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Rheinland Corporate Crimes - bluntpencil2001 - 03-26-2009

Ladies and gentleman concerned,

You may have heard of me, you may not. My name is Sir Andrew Stuart, Admiral of the Bretonian Armed Forces Interdictors. This regards both of our nations.

As we both well know, the economy of Planet Nuremberg is strongly based on the production and export of military hardware by Daumann Construction. This is all very well and good, someone has to provide us with tools to kill each other after all, I suppose.

What is disturbing, however, is something I came across recently. I had attended a demonstration of our new atmospheric forces on Planet Leeds, in their new Daumann Thunderpanthers, your latest hovertanks, imported from the Munich system. These were, I must admit, exemplary pieces of work.

The problem, though, lay in some findings I made whilst commerce raiding in Kyushu recently. My gunboat, the Queen's Ransom, was able to destroy a Samura vessel carrying supplies to the Kusari Naval Forces on the Leeds Front.

Inside that vessel were, surprisingly, Daumann Thunderpanther Hovertanks.

This leads me to the very sad conclusion that some people, likely in Daumann, are profiteering off of a war which has cost many thousands of lives.

Now, I know that Bretonia also trades with your foes in Liberty, but we do not export military equipment to Liberty (or Rheinland, whom we trade goods with). This, in Daumann's case, is, perhaps inadvertantly, a horrific example of the exploitation of war and human suffering.

Our nation has been illegally invaded, we desperately need hardware to defend her as decisively as possible, our enemy needs the same in order to achieve a quick victory. Someone is supplying both sides, drawing out this conflict at the cost of human life.

Why would anyone want to do this?

I expect a resolution to this most troubling matter, and should be able to answer any questions posed. We are willing and able to offer assistance in dealing with anything.

-Sir Andrew Stuart, representing the people of Bretonia

Rheinland Corporate Crimes - Seth Karlo - 03-26-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: CEO of RepEx Shipping: Sawyer Kreth]


I assure you that no RepEx vessel would profit off of a war that has claimed thousands of lives. I will talk to my Daumann counterparts, and we can discuss how this came about.

Again, no RepEx vessel has delivered ThunderPanthers to the Kusarian empire.

Saywer Kreth.

[Transmission ends]

Rheinland Corporate Crimes - bluntpencil2001 - 03-26-2009

' Wrote:[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: CEO of RepEx Shipping: Sawyer Kreth]


I assure you that no RepEx vessel would profit off of a war that has claimed thousands of lives. I will talk to my Daumann counterparts, and we can discuss how this came about.

Again, no RepEx vessel has delivered ThunderPanthers to the Kusarian empire.

Saywer Kreth.

[Transmission ends]

Dear Mister Kreth,

Much appreciated, much appreciated. The problem however lies in that Rheinland allows Daumann-made vehicles to enter Kusari.

Should you wish to supply us, Leeds sells Super Alloys, which are purchased at Planet Nuremberg. The aforementioned Military Vehicles can be purchased there and taken back to Planet Leeds.

Thanks again,

Sir Andrew

Rheinland Corporate Crimes - mwerte - 03-26-2009

Initiate Transmission

From: Michael Richter
To: Bretonian "Admiral" Stuart

Sir, while it is true we can and do deliver Daumann ThunderPanthers to Leeds and other Bretonian stations. We also cannot be held responsible for those who somehow hack our systems and try to fly under our guize, and we cannot be responsible for other corporation's actions.

Also, we will not be threatened by paramilitary forces, esp those who tend to operate far from friendly bases.

Michael Richter
5000 Republican Shipping Blvd.
Republican Shipping Headquarters
Planet Hamburg
Chief Shipping Executive

Transmission Terminated

Rheinland Corporate Crimes - bluntpencil2001 - 03-26-2009

' Wrote:Initiate Transmission

From: Michael Richter
To: Bretonian "Admiral" Stuart

Sir, while it is true we can and do deliver Daumann ThunderPanthers to Leeds and other Bretonian stations. We also cannot be held responsible for those who somehow hack our systems and try to fly under our guize, and we cannot be responsible for other corporation's actions.

