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RollCall Bowex 09/827 - Printable Version

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RollCall Bowex 09/827 - Bowex - 09-11-2020

[Image: WQ1WlRB.png]

Border World Exports
RollCall Centre

Greetings, Bowex employees!

This is the Michael Taylor Advisor. Now that we've all recovered from the War against Gallia, we meet at the Scarborough Shipyard Bar, we must get back to business now. First, we need to check our asset list. We have most of the data already available, but now that we have some new faces here, it's time to check everything out.

Please take a few minutes to fill up the following form as soon as possible.

Below is the form, and my information as an example.


[indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][table][tr][td][color=#CC8400][b]Forum Name:[/color][/b]
[color=#CC8400][b]Discord Name:[/color][/b]
[color=#CC8400][b]Pilot Name:[/color][/b]
[color=#CC8400][b]Ship List:[/color][/b]
[indent]Bowex)Ship.Name - Shiptype
Bowex)SHip.Name2 - Shiptype[/indent][/td][/tr][/table][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]



Forum Name: Hopewell
Discord nick: Hopewell#2432
Pilot Name: Karl Lower
Ship List:
Bowex)Donald.Carter - Advanced Train
Bowex)BN-Explorer - Condor
... and many more.


See you later,

Michael Taylor

Director Bowex and of Trade,

RE: RollCall Bowex 09/827 - WolfO9 - 09-11-2020

Forum Name: WolfO9
Discord Name: Happy Sun
Pilot Name: Josh Carteshis
Ship List:
Bowex)Stewart - Stork

RE: RollCall Bowex 09/827 - Drakarys - 09-11-2020

Forum Name: Drakarys
Discord Name: Drakarys#4063
Pilot Name: Fritz Gerald
Ship List:
Bowex)Yakob.Laschish - Heavy Tanker

RE: RollCall Bowex 09/827 - rayne - 09-14-2020

Forum Name: Rayne
Discord Name: Rayne#2331
Pilot Name: Jaine Walker
Ship List:
Bowex)Victoria - Bretonia Train

RE: RollCall Bowex 09/827 - Frederic - 09-14-2020

Forum Name: Frederic
Discord Name: Frederic#2232
Pilot Name: Frederic Amroth
Ship List:
Bowex)Sunlight - Percheron

RE: RollCall Bowex 09/827 - Stuy - 01-26-2021

Forum Name: Stuy
Discord Name:Kionda#9499
Pilot Name: Davi Stuy
Ship List:
Bowex)Stuy - Advanced Train
Bowex)Andromedae - Advanced Train
Bowex)Fitzrovia - Advanced Train
Bowex)Saphira - Advanced Train
Bowex)Soho - Advanced Train
Bowex)Thecity - Advanced Train
Bowex)Whitehall - Advanced Train

RE: RollCall Bowex 09/827 - Machelvanius - 04-06-2021

Forum Name: Machelvanius
Discord Name: Sticken#1448
Pilot Name: Augustus Crane
Ship List:
Bowex)Entropy - Heavy Bretonian Transport
Bowex)A.Crane - Bretonian Train