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Captaining a Battleship Queries - Orion_Carstein - 09-18-2020

So I have been playing Discovery for a while now and I have just about enough funds to purchase my first battleship/dread naught for my Outcast character. I just wanted to get some advice/tips on what sort of load out to equip it with?

Also the majority of the territory which the Outcasts lay claim to have massive asteroid fields in it and I think that a battleship would really struggle to navigate and move through these. Am I right? How do you get around this?

RE: Captaining a Battleship Queries - Champ - 09-18-2020

I'm no PVP expert, but I understand primaries, secondaries, some (2) pulses, and some (2-4?) heavy weapons like cerberuses, and it usually works out. It's recommended to play around in single player and use the tools there (type help) to figure out what you're comfortable with.

As for asteroid fields, there isn't getting around them, unless they're actually something you can avoid by flying around them. Get used to bouncing off of them, is my understanding.

Hopefully some more people with better cap fighting knowledge will post.

RE: Captaining a Battleship Queries - Lonely_Ghost - 09-18-2020

Well, first you need to decided your primary goal to have a BS.
PvPing or PvEing.

For effective PvE- doing those 5M missions in solo, you'll need something long range, like Mortars/Heavy Mortars. I'd advise you to have mortars, as they are less energy hungry, fast re-fire rate, and in cause one of your projective gona miss the target, it won't be that painful. But you should have 2 of them. 1 wont do the trick.
For missiles- it's kinda tricky stuff. I have to alight one of my ship nearly perpendicular relatively to the plane where NPCs are spamming. Still, it's so f**king sweet to see NPC BS looses nearly all of it's guns and shield, after double Nightmare hit. It's even sweeter, when it's actually a player's ship, but that's doesn't happen that often.

With rest heavies, I'd go with Cerbs, to cower short range target. However, you can use both missiles and mortars, to be 100% PvE oriented ship, and still be able to do something in 1-1 PvP against BS.

9th class leave heavy faction turrets. For PvE, 2 Mortarts (Not heavy) should do best. Pulses won't be needed for tactic to solo 5M mission.

Basics-go for basics but leave 2/3 for flack turrets, to counter missiles and torpedoes.

Regarding PvP... Well, try yourself. I prefer RP+PvE part of Discovery Freelancer. PvP is not rewarding, imo. I don't feel I want to invest time in learning how to pew. There are other games with much more rewarding PvP than here.

RE: Captaining a Battleship Queries - Arcana - 09-18-2020

You should consider for will be used first as there is no perfect loadout. As for the asteroids -> with dreadnought is a bit hard to navigate, easier with battleship, more easier will battcruiser and lower class. Some caps go 2 pulses 2 primaries, 2 cerbs, 2 heavy mortars. Some go full 4 Hellbores and full primaries. You better try in single player as Champ said to see what will suit you most. ^^


Single player commands -->
rep = 1 -> all factions get green
cash 99999999999999 -> ya know (billionaireX999999)
base (name of the base to jump in) is the fastest way to check them all

RE: Captaining a Battleship Queries - Orion_Carstein - 09-19-2020

Thank you all for the advice and tips!