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TO Lords of Admiralty: Disposition of HMS Dragoon - Printable Version

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TO Lords of Admiralty: Disposition of HMS Dragoon - Sebastian Nobles-Stirling - 09-20-2020

Classification: Most Secret

[Image: V10xmHo.png]
Bretonia Armed Forces

From: Commander Nobles-Stirling, Commanding Officer HMS Dragoon
To: Lords of Admiralty

Subj: Disposition of HMS Dragoon

Attachment: CNS - Admiralty to End Privateering

1. My Lords, the attached document being a general distribution, I am presuming that myself, and my crew, will be in receipt of new orders at some point in the near future. Since we are a liaison to the Privateers, and are part of Her Imperial Majesty's Armed Forces, it is my expectation that we will cease all asymmetric warfare operations covered by membership in the Privateers and return to routine service.

2. HMS Dragoon is a cloak-enabled Junker Wrecker class vessel acquired during the early stages of the conflict with the Gauls by using an Armed Forces black account for the purpose of conducting deniable deep raids. As such, she holds a formal commission, and is currently on the Classified List of Battle.

3. Research has shown that current policy does not permit Junker vessels in any of the formal Branches of Service. The Privateers effectively being contractors, and my command operating "in the ranks", our flying a Junker craft has not been a violation of this policy. That said, Dragoon is now rather caught in a crack between conflicting policies.

4. All of this being the case, please advise as to the disposition of HMS Dragoon.


CDR Nobles-Stirling
CO, HMS Dragoon

Classification: Most Secret

RE: TO Lords of Admiralty: Disposition of HMS Dragoon - Sebastian Nobles-Stirling - 02-02-2021

HMS Dragoon - Commanding Officer's Private Log
Location: Edinburgh system - Providence Station

I find myself in a peculiar situation. We still get inbound traffic through the military network, but anything I send out either vanishes or is returned, account unknown. It would seem that Bureau of Personnel has decided that I am no longer in the Navy, but the Communication network still lists HMS Dragoon in a number of distribution lists.

Dragoon is currently moored at the old Privateer base. Unfortunately, with the Privateers disbanded, the base is being taken over by garden variety pirates. They leave us alone, and some of them are former contacts. I say former because they don't have any interest in us since they know that we no longer have funding for their information.

We've mostly been staying moored, but supplies are a bit of problem. With the Cloak still in good order, we've made a couple of hops over to Tau-29 without running into problems. Freeport 6 doesn't want anything to do with our situation, but they have no problem with our money; just another anonymous customer. Money may become a problem in the future, since, regardless of the four months ongoing SNAFU with the BAF, I am still a loyal officer, and refuse to support pirates in their activities.