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To: EDA High Command - Printable Version

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To: EDA High Command - bakugone - 09-09-2020

RNS Ange Blanc, Dauphine system
9th September, 743 AGS

[Image: pA2mmcY.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Commandant Aliisa Lemaire, Enclave Defence Authority
Recipient: EDA High Command
Subject: Standing Orders?


I'm going to be short - what are our standing orders?

Transmission End

RE: To: EDA High Command - Groshyr - 09-09-2020

RNS Renaissance, Brittany system
September 9, 743 AGS

[Image: 8R1qipG.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Colonel Antonin de Lusignan, Enclave Defence Authority
Recipient: Commandant Aliisa Lemaire, Enclave Defence Authority
Subject: RE: Standing Orders?

Commandant Lemaire.

Stay with Rocroi and ensure the enemies of Gallia keep dying. Do not engage in hostilities with the Confederation except for self-defence. This is war for Gallia entire, not between politics as it was before. As soon as Kusarian fleet destroyed - leave to Languedoc with remaining forces. Further orders shall be dispatched shortly.

Transmission End

RE: To: EDA High Command - bakugone - 09-09-2020

RNS Ange Blanc, Dauphine system
9th September, 743 AGS

[Image: pA2mmcY.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Commandant Aliisa Lemaire, Enclave Defence Authority
Recipient: EDA High Command
Subject: Orders received

Understood, Ange Blanc is standing by to support any moves against Kusarian Fleets - Rocroi cohort shall stand strong.

Transmission End

RE: To: EDA High Command - Groshyr - 09-16-2020

RNS Renaissance, Brittany system
September 16, 743 AGS

[Image: 8R1qipG.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Colonel Antonin de Lusignan, Enclave Defence Authority
Recipient: Commandant Aliisa Lemaire, Enclave Defence Authority
Subject: Situation Analysys

Commandant Lemaire.

The Command is willing to get a full-scale report about the situation in Dauphine.

Transmission End

RE: To: EDA High Command - bakugone - 09-24-2020

RNS Ange Blanc, Dauphine system
25th September, 743 AGS

[Image: pA2mmcY.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Commandant Aliisa Lemaire, Enclave Defence Authority
Recipient: EDA High Command
Subject: Dauphine report

Colonel Lusignan.

I don't like long talks, so I'm going to give what I have in within two paragraphs, if those will be:

[Image: FDw9bNC.png]

Confederals are pushing Kusarians, it is not easy for them, but they still do it - over the past few weeks, I have seen reports of multiple attempts from both side to attack eachother, so it seems they're both sides are keen on winning. Currently, Kusarian side has taken heavy losses, Battleships: Tsuyama, Kurayoshi has been wrecked by the Defense Force with few battlecruisers being destroyed as well. While Defense Force took very much minimal losses with, earlier they lost the La Ramée and few others ships in first engagements but their sacrafices weren't in vain. Council Battleships, Caladoc and De Grasse gotten moderate damages, De Grasse the most, should the Confederacy betray us - that's our first targets to destroy to break their morale.

Let's move to recent days, shall we? It has been reported to me that Confederal are now massing up for something big - if I have to guess, they're preparing for an assault against Kusarian Forces which are heavily weakened from this prolonged assault, should this be a case, then Gap Station will be soon "liberated" from the Kusarian control and thus, routed from Kingdom's Territory, or well, Enclave territory which traitors took it from us.

Also, Admiral Savatier is sending his regards to High Command.

Transmission End

RE: To: EDA High Command - bakugone - 09-25-2020

RNS Ange Blanc, Languedoc system
25th September, 743 AGS

[Image: pA2mmcY.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Commandant Aliisa Lemaire, Enclave Defence Authority
Recipient: EDA High Command
Subject: Orders


We have reached Languedoc system following the battle against Kusarian fleets - what are our standing orders now?

Transmission End

RE: To: EDA High Command - Groshyr - 09-30-2020

RNS Renaissance, Brittany system
September 30, 743 AGS

[Image: 8R1qipG.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Contre-Amiral Antonin de Lusignan, Enclave Defence Authority
Recipient: Commandant Aliisa Lemaire, Enclave Defence Authority
Subject: Languedoc: September-Octover, 743

Commandant Lemaire.

We all appreciate the effort you made in Dauphine, fighting the enemies of Gallia itself.

At the moment of being – you are outnumbered in Languedoc. The guerrilla warfare against the forces of Kusari within the system is the best choice for now. Make sure their supply lines are suffering from frequent attacks.

Hold the line and wait for reinforcement to come.

Transmission End

RE: To: EDA High Command - bakugone - 10-10-2020

RNS Ange Blanc, Languedoc system
10th October, 743 AGS

[Image: pA2mmcY.png]
[Image: 1ehQxPC.png]

Sender: Commandant Aliisa Lemaire, Enclave Defence Authority
Recipient: EDA High Command
Subject: Languedoc report


Following the leave of Kusarian battlegroups back to Dauphine system, Rocroi and Montmorency with her cohorts has taken positions above Planet Quillan and has been protecting the sector since - currently, its inhabitants don't show any hostile attitudes toward our presence on Planet, yet, I feel we must deploy our security agents onto Planet surface to prevent any rebellion to take place from the population, given the fact that we saved them from possible Kusarian siege makes me think they won't act out on us, however, we must be cautious as always.

I'm awaiting further orders, what is our next step?

Transmission End