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Zoner Guard Tag suddenly disappeared - Printable Version

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Zoner Guard Tag suddenly disappeared - DarthCurl - 03-26-2009


Since 3 days I've tried to increase my Zoner Gaurd reputation. Finally today I managed it. After I shot some gmg (to lower my zoner rep) I got the Zoner Guard Tag. Then I shot some corsairs & outcasts to fix my gmg rep. Suddenly my Guard Tag vanished and now I have the LWB Tag again. Someone tell me what happend? I slowly becoming insane ... hopefully the /droprep command will come back soon.


Zoner Guard Tag suddenly disappeared - Crassus - 03-26-2009

Looks like shooting Corsairs has caused you to get the LWB tag as they are enemies, you should drop the LWB tag and take it from there but I think after you got the Zoner Guard tag you should have got a GMG bribe instead of shooting Corsairs and Outcasts.

Zoner Guard Tag suddenly disappeared - DarthCurl - 03-26-2009

thing is I already had the Guard Tag, why did it disappear?
I'll try it once