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[System] Uncharted II Sigma 13 JH issue - Printable Version

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[System] Uncharted II Sigma 13 JH issue - AngelofMercy - 10-12-2020

Bug: Cannot dock at the Sigma13 JH in Uncharted II with a Zoner ID and Whale

I was in formation with another 5k transport, namely a Kusari train. He could dock at the JH, while me with Zoner ID and Whale could not. No message popped up. I just could not dock.
Is it possible, the JH uses some coding that prevents Zoners with Whales to dock within house sovereign space?

RE: [System] Uncharted II Sigma 13 JH issue - Squad - 10-12-2020

Leftover from previous event. Removed from the system.