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Olivia Sable - Content & Feedback - Toaster - 08-23-2020

Olivia Sable
Major stories and communications as well as a list of contributors to her roleplay, all collected for your reading pleasure. Feel free to leave some feedback!


Sable's Experiences [ongoing]
A collection of snippets from Olivia's life; experiences, encounters, emotions.
Now with chronological links to other stories for a complete reading experience!
Partially retconned.

Act One

Close Encounter
A specter from her past sends Olivia on a mission to Kepler - one that almost costs her her life, if it weren't for an unexpected encounter. [Posts 4 through 26 of Sable's Experiences]

Pitstop on Pittsburgh
A date on Pittsburgh with the Commander of the infamous Xeno Alliance? Olivia's curiosity overcomes her caution with ease.

Running into a pilot who had shot down both herself and her best friend wasn't what Olivia had hoped for during her vacation to Kusari, but perhaps they might get along over drinks nonetheless.

A vigilante investigation into the murder of a friend of Cobra's reunites Olivia with a number of people from her past, including the man whose deeds had haunted her for years.

Waking from the Nightmare
Assembling her former company, Olivia sets out to put an end once and for all to the man whose evils have tormented her for years.

Wrapping Up
Olivia ties up a last loose end before putting Pedro's memories behind her for good.

"I'll Come Back"
A chance at riches overcomes Olivia's apprehension about venturing once more into the Omicrons. A grave mistake. (Title changed.)

Gone & Missing [spin-off]
Worried about Olivia's whereabouts, a retired mercenary and a damaged AI head out into the black to learn the truth of what has become of their friend.

Act Two

See posts below for an explanation of big retcons.

Lunch on the planet of Lost Angels
After a return to Liberty that was far less welcoming than hoped for, a lunch date with an understanding acquaintance and her sister seems like a perfect distraction from Olivia's worries.

Dreamscapes [ongoing]
Of late, the nightmares Olivia believed she had left behind return, haunting what little sleep she can find.

One of Three
Partially retconned. I'll finish this eventually.

Important Communications

Major Contributors

@Tenshi - @Reeves - @Mel Rose - @DarkTails

RE: Olivia Sable - Content & Feedback - James Greed - 11-09-2020

Always a pleasure to interact with.

RE: Olivia Sable - Content & Feedback - Toaster - 06-26-2021

Updated Sable's Experiences with links to other stories where chronologically appropriate to make things a little less of a mess.

RE: Olivia Sable - Content & Feedback - Toaster - 03-30-2022

Decided to make some big changes to Olivia's story out of sheer dissatisfaction with how act two has turned out so far. Forget about the mysterious benefactor, the voice inside her head, the homicidal blackouts, and the definitely-not-Nomad artifact. Miss me with that cringe.

However, I can hardly just retcon the entire past year. So, the Wanted For Murder™ plot remains (I'll figure out a reason why and how soon enough) and so does the Righteous Crusade Against Evil© arc.

As far as in-game and inter-character interactions are concerned, not much should change.

Edit: Woops, also retconned how she survived getting yeeted in the Omicrons. I'll, uh, figure that out, too.

RE: Olivia Sable - Content & Feedback - Toaster - 04-01-2022

Story Retcons
as of 31.03.2022/829 A.S.

The basic premise remains the same. Olivia got crisped by an unknown vessel in Omicron Minor but survived the injuries long enough for someone to pick her up. Who this person or group is remains unknown - Olivia has no memories of what happened between the attack and her coming to on Freeport 11. All she knows is that someone went to quite a bit of trouble to keep her alive. Another debt to be repaid. No mysterious letters left behind for her to read and no mucking about in her head.

Glowy orb of probably alien origin:
I have no idea why some random Rogue fell in love with Olivia, then killed himself, and left a Nomad artifact for her. I also have no idea why I thought it was a good idea to integrate that into her ongoing story. Doesn't matter, that's all gone.

Becoming a wanted criminal:
Now, without an entity in her head occasionally taking control of her body, Olivia's murder of good old Doctor Macintosh on Denver needs a new motive. Well, turns out that - during a checkup concerning the procedures she underwent in the Omicrons - Olivia finds out that Doc Mac has (or had) a dark secret: harvesting organs from abducted children of Denver's destitute for use in his wealthy clients' transplant surgeries. Thoroughly enraged at the cruelty and disregard for Liberty's poor and children (and poor children), she kills Macintosh on the spot.

Escaping Liberty:
This pretty much stays the same. Olivia asks her boy Cobra for help and gets ferried out of Liberty and into Rheinland by a Xeno Alliance freighter before LPI can find and arrest her.

The morally grey yet oddly opinionated merc is finally overwhelmed by her guilt and decides to go on a crusade against anything she deems evil. This is pretty much unchanged with the sole exception that she doesn't have a voice in her head to discuss things with. I may or may not end up re-writing One of Three to reflect the retcons.

I will of course leave the no-longer-canon stories up for anyone's reading pleasure. Some of the posts in Sable's Experiences post-fakeout-death will also remain canon. I'll be going through those and label them accordingly.

Hopefully I won't have to do this again. Cheers.