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Swarm Missile Pod or Nova AM Cannon? - Printable Version

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Swarm Missile Pod or Nova AM Cannon? - BestFlyerHere - 10-31-2006

Hey all. I was wondering what is better??? Swarm Missile or Nova AM Cannon for killing fighters. @Admins is there a way to make the Swarm Missile Pod fire like 3 or 4 missiles??? I always kinda thought they were supposed to swarm around ppl. Thx.

Swarm Missile Pod or Nova AM Cannon? - marauder - 10-31-2006

The swarm missile pod's refire rate was reduced to stop it causing lag, as for which is best buy them and see.

Swarm Missile Pod or Nova AM Cannon? - Qunitinius~Verginix - 10-31-2006

Well the swarm missle fires like a missles and the AMC fires like a regular gun. the missle pd pod does damage over time but the nova, u hit a fighter and they lose their sheilds or they die. It depens on perference

Swarm Missile Pod or Nova AM Cannon? - BestFlyerHere - 10-31-2006

k thx i already have the swarm pod, just wonderun should i switch.

Swarm Missile Pod or Nova AM Cannon? - Qunitinius~Verginix - 10-31-2006

Well the AMC cost about 7 mil, so unless u wanna spend that much, dont.

Swarm Missile Pod or Nova AM Cannon? - Vic - 11-03-2006

I use AMC on fighters, get their shield out and then fire the AMC, It's a one hit killing most of the time...*