[PoB] New defensemod(s) - darkwind - 09-15-2020
Karlotta said about wishing new defense mode
which would allow to dock everyone from the same faction/iff and restricting anyone else
I check if anyone needs this new defense mode besides her
Update: made the thing as a friendly faction white list
Addition to defense mods, their new logic:
Quote:1 - Logic: Blacklist > Whitelist > Faction Whitelist > IFF Standing. | Docking Rights: Whitelisted ships only.");
2 - Logic: Blacklist > Whitelist > Faction Whitelist > IFF Standing. | Docking Rights: Anyone with good standing.");
3 - Logic: Blacklist > Whitelist > Faction Whitelist > Hostile | Docking Rights: Whitelisted ships only.");
4 - Logic: Blacklist > Whitelist > Faction Whitelist > Neutral | Docking Rights: Anyone with good standing.");
5 - Logic: Blacklist > Whitelist > Faction Whitelist > Neutral | Docking Rights: Whitelisted ships only.");
How to use:
/aff ship // get <aff ID> - affiliation ID number of your ship IFF (Can be used everywhere)
/aff all // get <aff ID> -Get afflilioan ID numbers for all factions (Can be used everywhere)
/base addfac <aff ID> //add faction to friendly list of pob
/base rmfac <aff ID> //delete faction from friendly list of pob
/base lstfac //show all added factions
/base clearfac //delete all factions from friendly list
Aff ID | Nickname | Name |
21524 | co_vr_grp | Ageira Technologies |
26838 | co_alg_grp | ALG Waste Disposal |
29216 | fc_fa_grp | Farmers Alliance |
49925 | br_p_guardian | - |
45049 | br_n_grp | Bretonia Armed Forces |
55088 | br_n_guardian | Bretonia Armed Forces Guard |
45964 | fc_x_guardian | Auxesia |
57102 | fc_ouk_grp | Bretonia Intelligence Service |
34166 | br_m_grp | BMM |
2626 | gd_bh_grp | Bounty Hunters Guild |
26342 | co_be_grp | Border World Exports |
6691 | fc_brigands_grp | Gallic Brigands |
44322 | fc_b_grp | Bundschuh |
42296 | fc_b_guardian | Coalition |
56711 | fc_kn_grp | Coalition Military |
59773 | ga_sol_grp | The Commonwealth |
61778 | gd_bh_guardian | The Core |
31760 | fc_c_guardian | Corsair Guard |
21689 | fc_c_grp | Corsairs |
10451 | fc_corse_grp | Unione Corse |
45353 | fc_rn_grp | Crayter Republic |
30347 | co_hsp_grp | Cryer Pharmaceuticals |
18174 | co_khc_grp | Daumann Heavy Construction |
59767 | ga_n_grp | Confederal Gallic Defense Forces |
5221 | fc_bd_guardian | Blood Dragon Guard |
43384 | fc_bd_grp | Blood Dragons |
32354 | co_me_grp | Deep Space Engineering |
34570 | ga_efl_grp | EFL Oil & Machinery |
27261 | ga_j_grp | Gallic Royal Enclave |
39209 | li_n_guardian | Unidentified |
48022 | rh_p_guardian | Rheinland Federalists |
4169 | fc_freelancer | Freelancers |
11816 | fc_f_grp | Fugitive |
55219 | fc_g_grp | Gaians |
29218 | fc_admin | The Admins |
65380 | fc_ai_grp | Gammu Artificial Intelligence |
47419 | co_nws_grp | Gateway Shipping |
37663 | fc_gc_grp | Golden Chrysanthemums |
56277 | fc_gc_guardian | Golden Chrysanthemums Guard |
18578 | ga_p_grp | Gallic Gendarmerie |
58161 | gd_gm_grp | Gas Miners Guild |
3811 | gd_gm_guardian | Gas Miners Guild Guard |
27147 | ga_gms_grp | Gallic Metal Service |
12426 | fc_lh_guardian | Lane Hacker Guard |
19485 | fc_lh_grp | Lane Hackers |
22120 | fc_rh_guardian | Red Hessian Guard |
57655 | fc_rh_grp | Red Hessians |
13046 | fc_h_grp | Hogosha |
677 | ga_idf_grp | IDF Shipping |
48542 | gd_im_guardian | IMG (Gallic Occupation) |
51614 | gd_im_grp | Independent Miners Guild |
3142 | co_rs_grp | Imperial Shipping |
14998 | fc_q_grp | Imperial Kusari Navy |
7171 | fc_ln_grp | Liberty Insurgency |
36789 | co_ic_grp | Interspace Commerce |
57826 | fc_j_grp | Junkers |
51565 | co_kt_grp | Kishiro Technologies |
20071 | fc_fa_guardian | Kusari Office of Intelligence |
23638 | rh_m_grp | Kruger Minerals |
65354 | li_lsf_grp | Liberty Security Force |
41274 | fc_lwb_grp | LWB |
25272 | fc_lwb_guardian | LWB Guard |
209 | fc_maquis_grp | The Maquis |
30425 | rh_n_grp | Rheinland Military |
44963 | rh_n_guardian | Rheinland Military Guard |
56195 | fc_m_guardian | Molly Guard |
18535 | fc_m_grp | Mollys |
12331 | fc_j_guardian | Natio Octavarium |
41933 | ku_n_grp | Kusari Naval Forces |
34094 | ku_n_guardian | Kusari Naval Forces Guard |
8778 | li_n_grp | Liberty Navy |
62250 | fc_neutral | Neutral |
25320 | fc_n_grp | Nomads |
53681 | ga_council_grp | Office of Confederal Intelligence |
37788 | fc_or_guardian | Order Guard |
