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Old Freelancer Player, Giving it a go again. - Printable Version

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Old Freelancer Player, Giving it a go again. - Art3mis - 07-20-2020

Hi All, My name is Nathan, from the UK and i used to pay Freelancer back in the mid 2000's. ive recently gotten into Gaming PC's again and was in a position to build one for streaming. so i decided to download freelancer again.

See you all in Space

RE: Old Freelancer Player, Giving it a go again. - L e o n - 07-20-2020

Welcome back my friend!

If you have any questions you can ask me right away.

RE: Old Freelancer Player, Giving it a go again. - Nepotu - 07-20-2020


RE: Old Freelancer Player, Giving it a go again. - Megaera - 07-20-2020


RE: Old Freelancer Player, Giving it a go again. - Atreides2 - 07-20-2020

Heya amigo, good to see someone from the Old Guard coming back.

If you need anything, drop a message and we can take it from there.

RE: Old Freelancer Player, Giving it a go again. - DeleteMe - 07-21-2020

[Image: 20110920060754%21USI_Logo.png]

Greetings Art3mis ,
Welcome back to the Freelancer universe. I myself am a mid-2000s vanilla player. Discovery is a steep learning curve at first, so ask questions and find people to fly with. Universal Shipping Incorporated [USI] is welcoming to all pilots, new and old. Please feel free to visit us: Until then, have fun and safe flying!

Best Regards,

Bill Wagner
Chief Coordinator
Department of Internal Affairs Office.
Universal Shipping Incorporated

[Image: o4oCNfc.png]
[Image: THsCLuA.png][Image: fnPLZH6.png][Image: 26PSva8.png][Image: RALsZal.png]

RE: Old Freelancer Player, Giving it a go again. - Hubjump - 07-21-2020

That text blur hurts my everything to look at.

Welcome btw.
Bit distracted by USI trying to blind us.

RE: Old Freelancer Player, Giving it a go again. - Typrop - 07-21-2020

yeah hello, sorry USI is deciding to shill for itself right here, right now

RE: Old Freelancer Player, Giving it a go again. - Hemlocke - 07-21-2020

Aside from USI being absolute cancer, welcome back to the game.

RE: Old Freelancer Player, Giving it a go again. - Jayenbee - 07-21-2020

Nathan eh? I remember a particular Nathan from DiscovrryFLUK, could it be the one and the same? :o

Either way, welcome back! Hope you find a place here again.

I do appreciate the Ready Player One reference in your name btw.