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The Day we fell to the Light - Printable Version

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The Day we fell to the Light - Leo "Thunderbird" - 07-31-2020

Leeds system, August 16th 826 A.S.
(Leo Serre's memories, ex-sous-lieutenant in the La Division Vipere)

It's been a glorious time. Gallic Royal Navy almost have reached bretonian homeland, ready to deploy a decisive massive attack towards the planet New London and bring us a long-awaited victory. Messages from their strike fleet were timely coming to battlecruiser RNS Grenoble, where we were ready to obey our beloved King's and commanders orders.
La Division Vipere command gave us quiet contradictory orders. The division was one of the numerous division in the grand Royal Navy with unusual goals - demoralize our enemies in every possible way: aggressive propaganda, intimidations, military and civic mass public executions. Simply to say - spreading horror and fear everywhere. And now practically entire Division was confidently moving to the Newcastle system, where we had to find and eliminate BIS arms storage and naval groups dispatched there. RNS Grenoble, Viche and Issoire led by glorious strike battleship Marseille moved around Bretonia-Liberty-Gallia battlefront. I will tell you truly honestly - we'd rather run away in fear if we knew, what exactly awaits us forward.

In fear of the Light...

- Alert all units! We're coming to the jumphole. Everyone take your position and wait for further instructions, - dispatcher's voice sounded from speakers.
I swiftly reminded junior combatants what they have to do and took a place at the terminals near my fellow Valentin Dembele. Despite the early warning, I already knew our huge ships have no choice except jumping in one by one and usually Grenoble was in the fleet's tail, so we had at least 20 minutes to talk a little.
- Hey, Leo, you look so nervous today. Take it easy, we are, faithful servants of His Majesty King Charles, going forward, but your face spoils our forthcoming triumph.
I looked around and replied quietly:
- I am worried about something, friend. Instead of helping our fellows in New London battlegrounds in their decisive action, we are lurking somewhere only demons know where.
- By the way, have you decided what you will do after the victory? I am aware your time is running out of the contract.
- I had an idea to retire and stop somewhere at New Paris's beaches. You know our hot gallic women, man.
- It's weird, I thought you found good one already. You know who I'm talking about.

I stood silent with knowledge of what can happen if I react on his wording lunge. Well, we were right, I was really interested in one person, but her position and social status were far far higher than mine one.

30 minutes later battlecruiser Grenoble dived out from the hyperspace and joined the rest of forces in the Newcastle system. To be correct, somewhere in the nebula surrounded by ice asteroids. I remember, GRI reports mentioned Newcastle had two large water nebulas and we were inside of wrong, so we need few more hours on cruise engines to reach the final destination.
An odd anxiety feeling was filling me as we approached the Darlington - a blue-magenta gas giant, but usually in fights against bretonians I felt myself much calmer. It would seem on an ordinary warehouse. It seemed to me someone watched me, but I couldn't find out where it's coming.
Once we reached Darlington quite close to look on it, commanders gathered us, gave us last instruction. Commodore de Lorraine left the bridge and wished us luck. I couldn't ignore she looked nervous too.
- Delta squadron, you are free to begin operation, - dispatcher sent a signal to start launching and our fighters left the RNS Grenoble.

- We late?! - Delta-3 loudly asked us.
- Someone reached this place before us, - I replied as looking debris field, not from the gas giant. Fighter wings have been moved forward to clear the way until capital ships arrive, but instead of possible bretonian warehouse, we found a graveyard. I think, Armed Forces really could be there, but someone handled them really horribly, - RNS Grenoble, this is Delta One, sous-lieutenant Leo Serre. Bretonians are turned to the memory, I request to abort the mission and get out of here, over.
- Negative, Delta One, keep going heading planned course. Over,
- Grenoble's dispatcher replied.
- Yes, Grenoble, - and switched frequency to contact Delta fighters, - Delta squadron, keep moving.
After deep searching of this place, I reported the way is clear and the main fleet showed up from the nebula.

I barely remember, what happened later. Dozens and thousands of whispers hit my head and that was followed by strong headache and sickness. For a few minutes my head was under a mental attack by something or somebody and I tried to resist it. When I managed to clear my eyes, everything was in fire: Marseille and Grenoble attacked Issoire and swiftly ripped it to the pieces. RNS Viche and its groups retreated back in an attempt to protect themselves. Everything was swallowed by panic and chaos, nobody could figure out who is a friend and who is foe and what the hell was going on! Delta two and Delta four were close, shouted indistinctly, and fired back something similar to...Hell, I don't know are they similar to! Small light crystals evasively fly around and shoot a violet energy beams towards us. And this has arrived - a giant creature couple miles in length appeared above our heads. It was even far bigger than Marseille and similar to huge half-transparent space squid with three big cysts spreading from its center. A creature stood on sight and watched the chaotic battle between us, its minor copies, and indefinite sirian ships.
A small remnant of division managed to get away from the terrifying battle.
- What we gonna do? What we gonna do?!
- What on earth is happening?!
- God, bless us, everyone!

Everyone looks panicked and only two captains survived and gathered the rest of us to fight back the unknown enemy. RNS Marseille, Grenoble, and destroyers Nimes and Kanne are still there with multiple squadrons.

- Extra-6, Extra-8, take a position from the flanks and breach defenses on torpedo flying distance. We have to put out this huge thing. Delta squadron, cover them, - I remember he was a captain on the destroyed Issoire.
Bombers managed to break the blockade and get closer to the light giant creatures, and they deployed dozens of torpedoes in a hope to damage it. While shooting lesser hostiles, I noticed torpedoes were turned back and all bombers have been instantly destroyed. Flashing series pointed all torpedoes hit Marseille and heavily damaged it and that was enough to miss a projectile launched by Grenoble towards me.

[Rebooting basic systems...Checking life support]
[Powercore strength - 63%]
[Warning! Left stabilizer damaged. Emergency repair required]
[Warning! Section 10 is damaged. Emergency repair required]

Tell somebody to rewrite all myths and legends about Heavens if what I see is true. Or wait. It IS NOT Heavens! So what is that?
I regained consciousness and figured out I am still inside of my fighter. Somewhere in nebula, somewhere within cold and hostile space.
- Am I alive? - I asked myself and tried to send signal SOS or contact the remaining Royalists. Radiosilence. Nobody replied. After sending a signal to random directions I realized what happened.
And then I was consumed by despair, sorrow and tears.