ISN - Interstellar News - Interstellar Beacon - 09-08-2020
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - Workshop is open for orders |
[827 AS] Workshop is open for orders |
PENNSYLVANIA - The workshop Interstellar Beacon announces itself being opened for the wide public. They offer to order the construction of extraordinary devices for a hyperspace journey, their installation, and maintenance for anyone who is capable to arrange legal transportation to their working place of all required materials to construct them.
Hyperspace scanners, matrixes, jump drives, and even docking modules, which you can possibly need to take small ships in a hangar with you during hyper travel. Everything is offered being manufactured for a price of just 25 million credits per one device. They await communicational messages to take orders.
Besides their main occupation, they also offer a providence of hyperspace coordinates. Interstellar Beacon database is the richest wide of coordinates across all Sirius. Contact them to get their catalog for free. Any coordinates already present in the catalog can be chosen for just 5 million credits. Freshly ordered coordinates of MK2 and MK3 accuracy can be arranged for a price of 30 and 60 million credits. Considering additional heavy fuel requirements for MK3 scanning, the arrangement to provide fuel in case the client chose MK3 is on the client's shoulders.
If you have some unique project offer that can be performed by Interstellar Beacon's engineering team, the workshop administration is opened to look through it.
We await your messages through the communication channel or you can contact us on our page for orders.
RE: ISN - Interstellar News - Interstellar Beacon - 09-12-2020
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - Smart Stationary Sensors |
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - Workshop is open for orders |
[827 AS] Smart Stationary Sensors |
PENNSYLVANIA - The workshop Interstellar Beacon announces developing new semi-intelligent sensors for stations from class "PoB".
Old sensors which are used together with weapon platforms are triggered by very slight explosion or other small spacecraft damage, making hard flight around for ships which were not in hostile targeting lists before. With the new sensory upgrades, weapon platforms would not be triggered by any small damage. They would be better.
Semi intelligent watcher would be tracking damage made by any ship and keeping records by whom and how much it is made to the station so that owners could send bills them for it... or if the attackers continue to make damage, the watcher system will automatically mark those targets as hostile, temporally restricting them docking access and enabling weapon systems to chase them off.
Triggering anti-capital system weapon fire from stations would be in the past! A single CD would only trigger the base shield, temporally blocking station. Any neutral aligned or friendly aligned persons to stations would be no more tried to be killed by friendly fire. Unless they are persistent to cause damage, of course.
When the administration tried to receive permission to build even one weapon platform for field testing, they were denied by Liberty government. Thankfully, they were able to do it using virtual simulations. The question stands about why the government is so adamant to restrict defensive capabilities for civilians. Are they forbidden to protect themselves from terrorists?
As the last information regarding, when would it be available to public release? Administration of interstellar beacon says about already finishing main developments and undergoing calibrating stage. They submitted their application for the copyright to the licensing office 'GM incorporated'. Once it is approved, the distribution of the new upgrade will be started. Any monetary donations would be welcome made to SolarBank.
RE: ISN - Interstellar News - Interstellar Beacon - 09-15-2020
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - Hyper Survey Upgrade |
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - Smart Stationary Sensors |
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - Workshop is open for orders |
[827 AS] Hyper Survey Upgrade |
PENNSYLVANIA - The workshop Interstellar Beacon announces finishing upgrade to hyper survey scanners.
Have you ever tried to use the scanner in dense asteroid field, when your shield is often bombarded by asteroids around? Did you have difficulties using the scanner, because your ship is rotated, which disrupts the precise work of the hyper survey module? The problem is almost in the past!
Engineers from Interstellar Beacon were able to stabilize the work of hyper survey scanners through recalibrating their program. When an upgraded survey is initiated, it will fixate itself in one point of space, and as long as the surveying ship remains within 500 distance from the point where the survey was started, the process will remain to be not disrupted!
Administration said about already getting all necessary licenses and having one hundred approval. Realase of the modifications to public usage will be in a first available time. Donations would be as usually appreciated being sent to address SolarBank.
In the mean time workshop finished constructions of JD3 and JD4 engines for its last customer and currently open to accept new orders for a wider range of devices.
RE: ISN - Interstellar News - Interstellar Beacon - 09-24-2020
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - IB is part of GRG |
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - Hyper Survey Upgrade |
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - Smart Stationary Sensors |
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - Workshop is open for orders |
[827 AS] Interstellar Beacon besomes branch of Genesis Research Group. |
PENNSYLVANIA - The workshop Interstellar Beacon announces about becoming a part of Genesis Research Group, with those shocking development starts his speech representative of workshop administration.
Questions were asked what motivated them to have a loss of independence in the first place? Raul Golden assures that they will still remain working as a workshop, providing hyperspace coordinates and device construction for a very low price to the same clients as before! Their joining of GRG changed nothing in how they operate. Even better, with new access to better technologies, they can construct cloak disruptors as well as opening for themselves new potential in all fields. With a full list of new services, you can become acquainted at their page for orders as usual.
RE: ISN - Interstellar News - Interstellar Beacon - 01-16-2021
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
828 AS - Smart Stationary Sensors Coming Soon |
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - IB is part of GRG |
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - Hyper Survey Upgrade |
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - Smart Stationary Sensors |
![[Image: mZ4l2Xv.png]]( |
827 AS - Workshop is open for orders |
PENNSYLVANIA - The workshop Interstellar Beacon is finishing development of the anounced semi-intelligent sensors for stations from class "PoB".
The main administrator says about product passing all tests and being approved by license-copyright software center for a Sirius wide distribution.
The date for a final release is not certain yet, but it would come inevitably in any next major software update distribution.
Besides that, our journalists were able to get rumors about a second planned development which is closely related to the previous one. We were not able to get a lot of details besides hearing that plans for it were already established and initial approval was already received.