3775 | fc_or_grp | The Order |
30772 | fc_ou_guardian | Outcast Guard |
42810 | fc_ou_grp | Outcasts |
53659 | gd_z_guardian | Outworlder Assembly |
9264 | pf_02_grp | pf_02_grp IFF |
56747 | pf_03_grp | pf_03_grp IFF |
29742 | pf_04_grp | pf_04_grp IFF |
36277 | pf_05_grp | pf_05_grp IFF |
24225 | pf_07_grp | pf_07_grp IFF |
48100 | pf_08_grp | pf_08_grp IFF |
17023 | pf_09_grp | pf_09_grp IFF |
50447 | pf_10_grp | pf_10_grp IFF |
19977 | fc_pirate | Independent Pirates |
56582 | co_ti_grp | Planetform, Inc. |
3612 | br_p_grp | Bretonia Police |
37147 | ku_p_guardian | Kusari Police Guard |
552 | ku_p_grp | Kusari State Police |
36124 | li_p_guardian | Liberty Police Inc. Guard |
33711 | li_p_grp | Liberty Police, Inc. |
55100 | rh_p_grp | Rheinland Police |
52208 | fc_phantom | Bretonian Privateers |
9790 | fc_lr_guardian | Liberty Rogue Guard |
28402 | fc_lr_grp | Liberty Rogues |
6233 | co_shi_grp | Samura Industries |
42 | fc_h_guardian | Liberty Separatists |
49441 | co_os_grp | Orbital Spa and Cruise |
53733 | co_ni_grp | Synth Foods, Inc. |
64822 | fc_u_guardian | Unioner Guard |
47516 | fc_u_grp | Unioners |
15981 | co_ss_grp | Universal Shipping |
12970 | fc_n_guardian | Nomad Vagrants |
22773 | fc_wild | Wild |
36813 | fc_x_grp | Xenos |
2745 | gd_z_grp | Zoners |
The faction which is added to the friendly faction list makes PoB friendly to all ships with the same IFF, and allows to dock.
but it is not allowing to attack base without triggering defenses. Considering my other upgrade it should not be an issue.
The best way to use it, enable /base defensemode 5 and add factions you want for docking.
here what gives /base lstfac command if you made your PoB friendly to freelancers and liberty navy
P.S. player request for approval by admins was sent.
RE: [PoB] New defensemod(s) - Groshyr - 09-15-2020
I need this for 2 POBs I own. This mode would be really useful
RE: [PoB] New defensemod(s) - LaWey - 09-15-2020
This, but same iff+whitelist for docking
RE: [PoB] New defensemod(s) - Kauket - 09-15-2020
I would love it if you could manually select what factions can dock. Same IFF only dock for POBs would be awesome too.
I actually do need this because of big plans :tm:
RE: [PoB] New defensemod(s) - Karlotta - 09-15-2020
Something that would really be useful would be:
1. A defensemode that doesnt shoot based on iff/rep (still those on hostile list tho), but only lets ships friendly to the IFF dock. I dont know if Defensemode 4 was intended like that, but currently it considers everyone "with good standing" who isnt on the hostile list. This would really be useful for making pobs less "area denial".
2. A pob that lets only the faction with the right IFF dock
3. Making it possible to hand-pick what factions get shot at and which can dock (separately). Seems like a lot of work tho.
RE: [PoB] New defensemod(s) - Rantari - 09-15-2020
(09-15-2020, 05:37 PM)Karlotta Wrote: Something that would really be useful would be:
1. A defensemode that doesnt shoot based on iff/rep (still those on hostile list tho), but only lets ships friendly to the IFF dock. I dont know if Defensemode 4 was intended like that, but currently it considers everyone "with good standing" who isnt on the hostile list. This would really be useful for making pobs less "area denial".
2. A pob that lets only the faction with the right IFF dock
3. Making it possible to hand-pick what factions get shot at and which can dock (separately). Seems like a lot of work tho.
Wait what when did you get unbanned.
RIP Disco
RE: [PoB] New defensemod(s) - darkwind - 09-18-2020
Boop. The asked thing is made and awaiting admin approval
RE: [PoB] New defensemod(s) - Karlotta - 11-14-2020
Is this getting implemented any time soon? Would be really useful to differentiate between shooting the worst trouble makers, not shooting the rest, and letting permitted faction IDs dock.
RE: [PoB] New defensemod(s) - Lex~Talionis - 11-14-2020
OK, let's add another, useless and confusieng rule....to the mix! Sounds great to me!
RE: [PoB] New defensemod(s) - Karlotta - 11-14-2020
(11-14-2020, 09:36 PM)Lex~Talionis Wrote: OK, let's add another, useless and confusieng rule....to the mix! Sounds great to me!
You obviously have absolutely no idea what this is about, so why post?
If you want to improve and reduce rules, read and post here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=158145&page=12