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VR-VCS-Nightmare Emergency Beacon Notification - Printable Version

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VR-VCS-Nightmare Emergency Beacon Notification - Switchback - 08-07-2020

...System Online...

Performing Automated System Check...
- Reactor Status: Offline
- Weapons System: Offline
- Primary Communications System: Offline
- Secondary Communications System: Offline

- Pressurization Check: Failed
- Emergency Power Status: 2%, Discharging

...Multiple Conditions Met...Initiating Emergency Communication Beacon...

Inertial Navigation Location: [ERROR] System Offline...Using Last Logged Jump Location: Coronado System
Attempting to send status message: 
- VR-VCS-Metropolis...[ERROR] Network Connection could not be established.
- VR-VCS-Systematic.Chaos....[ERROR] Network Connection could not be established.
- VR-VCS-Black.Cloud...[ERROR] Network Connection could not be established.
- VR-VCS-Silver.Lining...[ERROR] Network Connection could not be established.
Primary Communications Targets failed....
[ERROR] Unexpected software modification detected...
BeaconOS 3.4 Build 275434
Failover system detected. Primary status contacts failed, Assuming condition Downfall.....
Sending Broadcast transmission to all active Vagrant Raiders command communications nodes...
...Waiting 5 minutes....

Sending Broadcast transmission to all active Vagrant Raiders command communications nodes...[Success]
...Waiting 5 minutes...
Sending Broadcast transmission to all active Vagrant Raiders command communications nodes...[Failed]
[ERROR] Power below Minimum levels...Activate System Wipe Subroutine...

...Initiating Full Computer Core Wipe...

[ERROR] Operating System not Found. Attempting Restart...
[ERROR] System Power Critical. Automated Shutdown Initiated...

...System Shutdown in Progress...