Also, we will not be threatened by paramilitary forces, esp those who tend to operate far from friendly bases.

Michael Richter
5000 Republican Shipping Blvd.
Republican Shipping Headquarters
Planet Hamburg
Chief Shipping Executive

Transmission Terminated

Mister Richter,

Perhaps you would be so kind as to inform me who loaded 995 Thunderpanthers aboard a Samura vessel, then? I doubt this is the sort of thing that the efficient citizens of Nuremberg would miss.

Your pal,


Rheinland Corporate Crimes - Tomtomrawr - 03-26-2009

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: 2nd Inspekteur Der Polizei Frederick Belz of the Rheinland Federal Police
RE: Thunderpanther equipment

Message Reads:

Admiral Stuart, I can say with relative certainty that we have not been supplying Kusari with equipment to aid them in invading your homeland, however I do not know the full extent of Republican and Daumann shipping deals. Police patrols have not reported a single box of Thunderpanthers heading in the direction of Kusari, although i'm ready to admit that is not a fool proof method. Perhaps it is not Daumann, but i'm sure i've read one or two reports about missing shipments of Thunderpanthers. Most likely pirates stealing them and shipping them to Kusari for a profit, thus both of our nations are affected. Kusari is using the Hovertanks against you, and the pirates are recieving funds to use against us.

Hopefully this matter will be solved soon.

Message Ending
Transmission Ending

Rheinland Corporate Crimes - torchwood - 03-26-2009

:incoming transmission:
Comm ID: 1st Inspekteur Der Polizei Viktor Heinz

i Assure you, this has nothing to do with us, we will be inspecting the Dauman facilities and there transport paths shortly. It is Likely a small group of Rebels inside Dauman, we are sorry for this miss understainding, and i assure you, if this is a purpousful error, there will be consiquences.

[i]Viktor Heinz

Rheinland Corporate Crimes - Tomtomrawr - 03-27-2009

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: 2nd Inspekteur Der Polizei Frederick Belz of the Rheinland Federal Police
RE: Thunderpanther Hovertanks

Message Reads:

Admiral, after an investigation into the matter we have found some results. Several Daumann employees stationed on Oder have confessed to being bribed by a Kusarian politician to transport ThunderPanthers to Kusari. This politician believes that the war with Bretonia must be won by any means, but the rest of the Kusari Government disagrees. He has bribed several Daumann employees to supply Hovertanks to him, in exchange for large amounts of credits. The rest of the workers have sealed themselves in Oder, and are claiming they will guard the deal with their lives, seems alot of credits are involved. Viktor and I will be leading a strike force onto Oder to stop them with non-lethal force.

Message Ending
Transmission Ending

Rheinland Corporate Crimes - torchwood - 03-27-2009

:incoming Transmission:
Comm ID: Viktor Heinz

We have solved the Crisis, we have found the men you are looking for. we did it in one, quick raid on Oder.
[Image: 2ivy26p.jpg]
[Image: wkph5l.jpg]

The men you Want will be in New Berlins high security prison, if you wish to send an armored transport to collect them. we are sorry for this inconveniance, we will be keeping a much closer eye on Dauman, we hope this has not ruined our relations.

:transmission Ends:

Rheinland Corporate Crimes - Tomtomrawr - 03-27-2009

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: 2nd Inspekteur Der Polizei Frederick Belz of the Rheinland Federal Police
RE: Thunderpanther Hovertanks

Message Reads:

The mission, as Viktor has said, was a success. We successfully gathered them all up and are held in the Planet New Berlin High Security Lock-up, although you will have to come to New Berlin to question them. After all, they are still Rheinlanders.
I was hit in the arm, seems they were bargained with by ALOT of credits. Hopefully this will improve our relations, and leave the relations with Daumann and Kusari untouched.

Message Ending
Transmission Ending