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Notice of Illegal Action - Antifragile - Printable Version

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Notice of Illegal Action - Antifragile - Crayter Republic - 11-02-2020

[Image: UuJsIzJ.png]

This is a general notice to the pilot of Antifragile of the Crayter Republic's decision to label the ship in question as a hostile entity and bar entry to Crayter space for violation of the following clause of the Treaty of Curacao:

Future access to Crayter space, as well as docking clearances on any Crayter station or Crayter Military warship is hereby prohibited, and hostile action will be made should your ship attempt to breach this.

This can be rectified by submitting a three million fine as per Article 3 Clause 5 of the Treaty of Curacao to the governments of Crayter, Liberty, and Bretonia. In addition, the vessel in question will be prohibited from entering Crayter space for a minimum of two months, at which point the accused will be authorized to submit one application for prohibition removal per month until accepted or considered permanently banned from Crayter space. Further hostile action will result in a longer period of time before an application can be submitted.

Parliament of the Crayter Republic
Crayter Republic

RE: Notice of Illegal Action - Antifragile - Mel Rose - 11-03-2020

[Image: Haze2.png]
From: Jennifer Haze
To: Parliament of the Crayter Republic
Source: Fontana Freeport, California
Subject: Re: Notice of Illegal Action

Your claim of an "unwarranted attack" is very amusing indeed. It was perfectly warranted, firstly you wanted to shoot a couple of Freelancers who did you nothing wrong and secondly, your own ships were on a bounty board.

We might negotiate next time for a price to be left alone, because your ships are not worth that much in the grand scheme of things. That is, of course, if you choose to put your ego in your pocket and make the right decision not to be blown up.

Yours truly,
Jennifer Haze