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GNS - Confederal leaders speak out - Colony News Service - 08-07-2020

Gallic News Service - 743 AGS Friday, August 7th, 1200 New Paris Time

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Confederal leaders speak out

NEW PARIS - Following the surprise attack launched by the Kusari State against Gallia, the leaders of the Confederation have each released a public statement about the state of war.

President Orianne Castaignède of the Republic condemned the attack on the Duchy and the Minarchy, expressing that such a move in search of justice is a disgrace to the idea of justice. Going as far as stating that ‘concerns over those responsible for the war should have been brought to them directly’; not ‘Lashing out with past grievances’.

The Grand Duke of Burgundy, Valentin Trintignant, has declared his commitment to the total repulsion of the Kusari fleet, saying; “This attack is completely unprovoked, and misguided. The Kusari state should be ashamed of themselves - The forces of the Duchy will crush these invaders and the Kusari vandals will be brought to justice!”

The leaders of the Minarchy also came out to condemn the actions of Kusari. Stating that the attack on their territory is unwarranted and besides the stated goal. One prominent member, Patron Mathéo Dufresne commented with "[swearing] - What did we do?” when asked for his thoughts on the war.

The reaction among the general population of New Paris has been of shock and bewilderment. Many of those interviewed had believed we were past conflicts with Sirius, and many curse the aggression. The most common responses followed themes of colourful patriotic pan-gallic support, while other sizable portions of the population are still worried that La Vieille Garde are being deployed too far from home.

Lionel Balzac, a prominent politician on New Paris, has came out to assure the confederacy that there 'are no plans to withdraw the La Vieille Garde from the front-lines' as they continue to mount a united defence against the Kusari invaders. Going as far to express 'total commitment for the good of Gallia' in his public address. Since the institution of the Confederacy, Lionel Balzac has been seen as one of the guiding voices of Ile-De-France, and his support had reassured many across the sector.

Tags: Gallia, Kusari, War, Republic, La Vieille Garde, Politics, Minarchy, Duchy, Burgundy