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Avenger Guardian - David Petraeus - 03-25-2009

BRD-845 Avenger
Armament: Four Class 10 Guns, One Class 9 Gun, 1 Class 5 Turret
Hull: 13,200 - 33,000 with MK 8 Armor
B/B: 72/72
Turning Speed: 1.1200

[b]BRD-804 Guardian
Armament: Four Class 10 Guns, One Class 9 Gun, 1 Class 5 Turret
Hull: 11,000 - 27,500 with MK 8 Armor
B/B: 68/68
Turning Speed: 1.1750

As you can see, the Guardian turns a bit faster than the Avenger, in addition to not having the backwards Wing.
The Avenger has 2,200 extra hull or 5,500 extra hull with Armor.
However a notable flaw in the Avenger is that it has the Backwards wing, the wing somewhat enlarges its hitbox, and a fair number of Liberty Pirate fighters are highly-manuverable... Leading anyone who wants to have a fighting chance go for the Guardian.

Thus the Avenger is mostly left out, its advantages over the Guardian do not fulfill the dis-advantages... And going off the infocard, the Guardian is cheaper and easier to produce and a bit all around better.

my idea was to change the Avenger into what modern day Air Force's would call it a "Superiority Fighter"

An air superiority fighter is a type of fighter aircraft intended to enter and seize control of enemy airspace. Air superiority fighters are usually more expensive and procured in lesser numbers than multi-role fighters.

The old Avenger infocard also stated it was to be 'maneuverable'.

I'm proposing we do one of the following with the Avenger.

Make it a semi-large(Like it is now) maneuverable fighter, that would feature a bit less mass and near Wrath-Switchblade turning speeds.

The Avenger would be able to function as a large'ish but maneuverable ship that would be able to gun-down enemy fighters with its maneuverability, in a manner similar to that of the Nomad Light Fighter, kinda-large but maneuverable. It might however loose out a bit in large-scale group fights.

We go down the road the Avenger is now, take off the turret and add an extra gun somewhere.
Increase its capacity to 12800 and its regeneration rate to 1340. Increase its armor to some 13,500-14,500.
Or we can keep the turret and add the gun still.

The Avenger would mainly concentrate on firepower and out-classing the enemy to win.

Make it into an Interceptor, the power and hull would stay the same so would the weaponry, the turning speed increased some like PLAN A. IF POSSIBLE give it an increased thruster-powerplant from other ships, decrease its time to Cruise by some, and increase its thruster speed in a manner similar to the Camera Ship, although not as fast.

The increased speed from the thruster improvements would allow the Avenger to quickly deliver strikes and have increased evasion skills.

Feel free to provide feedback, and even voice opinions and ideas of your own.

Avenger Guardian - gekerd - 03-25-2009

With plan C would you lower it's number of guns (make it 3 or 2 even to make up for the increased trusterspeed?) Plan B is the way to go I think, or make some codename LVL 5 turrets)

Avenger Guardian - SevereTrinity - 03-25-2009

Avenger has more powerplant to sustain guns, as well as the more armour, and the turning really isn't that different.

I've seen people win fights in avengers that I know the would have lost in a Guardian. Basically, I think if we were going to make any changes, Titan powerplant, and 500-1000 more armour for the same turning would be the way to go.

Plan A is kinda covered by the Executioner, fast, smaller firepower, better dodging.

Avenger Guardian - JakeSG - 03-25-2009

Also, the upper wing gives it style.

Avenger Guardian - VincentFerrex - 03-25-2009

Meh, it's all in the pilot. I've been using an Avenger ever since I joined the [LN], and I'm known for being good in it.:P

All in the pilot, really.

"Leading anyone who wants to have a fighting chance go for the Guardian."


Avenger Guardian - mjolnir - 03-26-2009

In my mind LSF mission requires you to get somewhere and kill someone there rather fast.

So avenger should be good in 1vs1, but not so good in bigger fights.

Hence why more armor and firepower and less agility.

It currently has 12700/1240 powercore, eventually it could get Titan powercore as Ross said yes. But I'm not entirely sure about it. As the agility difference between Guardian and Avenger is not really that big. With nuke insta-kills gone the armor should also come much more into play.

And last but not least: IMO LN should only use the Guardian and LSF should only use the Avenger.

I'd give it some time and see how it does now. I'm kind of expecting that the "tanks" (VHFs with slower turning and more armor = Templar, Titan, Avenger, Nephthys, Werewolf) would do much better in 4.85, our tests have basically shown this. So I'd let some time to see how players adapt to these changes and what comes out.

Avenger Guardian - teschy - 03-26-2009

Well, the Liberty authorities are sharing their ships, no need to factionalize each them. You'll just end up with Police Liberators, Navy Guardians and LSF Avengers. No need for that.

As for the Avenger, for its size, it should be roughly as armoured/powered as the Nephthys.

Avenger Guardian - Turkish - 03-26-2009

' Wrote:And last but not least: IMO LN should only use the Guardian and LSF should only use the Avenger.

I'm in agreement.

The LSF are a covert and classified agency of the Liberty Government, they hold bases in Alaska and Ellesmere, and operate surrounded by nomads.

I don't understand why they would be sharing equipment with the Navy, whats currently in mass service would likely be outdated in comparison to what is available to them on the small scale.

Avenger Guardian - teschy - 03-26-2009

Well, judging from your post, Turkish, the current LSF faction are not exactly so-oh covert and classified. Their current roleplay is more or less the same as the navy roleplay, except for the occasional venturing into the Omicrons (which, according to the ID, the navy can do, as well).

If the LSF wants the Avengers, well, they should also keep a low profile. There's a reason why there weren't any LSF NPCS in vanilla Freelancer. Think about it, perhaps the LSF needs some reforms.

Avenger Guardian - kingvaillant - 03-26-2009

' Wrote:Well, judging from your post, Turkish, the current LSF faction are not exactly so-oh covert and classified. Their current roleplay is more or less the same as the navy roleplay, except for the occasional venturing into the Omicrons (which, according to the ID, the navy can do, as well).

If the LSF wants the Avengers, well, they should also keep a low profile. There's a reason why there weren't any LSF NPCS in vanilla Freelancer. Think about it, perhaps the LSF needs some reforms.

We have tried to do those reforms more than once... At least three times... Problem is, It is easier to say than to do. But now that we have our bases and stuff, Part of the Activity will be moved elsewhere... Just wish the order will be more active within alaska now.