazers.

thanks for thi tip but most new players don't even know were colorado is
and folks shooting at liberty protols is bad you want to be classifiad a crimal go ahead

hello newplayers - tazuras - 03-23-2009

Could you re-title this please, it is not a guide to getting started in all matters disco, it is a guide to getting started making money, I find the current title to be somewhat misleading.