Norfolk Shipyard
After seven months of deep-space cruise, the DSE vessel Oregon Surveyor has arrived in a previously unexplored Trinary-system and established jump stabilization that have enabled DSE to form a connection to the system via the Supergate they’ve recently constructed in Alaska, where a search is underway for the survivors of the Alberta-Poole Gate Fiasco of last year.
After the resounding failures of the Texas Incident and the more recent PROJECT COLD LAKE, Ageira claims that its faster than light experts have gone back to the drawing board and re-plotted the paths that Jump Gates take between stars. From the limited public explanations that Ageira has allowed in the last year, the company has suggested that the paths do not correlate to linear lines on a map, like we all see in astro-mapping displays. Given this information, it is not surprising, if a little dismaying, that the COLD LAKE fiasco leading to the loss of tens of thousands of Liberty Navy personnel may have put the Fairmont and Whitefield somewhere else.
Astronomy had previously only been able to identify the Stars of the system and the system’s planets, gas giant Midway and rocky Marshall. The System is dominated by its three stars: A pair of close binary main sequence Yellow suns, orbited at far distance] by a Brown dwarf nearly massive enough to enter the main sequence. Planets Marshal and Midway orbit the primary stars, inside the arc swept clean by the Brown Dwarf. Midway, while rich in many lighter elements, and a reasonable candidate for H-Fuel mining, has thrown up test results indicating that its deeper layers seem to contain unnatural elements. Marshall is like many other rocky planets in Sirius, holding on to a thin atmosphere with an inactive nickel-iron geology. Any resources on Marshall can likely be found easier closer to home, while DSE would like to establish a surveying project to analyze Midway’s possible value.
Surveys have also discovered heavy concentrations of minerals in the system’s hot central asteroids, but public release of the contents and potential value of the system has yet to be published. This organization has made multiple requests for comment from the Liberty Navy, DSE, USI and Ageira regarding the redacted survey materials, but has yet to be able to find any credible sources willing to comment.