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Hello Pilots! - Printable Version

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Hello Pilots! - KiriliusTheSecond - 07-22-2020

Hello everybody,
I'm back on the server after a little break (sounds like every other discovery server player lol).
I only have 1 character but I pimped him out and I'm very proud of it, let me know what you guys think of it/any upgrades:
Damascus.Nova - Freelancer ID
Ship: Eagle
Guns: all with 600 m/s speed
2x Guardians 2.00 rpm
2x Tarzanite 1.50 rpm
2x Malachite 1.50 rpm
1x Reinforced cruise distruptor
1x Nuclear Mine
1x CM

Currently grinding for a light clocking device

Send me a PM or add me on discord Just_Prodiigy#3966
I'm down to play missions, escort contracts, role play and even mine (even though I'm not too sure how it works) Smile

See you all in space!

RE: Hello Pilots! - KiriliusTheSecond - 07-23-2020

Thank you Toaster!
Thank you Bill!

RE: Hello Pilots! - Toaster - 07-23-2020

Well, let me correct that then. Welcome back to the server! I've seen you around Liberty once or twice.

Not sure whether a Reinforced CD is worth using on a fighter instead of a Mosquito or Train. Other than that, I hope you have the aim to make those low-refire weapons work.

RE: Hello Pilots! - DeleteMe - 07-23-2020

[Image: 20110920060754%21USI_Logo.png]

Greetings Kirilius ,
Welcome back to Discovery! We have been monitoring your experience in Sirius and, so far, it seems to be full of ups and downs. Moments of success and moments of frustration. The best thing you can do is find good pilots to learn from to, hopefully, avoid those frustrating times. I really hope that you have found some to assist with learning about life in Sirius. Universal Shipping Incorporated [USI] is always looking for pilots, both experienced and new. We would be happy to assist in your growth and development as a trader in Sirius, and to help you achieve other goals you may have. You can apply here: If you see any of our ships in space, feel free to inquire and we would be happy to help!

Best Regards,

Bill Wagner
Chief Coordinator
Department of Internal Affairs Office
Universal Shipping Incorporated

[Image: o4oCNfc.png]
[Image: THsCLuA.png][Image: fnPLZH6.png][Image: 26PSva8.png][Image: RALsZal.png]

RE: Hello Pilots! - Groshyr - 07-23-2020

[Image: Bill_Wagner.jpeg]


p.s. welcome to community

RE: Hello Pilots! - Shiki - 07-25-2020


RE: Hello Pilots! - Couden - 07-25-2020

Welcome to the Discovery Freelancer

RE: Hello Pilots! - Kalhmera - 07-25-2020


RE: Hello Pilots! - Toga - 07-25-2020


RE: Hello Pilots! - Galaxian - 07-25-2020

Sup. Enjoy your stay!